
Showing posts from June, 2013

BlobTrigger in Azure WebJobs does not get triggered on files added after the WebJob is started -

The following problem occurs when the blue operation sample runs from blue-jaboose-sdk-samples (1.0.0-rc1) (). Bobbrigger runs fine when WebJava starts: started the work host: 'Functions. Blobbankformquois 'because new' Qi Messages 'have been detected on individuals Execution:' Functions. Blob twob 'because new drops were detected: Input / Blob operation. Txt executed: 'Functions. BlobTrigger 'because the new drop has been found: Output / Blob Operation. Txt but "Input" (or "output") adds some new files to the container after waiting for more than 10 minutes . When I restart Webb, I uploaded the uploaded files public static zero blockbobbob ([blobstritter "input / {name}")] text reader input, [blob (" Output / {Name} ") String Out (Output) {output = input.ReadToEnd (); } Samples are using the latest version of the Azure Webjobs SDK: & lt; Packages & gt; & Lt; Package id = "

java - Provide a List of values as search Criteria in Hibernate Search -

I have applied the hibernate search and it works fine. So if I say that I want to get all the employees, I use the following code Questionbilder qb = Full Text Integration Manager .getSearchFactory () .buildQueryBuilder (). ForEntity (employee class) .get (); query = qb.keyword (). onFields ("name") .mailing ("Captain"). createQuery (); // Javax.preistence.Query javax.preistence.Query persistenceQuery = fullTextEntityManager .createFullTextQuery (query, Employee class) Wrap the Lusen query; // Execute search list & amp; Staff; & Gt; Results = StabilityActral (); System.out.println ("Number of jobs:" + results); My question is whether I want to give a list of values ​​as search criteria, then Hibernate Search provides any way to do this. For example, if I want to get an employee from a table whose names are similar to the following list [Abhi, Juhi, Zone, Paul, James] To search for many possible words

localization - Setting region based Local in android -

I want to specify different values ​​for Arabic language in different areas. I have the following values ​​folders in the reserve directory: res / values ​​res / vaues-ar res / values-ar-rsa Depending on the selected area, I am trying to set up local like this: locale locale = new locale ("AR-SA"); Locale.setDefault (location); Configuration config = new configuration (); Config.locale = locale; GetBaseContext (). GetResources () Update Configuration (config, getBaseContext). GetResources () GetDisplayMetrics ()); But it always loads values ​​from the res / values-ar folder. Okay I thought it. To set up a field based locale, I need to use a different constructor. Just changed this line locale locale = new locale ("AR-SA"); this locale locale = new locale ("AR", "SA"); // (language, country)

javascript - Load data into a Knockout component via AJAX call -

I request that when partial view and user control is loaded with ASP.NET with some data. After looking at the knockout components, I tried to know how to do something similar to the documentation, but could not understand it. Can someone help me, load a knockout component based on a table filled data, and the clicked line? & lt; Data-bind = "foreach: unapproved notes" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; a href = "#" data-bind = "click: fetch note (id))" & gt; Get this record & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; & Lt; div id = "note-preview-template" & gt; & Lt; Customer-Information Parameters = "???" & Gt; & Lt; / Client-Notification & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ko.components.register ('client-information', {viewModel: function (params) {var self = this; self.someProperty = params.}}, template: {element:

javascript - Slow performance if a character present after $ in regex -

var longstr = नए अर्रे (30000)। शामिल करें ("a"); longstr.replace (/ (। *?) \ s * $ d /, "$ 1"); मेरे पास स्ट्रिंग के अंत में मौजूद सफेद स्थान को ट्रिम करने के लिए ऊपर कोड है। ऊपर दिए गए कोड को निष्पादित करने के लिए बहुत समय लगता है (~ 3sec), वर्ण "d" जो $ प्रतीक के बाद है, इस बाधा का कारण है, "d" को हटाने से समस्या हल होती है। मुझे ज़रूरत है यह जानने के लिए कि क्या एक प्रतीक $ प्रतीक के बाद मौजूद है, तो क्या होता है। यह कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता जो मौजूद है क्योंकि $ (बचने वाला शाब्दिक डॉलर नहीं) के बाद, क्योंकि यह लाइन के अंत का प्रतीक है और कुछ नहीं हो सकता है बाद लाइन समाप्त हो जाती है।

Combine single and multidimensional array using php -

I have 2 arrays and I have both arrays.If match to array 1 array 2 , then I would like to keep 0 for that element. array 1 $ weeks array = array ("P1", "P2", "P3", "P4"); Array ("P1", "123"), "1" => Array ("p1", "123"); array ("p2"); array 2 array2 $ dailyArr = array ("0" => , "125"), "2" => array ("P4", "126")); After joining, I would like to be like the last array $ finalArr = array ("0" => array ("p1", "Array (" p3 "," 0 ")," 3 "=> array (" p4 ", 123"), "1" => array ("P2", "125"), "2 "= & Gt;" 126 ")); So I would like to include p3 in the final code. Any indication / suggestions are very welcome Thanks in advance. I do not know the shortest way to go there, bu

immutability - How to make the return immutable in JAVA -

मेरे पास एक वस्तु है जैसे सार्वजनिक वर्ग एबीसी {निजी स्ट्रिंग ए; निजी स्ट्रिंग बी; निजी स्ट्रिंग सी; // getters और setters} इस ऑब्जेक्ट को संग्रह में एक विधि से लौटा दिया गया है जैसे कि ArrayList & lt; ABC & gt; । मैं बस वस्तु में कुछ भी बदले बिना अपरिवर्तनीय वापसी करना चाहते हैं क्या कोई भी इस के साथ मेरी मदद कर सकता है? वस्तुएं हमेशा अपनी कक्षाओं द्वारा परिभाषित सभी क्षमताओं की पेशकश करती हैं। इसलिए, यदि आप एक अपरिवर्तनीय वस्तु चाहते हैं तो आपको एक अपरिवर्तनीय वर्ग की आवश्यकता है। यदि आप प्रश्न में वर्ग को नहीं बदल सकते हैं, तो आवरण वर्ग जैसे कि @ डफिमो वर्णित उस उद्देश्य को पूरा कर सकता है। ध्यान दें, हालांकि, इस तरह के वर्ग की वस्तुओं को लिपटे हुए वर्ग के ऑब्जेक्ट्स के साथ परस्पर विनिमय करना नहीं होता है, और यह भी कि किसी भी तरह आप को रैपर लागू करने की आवश्यकता होती है। यदि आपको आवश्यकता है वर्ग एबीसी की वस्तुओं के साथ पूरी तरह से विनिमेय वस्तुएं हैं, तो आप इस तथ्य से चिपक रहे हैं कि एबीसी अस्थिर है, इसलिए एबीसी के साथ परस्पर विनिमय करने योग्य कुछ

git - How to know submodules in a branch without checking it out -

Is there any programmatic way to know which exists in a non-check-out commitment? Basically, I used the git submodule status & lt; commit & gt; (sadly that the option does not exist, at least wants to be able to I can think two options; None of them looks beautiful: git submodule summary -n 1 commit ; Then parse the output and remove the differences in the submodules with the git submodule status Get the contents of the file ".gitmodules" on that particular commit , And then parse it Any simple solution? should do some work like this: git ls- Tree -r & lt; Commit & gt; | However, it only tells you where the subdue is connected and should be aware of this commitment. If you want to get the URL or other information, then you will probably have to parse the .gitmodules file with that promise, as you have mentioned.

c - Storing the lowest level bits and returning a char -

I am working on assignments that decode hidden messages stored in a ppm format picture. The first thing I need to do is the length of the message, which is hidden in a byte spread over 8 data bytes before the picture. After I have this, my argument is to make a method where I have a loop that changes bits 7 spots, first records one, and when there are 8 bits, then returning four representing them . So right now I am trying to understand how it will work. I was trying to get the value for the length of the hidden message I have tried to manually see how the behavior of all the bits happened. fgets (str, 64, fp); Four lengths [7]; Length [0] = str [7]; Length [1] = str [15]; Length [2] = str [23]; Length [3] = str [31]; Length [4] = str [39]; Length [5] = str [47]; Length [6] = str [55]; Length [7] = str [63]; printf (length); So when the minimum level of length 8 bytes is hidden in bit i fgets (str, 64, fp); And then every 8th value is stored in an array. It gives "enpm0d

PHP - Button to delete Item from MySQL -

I'm coding some video upload script and I'm just from the admin panel. There is a list with all my videos there. And on the right side of each video there is a Delete button when I click on the button, then this video should be removed from the database, but after clicking on the button it should not work if nothing is done. & lt ;? Php $ query = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM` videos` "); While ($ line = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ query)) {$ id = $ row ['id']; $ Name = $ line ['name']; Encoder "& lt; a href = 'watch.php? Id = $ id' & gt; $ name & lt; / a & gt; & lt; br / & gt; input type = 'submit' name = ' Remove 'value =' Delete '& lt; br / & gt; "; } If {ifet ($ _ POST ['remove'])) {foreach ($ _POST ['id'] $ the_id) {if (! Mysql_query ("Exit from video where id = '$ the_id'") ) {Echo mysql_error (); }}}? & Gt; Definitely I have a MyS

Bash extracting name servers including if they are on new line, using whois -

Hi friends, I'm trying to remove name servers from websites, but I think that if the server is a new line As if I can do it like this happens .... nserver: nserver: 176.195 .2.101 But if so, then I can not do it: nserver: ns-b. This is what I have done so far: whois | Grep -E "[SS] errors {0,1}:" Name of the name server only: whois | Grep -E "Name Server" | Tr-d '' | | With GP's search criteria, Monkey may look like your output, but you should get it 99%. The way is there. For reference only, it will repeat lines with "name server", it will remove the spaces from the line, then it will divide the line by a colon and print the other element, which is the name server . Renewed Added for hard examples: whois | Tr-d '' | | Awk -F: '

javascript - kendo grid cancelChanges issue -

I am working on a web application using the Kado grid (angular JS). I should call grid.saveChanges () after deleting or inserting each code. In a special record insert a record and save call then delete the same record and save call Then call the call grid .cancelChanges () Usually this goes back to the previous save changes state, but in my case it was deleted Any help showing the row? What have you tried to say in this demo: but it works correctly. It may only work when you call saveChanges () manually. When you cancel , then data is stored in the _pristineData property to restore the data, so try this solution: var grid = $ ("#YourGrid") data ("kendoGrid") .; Grid.saveChanges (); Grid.dataSource._pristineData = grid.dataSource._data;

php - How to limit the length of the title to 20 characters? -

How to limit the title to 20 characters? I am a newbie, thank you =) Use the function of PHP: echo & lt; li & gt; & lt; a href =" '. $ RSS- & gt; Link [$ i]. "" Target = "_ blank" & gt; Substr ($ rss- & gt; Title [$ i], 0, 20). '& Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; ';

c# - Exception handling in ContinueWith called infinitely -

I'm an async method call (particularly: Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.QueueClient.SendAsync ()) and Want to be . Within able to handle exceptions One possibility would have come across I: _queueClient.SendAsync (message) .ContinueWith ((t) = & gt; { debug. WriteLine ( "exception:". + t.Exception.InnerException.GetType () name);}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); However, it seems to ContinueWith called limitless: exception: UnauthorizedAccessException exception: UnauthorizedAccessException exception: UnauthorizedAccessException exception: UnauthorizedAccessException exception: UnauthorizedAccessException exception: UnauthorizedAccessException ................................... ...... etc < / Pre> Any idea why this happens and how to get around this? Thank you I was a TraceListener which will take Debug.WriteLine and The reason for the loop was calling to send in. The implication is that a TraceListener hears for the mark, but i

android - W/CameraBase﹕ An error occurred while connecting to camera: 0 on call -

I am writing a camera app and whenever I call a camera. The open () app crashes and then I get this error: w / camerabasei ?? There was an error connecting to the camera: 0 Here I am opening the camera: public zero getCameraInstance () {mCamera = Null; Try {mCamera = (); // Attempt to get a camera example} Catch (exception E) {// Camera is not available (use or does not exist)}} Update : If you are reading this please note that this is for the original camera API and does not apply to the latest version of the camera API (Camera 2). You should use the Camera 2 API from this point because it has more functionality and it also has a better image processing pipeline. The notification is valid only for leaving API 21 (Lollipop). To use the following method, < (int cameraId) You have to pass the camera ID, You can use the following method if you want a camera id Private AutoForFrontFacingCamera () {// front facin

mysql - #1064-error in sql syntax -

I am trying to validate a user through my user name and password through a mySQL process < / p> Delimiter // validate function_gator (username, password_1) return char (1) start the DETERMistimate reserved rate (1); If present (select * from logificable where userid = username_1 and password = password_1) then set = '1'; end if; Retrace; the ending; // Delimiter; But I'm getting error # 1064 error in SQL syntax. return char (1)

JavaScript rounding to 1 decimal place on inline style attribute -

I have a function that is generating random RGBA colors and if I log in to the console then it's decimal Rotates at the place (what I want to do), but if you open the console and view it as an inline style feature on the body element, can you see that it is moving in a decimal place? where is the problem? setInterval (function fu () { = ("RGBA (+ + Mathrade). () * 255) +" , "+ Math.round (Math.random (* * 255) +", "+ Math.round (Math.random (* * 255) +", + + Math.random (). Tofix (1)) + " ) ";}, 1000); JS setInterval (function foo () {console.log (("rgba ("+ Math.round (Math.random (* * 255) +", "+ Math.round (Math.random (* * 255) +", + Math.round (Math.random (* * 255) + "," + Math.random (. ToFixed (1)) + ")");}, 1000); If you compare these two fiddles then you see the difference Why are they different? It is a similar task and it should be e

python - Named entity recognition : For new/latest entities -

Sorry for that weird "question title", but I can not think of a proper title. Im new to NLP concepts, so I used the NER demo (). Now the issue is that "how and in what way" I can use these tags made by the NER. I mean, what are these answers or names associated with their names that can be attracted to organizations which have been given place in some groups - location, person, organization etc. If I have the names of completely new companies, places, then how am I going to do these NER tagguns for such data? Plus do not block or block me, I need guidance / expert suggestions, it is one thing to read about a concept, while it is able to know where & amp; There is one more thing to apply when it is asking for guidance where Im is giving a snippet of the demo: - Dogs have been used in the cargo area for some time, but recent In the passenger areas, there is a dog near LOC Nevark and LoC JFK airports LoC JFK and LOC Newark In a handful, PERFirsty

php - MongodDB Find where fieldvalue > otherfieldvalue*0.5 -

I am using the examples given below for the mangodeb $ where = array ('$ and' = & gt; array (array ('class' => 11), array ('mark' => 70)); $ Cursor = $ Collection-> Search ($ where); I have two fields: Population and Male_ Population Is it possible that a man's population is more than 50%? I tried it down but it does not seem to work $ where ['$' 'and'] [] = ['male' population '= & gt; ['$ Gt' = & gt; 1000]]; $ Where ['$' 'and'] [] = ['male' population '= & gt; ['$ Gt' = & gt; 'This.population * 0.5']]; $ Cursor = $ Collection-> Search ($ where); Also tried $ where ['$' 'and'] [] = "this.male_ population / this.population> = 0.5 I found a solution $ where [ $ 'And' '] [] = [' $ where '= & gt; "This. $ Male_population / this.population> = 0.5"]

automation - Get Contents Of Image Class From AutomationElement -

I am running a control in a third party app that contains the images, the name of the automation element class gives the image, How can I get content as a bitmap object, or even any ideas about the bytes? This discussion can be useful:. To create a snapshot, use the boundingreactal property of Automation Element.

java - javax.servlet.UnavailableException: EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap - running Struts 1.3.5 on Jetty 9.2.2 -

I am in the process of migrating from JetTai from 8.15 to 9.2.2. Our app uses spring and we support some of the oldest stream controllers. We use Strat 1.3.5 when I start the server, I get the following exceptions. Does this mean, do I have to migrate strokes too? Is there another way to solve this? I tried java 7 and 8 The only thing happens. Please suggest javax.servlet.UnavailableException:. Javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init ( org.eclipse at ConcurrentHashMap ( on EDU / Oswego / CS / DL / util / concurrent / org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init on .jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.initServlet ( org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.getServlet (Srwletholder.) Java: 462) org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle ( : 742) on org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler $ cached Chainakdofiltr ( at org on .websocket.server.WebSocketUpgradeFilter.doFilter (W

Should stacks be made from arrays or linked list java? -

I have to write a stack for the class and when I understand the concept of how a heap works, I did not tell Was they made using an array or a linked list or something else? How does the most heaps form? Aroundack is a solid class implementation Stack concept This class has used the most efficient methods Has implemented the stack. Please refer to the implementation of class for details of various methods. More specifically, look at public e pollFirst () {...} and public Zero addFirst (ee) < / Code>

php - Trying to only echo lines containing string -

I am trying to read a simple line-by-line of a file and resonates all the lines in which the user input The problem is that it shows every line that if any one matches, then am I sure that I am just making a mess of a reasonable brain, no one is sleeping, who is impotent for taking annoyance is? File example - Bob class 1 class 1 den class 2 Example 1 (correct) < / P> Input: horse output: nothing (true) Example 2 (wrong) Input: class 1 Output: Bob Class 1, Class 1 Dan Class 2 (Everything!) You Preg_match () foreach Function inside the loop: foreach ($ height as $ alegre) {if (preg_match ("/ $ klassekode / i", $ Height) === 1) {echo $ elev; }}

Why could not be found in my project? -

I downloaded a project from the Internet. The project did not find the library: I have some answers from the Internet Determine the properties of your project found, but it does not work for me. I am already downloading the Google API from SDK < / p> And I set up project properties: project build targets on Google API in this way. What should I do? Add a library to the Google Play services library directory. Google Play Services Library is located here: adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140702 / sdk / extras / google

ruby on rails - In RSpec, what are Request Specs supposed to test? -

Here, on the other hand, trying to improve my test coverage. A very basic but important question is just: What kind of tests have to go? The ideal test is straight ahead I need to test the functionality of model methods and assumptions. See the tests seem simple, it will only check that each view underlines the desired data. Does it really confuse me what happens in my request glasses Since most of my rail experience has come from Michael Hartley's rail tutorial, his request glasses seem to be based on a series of tasks, Users who can take applications in. But he has also included tests which he should be in the space, which I am considering going elsewhere. If someone can help me to understand what type of test goes in the request, then it will be useful. to: request thin glass cover around rail integration Provides testing, and is designed to drive behavior completely through a heap, in which routing (made by rail) and without worm (which is up to you). With

How to increase the amount of cores and heap memory each gridgain node contributes to the cluster? -

I am running grid-gun nodes on separate VMs with each & gt; At present = 16 GB RAM, it seems default that each grid-gun node instance contributes to 1 core and 2 GB of RAM cluster. I would be able to modify it, but looking at the grid configuration and gridkach configuration, I think that to be lost ideally, each grid-gain will contribute to the node installation & gt; 6 GB RAM in the cluster. The search for on-hipe memory in grid-gain usually offends me to memory configuration. In addition to this, I want to ask what is the importance of the initial size of the cache, as written in the configuration file below: & Lt; Property Name = "Preload Mode" Value = "No" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Written Synchronization Mode" Value = "PRIMARY_SYNC" /> & Lt; Property Name = "queryIndexEnabled" value = "true" /> & Lt; / Bean & gt; I think you should change -Xmx settings Requires tha

node.js - How can I interact with MongoDB via Mongoose without Express? -

I want an environment where I work with CRUED, ​​it can get a solid understanding. To this point, I am using ideas to see how the data looks, but with clear flexibility, this method is not that information - it's like driving in the dark Now I want to be able to work with the data in MongoDB through the functionality offered by MongoDB so that I can see that when I do this or sub-document, population, initially , M This code was in the script.js file: var mongoose = is required ('magos'); // ... // Defined Schemas // Try some crazy things // try ... console.log (results); And then I tried to execute that code: node script.js which works Was not doing I tried again: mongo load ('script.js') This time, I got an error, of course - required () is not defined by Facepam. Hope you find out what I am trying to do. I have tried other methods since then which did not seem to work. Please advise. UPDATE And here is my script.js file:

asynchronous - Android Volley makes 2 requests to the server when retry policy is set to 0 -

I am working on an Android project which uses volley for async requests and image caching. Either way the request is crashing on the server twice, even when I have retried the policy to retry. I tried to override the values ​​from the DefaultRetryPolicy object without any success. Here are some sample codes: Request: @Override public zero gravarVendaMobile (last usuario usuarioAutenticado , Last AsyncCallback & lt; String & gt; Callback) {obterParametrosDeInicializacao () New (New.DoneCallback & lt; ParametrosDeInicializacao & gt; () {@Override Public on Zero Don (Ultimate ParametrosDeInicializacao param) {requestQueue.add (setDefaultRetryPolicy) ( New string request (method POST, urlPara (GRAVAR_VENDA_MOBILE, usuarioAutenticado.getFilial (), usuarioAutenticado.getCodigo ()), listener (Callback), //errorListener (R.string.could_not_load_produtos, callback) New ErrorListener () {@Override Public Zero onErrorResponse (VolleyError Error) {callback.onError (New Mes

java - Butchering a String word wise -

I am trying to isolate a long string in each word and try to print it sequentially in java I am doing this, but this exception throws . Any input is highly appreciated: public class spell checker {public static zero test (string str) {int i = 0, j = 0, n = str.length (); String floating = ""; Do {for (i = j; str.charAt (i)! = ''; I ++) temp + = str.charAt (i); Floating + = '\ 0'; Println (temporary); Temporary = ""; j = i + 1; } While (J & lt; n); } Public static zero main (string [] args) {java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner (; System.out.print ("Enter the string for which you want to check spelling:"); String = string = (); Test (strng); }} You use next () instead Code> string in strng = input.nextLine (); Your next test should be on the test () method public static zero test (string str) {string [] Word = str.split ("\\ s +"); For (string word: wor

p2p - Adobe Cirrus can it be used for commercial use? -

Can anyone tell me whether you are using Adobe Cyrus Service (P2P) in commercial applications or websites Have permission to use? For example, you have an online game. I have found that all the threads and articles are older than 4years (thus stating) thinking that things had changed since then? digging only a few things that I found was on the Adobe Sound Labs page: Is my option to use RTMFP in my business application? Developers can use Adobe Media Server to develop and implement RTMFP applications.

ios - NSURLErrorDomain Code=-997 "Lost connection to background transfer service" -

I am using NSURL session to download some MP3 files and store them in the device. Everything works well, but sometimes blue, the app crashes and I think this is a strange error. NSURLErrorDomain Code = -997 "Lost connection to background transfer service" . This is not a lot but when it completely messs up the whole app, like I mess up all the download tasks next time and to get me to work again on the device again Will have to rebuild. Note that I have received this error since using only Xcode 6 and IOS 8, even if I do not know whether it is related to ios8 or not. This is a complete error description: error domain = NSURLErrorDomain code = -997 "connection lost to background transfer service" userinfone = 0x178664100 {NSErrorFailingURLKey = http: // XXXXXXXXXX.mp3, NSLocalyated Description - Lost connection with background transfer service, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey = http: //XXXXXXXXXXXX.mp3} What is the version of SDK? It was so that it could h

javascript - Disallow typing after reaching input max length -

I have some input on my page that requires a maximum length and is only working to an extent an additional The number is being added due to the one plugin we are using ... and no I can not get rid of this plugin. To fix this I need to remove a character from the input field. I got it at the point where it will be removed from the value of the input, but it is still visible on the screen ... which is the problem. Do they have a way to reject typing, hit a certain point using javascript? I can not use the maximum length in this case because we can completely ignore the use of virtual keyboards. I have something like this var target = event.currentTarget; var name = $ (target) .attr ("name"); Var validations = $ (target) .attr ("verification"). Length; $ ('Input [name =' '+ name +'] '). ('Keyup keydown change', function (if ($ (this) .val () Length; validationLength) {$ (this) .val (). Substr (0, $ (this) .val ( ). Length -1);};

go - Golang improper JSON unmarshal -

क्यों यह कोड गलत आउटपुट दिखाता है यदि आप JSON को किसी संरचना में पार्स करना चाहते हैं, तो सदस्यों को सार्वजनिक होना चाहिए - अर्थात आरंभिक कैपिटल है। उदाहरण प्रकार आधार संरचना {परिणाम [] स्ट्रैट {एमपी_आईडी स्ट्रिंग प्रथम_नाम स्ट्रिंग अंतिम_नाम स्ट्रिंग} गणना करें int पृष्ठ संरचना {गणना int per_page int पेज int}}

sapui5 - Pie chart not showing data correctly -

मेरा डेटा मॉडल: {"UserData": {"firstName": "पीटर "" "इतिहास": {{"क्लाइंट आईडी": 2, "दूरी": "130"}, {"क्लाइंट": 3, "दूरी": "300"}, {"क्लाइंट": 4, "दूरी": " 430 "}]} देखें & lt; सामग्री & gt; & LT; अर्थात: ui5.Pie & gt; & LT; अर्थात: डाटासेट & gt; & Lt; viz: डेटा = "{/ UserData / clockHistory}" & gt; & LT; अर्थात: आयाम & gt; & Lt; viz: axis = "1" नाम = "क्लाइंट" मान = "{clientID}" & gt; & Lt; / अर्थात: & gt; & Lt; / अर्थात: आयाम & gt; & LT; अर्थात: उपायों & gt; & Lt; viz: नाम = "दूरी" मान = "{दूरी}" & gt; & Lt; / अर्थात: & gt; & Lt; / अर्थात: उपायों &

javascript - Angular Auth against Laravel backend -

I am creating an app using Laravel to connect with an Angular Frontend and a small internal API I am creating. I have a job, but to ensure that this is an acceptable way to enter the user, and to ensure that everything is safe. Session Controller: Public Function Index () {Return Reaction: Jason (Aith :: Check); } Create a public function () {if (Auth :: check ()) {Return Redirect :: to ('/ admin'); } Return Redirect :: From ('/'); } Public Function Login (if (Aith :: Effort (array ('email' = & gt; Input :: JSON ('email'), 'password' = & gt; Input :: JSN ('password')) ) Return (Response Response :: Jason (Ath :: Username); // Return From Direct :: From ('/ Admin');} else {return Answer: Jason (array ('Flash' => Invalid user name or password '), 500);}} Public function logout () {Auth :: logout (); Return response :: Jason (array (' Flash '=>' Log out! ')); } Virus root: Ro

ios - Best way to add a toolbar with a button at the bottom of a table? -

What is the best way to add a toolbar that does not scroll under the table? I have a table of names that is selectable. I want to see a toolbar (not necessarily UITullbar) at the bottom of the screen where users can press a button. I want the toolbar to be always there and do not scroll with the table and always stay down. Here's a solution to this question. + (zero) Show toolbar: (UITableView *) TableviewBase {UIView * parentView = tableViewObj.superview; CGRect Frame, Stay; CGRCTDWide (Parent Weave Bound, End Frame, and Stay, 44, CGRTMXAge); Frame.origin.y = frame.origin.y + 5 .; Frame.ize.height = frame.edame.height-12.; UIToolbar * toolbar = [[Uitoolbar alloc] initWithFrame: frame]; [[Uitoolbar appearance] setBackgroundColor: [UIColor colorWithRed: (245 / 255.0) Green: (130 / 255.0) Blue: (32 / 255.0) Alpha: 1.0]]; toolbar.barTintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: (245 / 255.0) Green: (130 / 255.0) Blue: (32 / 255.0) Alpha: 1.0]; toolbar.translucent = no; [Toolbar Set

c++ - How to extract a subvector (of a Eigen::Vector) from a vector of indices in Eigen? -

मान लें कि मेरे पास Eigen :: VectorXd x; // {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} और Eigen :: VectorXd ind_vec; // {0,2,4,5} क्या एक्स के ind_vec तत्व निकालने का एक आसान तरीका है? कुछ ऐसा: x.extract (ind_vec) लौट रहा है {1, 3, 5, 6} धन्यवाद ऐसा लगता है कि यह अपने आप लिखना आसान होगा यदि यह वैक्टर के लिए है: < पूर्व> #include "Eigen / Core" टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T, typename T2 & gt; टी निकालने (कॉन्स्ट टी 2 एंड फुल, कॉन्स्ट टी एंड इंड) {int num_indices = ind.innerSize (); टी लक्ष्य (num_indices); के लिए (इंट i = 0; i & lt; num_indices; i ++) {लक्ष्य [i] = पूर्ण [इंड [i]]; } वापसी लक्ष्य; } Int main () {Eigen :: VectorXd पूर्ण (8); पूर्ण & lt; & lt; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; ईजेन :: वेक्टर 4 डी इंड_वेक (4); Ind_vec & lt; & lt; 0, 2, 4, 5; Std :: cout & lt; & lt; "पूर्ण:" & lt; & lt; पूर्ण करें & lt; & lt; std :: endl; Std :: cout & lt; & lt; "इंड_वेसी:" & lt; & lt; ind_vec & lt;

ruby on rails - ordering activerecord object by most relevant -

मेरे पास यह प्रश्न है: user_friends = current_user.friends.where ('उपयोगकर्ता नाम जैसा यदि मैं "बॉब" की खोज करता हूं तो मुझे "बॉब" के आगे "जॉबब" मिल सकता है, मैं कैसे कर सकता हूं? प्रासंगिक परिणामों के क्रम में इन परिणामों को व्यवस्थित करें। मुझे लगता है कि मुझे उन्हें regex के खिलाफ नक्शा करने की ज़रूरत है, लेकिन यह कैसे करना है पर स्पष्ट नहीं है। आप इसे एक स्कोप या यूजर मॉडल पर एक विधि के साथ कर सकते हैं। लेकिन आपकी सबसे बड़ी चुनौती 'प्रासंगिकता' को परिभाषित कर रही है। < / div>

php - Undefined Variable in function -

Hello everyone I am creating a simple database search and inside the function it says that a variable is not defined by me It looks like this is a simple fix, but I can not seem to know why I can not give an array to see it, anybody wants help that my controller is down. Threw message with error "Undefined Variable: Array" error error 18: \ xampp \ htdocs \ Laravel \ app \ controller \ HomeController.php: 24 & lt ;? Expands Php Class Home Controller BaseController {Public Function Show Welcome () {Return View :: Create ('Hello'); } Public function getSearch () {$ query = input :: get ('query'); $ Validator = verifier :: make (input :: all (), array ('query' = & gt; 'required | minimum: 5 | maximum: 50')); If ($ verifier- & gt; fails ()) {echo "badged"; } ('Name', 'like', '% $ query%') and {$ raw_results = DB :: table ('student') - & gt; Select ('name', 'date',

python - why am i getting invalid syntax? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < 10 उत्तरों 10 यादृच्छिक पूर्णांक उत्पन्न 1- 100 उन्हें एक सूची में रखें एक लूप का उपयोग करें सूची को संसाधित करने के लिए दूसरी लूप का उपयोग करें। बाद के लूप में, सभी नंबरों को सूची में प्रदर्शित करें और अजीब संख्याओं का योग और संख्याओं का योग भी निर्धारित करें। इन रकम को दूसरी लूप समाप्त होने के बाद प्रदर्शित करें। क्या गलत है? यादृच्छिक यादृच्छिक आयात करें = [] # सूची बनाने के लिए sum = भी = sumOdd = 0 के लिए रेंज (10) में: r = random.randint (1,100) प्रिंट (आर), यादृच्छिक सूची (रैंडम लिस्ट [x]% 2 == 0): #even संख्या sumEven + = randomList [x] और: sumOdd + = randomList [x] प्रिंट "\" nsum even numbers = ", sumEven print" अजीब संख्याओं का योग ", sumOdd भविष्य में, कृपया पूर्ण त्रुटि संदेश पोस्ट करें। यह कहा जा रहा है, प्रिंट एक फ़ंक्शन है आपको इसके साथ कोष्ठकों का उपयोग करना चाहिए।

java - Can't get ArrayList from my intent -

मुख्य गतिविधि.जावा: आशय का क्रमइंटेंट = नया आशय (मुख्य गतिविधि। इस, आदेश गतिविधि कक्षा); OrderIntent.putStringArrayListExtra ("numstrlist", संख्या); startActivity (orderIntent); ArrayList & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; संख्याएं I = i.getStringArrayListExtra ("numstrlist"); क्या चल रहा है? मुझे सरणी सूची नहीं मिली है और पता नहीं क्यों। मुझे लगता है कि nullpointerexception फेंकता है "मैं", जैसा कि सभी सही लगता है .... क्या आपने ऐसा कुछ किया है आशय I = getIntent (); पहले अर्रे लिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; संख्याएं I = i.getStringArrayListExtra ("numstrlist"); आपको utpal द्वारा प्रदान किए गए समाधान का प्रयास करना होगा .. या सीधे ArrayList & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; numbersI = getIntent () getStringArrayListExtra ( "numstrlist")।;

node.js - mongoose select with !boolean or boolean and past date -

Just wondering how I will do the following selection: Schema: Items: {... premium: {isPremium: boolean, expiry date: date}} All items should be returned, where premium.isPremium == incorrect (or premium. IsPremium == true and premium.expididate & lt; = currentDate). items.statistics = {getPremium: function (current date) {return.find () ('[Premium.isPremium': wrong}, ' premium'}: True, 'premium .expirid': {$ lte: currentDate}}]) .exec ()}} < / pre>

Python numpy.var returning wrong values -

I am trying to calculate a general deviation on a set of 3 numbers: < P> However, when you calculate deviation, it should actually be 0.1441405 looks like such a simple thing, but now I No answers have been found till ddof: int, optional " delta degree of freedom": the divisor used in the calculation is `` n-ddof``, where `` nm elements Represents. `Ddof` is zero by default. And so you have: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Numpy.var ([0.82159889, 0.26007962, 0.09818412], ddof = 0) 0.0960 9366366174843 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Numpy.var ([0.82159889, 0.26007962, 0.09818412], ddof = 1) 0.14414049549262264 It is common for both conventions that you have to always check which package you are using In any language, using.

linux - syntax error syntax error near unexpected token `done -

The script works but when this script has finished, I do not understand < P> My unexpected token `full 'has a big code with a syntax error #! / Bin / bash # function definition function process_video {python vid-xml-decoder / $ 1 repExport = "./ export /" find -name "* .flv" | While reading the line name = "$ (basename" $ ​​{line} ".flv)" resonance "$ {name}" ffmpeg -i "$ {name} .flv" -vcodec copy -cododic copy mkvtemp.mkv mkvmerge - V -o "$ {repExport} $ {name} .mkv" - default-track 0 --language 0: fre "$ {name} .ass" mkvtemp.mkv & amp; Amp; \ Rm -rf "$ {name}". Flv "$ {name}". Ass mkvtemp.mkv done} #Bash menu clear "DL Master" PS3 = 'Enterprise Water Chice:' options = "Build Two Cookies." "Txt" "Tà © ÃÆ'à ¢ â,¬Å¡Ãƒâ € šÃ, , Skip a video "") select "opt in $ {option [@]}", select "

userform - How to customize Tableau Dashboard to read and display corresponding values? -

I need your help in customizing my table dashboard My data table in Excel looks like this: Year actual goal 2012 12 15 2013 20 23 2014 23 25 In my desk dashboard, I want to select the user / input only in the year And in return, I want to display the same value, for example, if the user selects the year = 2013, then I I want to display Stovic (20) and Target (23) values ​​in the Tauba Dashboard this year. So far, I could only manage to get the year in the input field, but was unable to return the value corresponding to it. In short, I want to get it. < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> It's very simple you drag [real] and [target] field, and leave them on lines then select both, right-click and discrete Choose. In this way, wearing Taj will understand that you do not want a continuous graphic, rather you want to display discrete values. I firmly recommend watching you video tutorials. I do not know if they really interpret thi

MIPS Assembly program not outputting the correct integers -

Then, in my MIPS program, users enter 3 integers and order them at least the greatest and print them We do. My code is as follows: .data prompt: .asciiz "Please enter an integer:" .text main: li $ v0, $ 4 a $, prompt solicitor $ $ v0, 5 syscall moves $ s0, $ v0 li $ v0, 5 syscall move $ s1, $ v0 li $ v0, 5 syscall move $ s2, $ v0 jal command 3 li $ v0, move $ a0, $ s0 syscall li $ v0 , 1 step $ A1, $ s1 syscall li $ v0, 1 step $ a2, $ s2 syscall li $ v0, 10 syscall swap: $ t0 move, $ s0 moves $ s0, $ s1 moves $ s1, $ t0 jr $ ra swap1: move $ t, $ s1 move $ s1, $ s2 shake $ s2, $ t0 jr $ ra order 3: bgt $ s0, $ s1, swap bgT $ s1, $ s2, swap 1 bgt $ s0, $ S1, swap jr $ ra < / Code> The problem is that this program is simply entering the first number that I have entered. For example, if I enter 60,50,70 as my 3 inputs, then it is outputting three times three times. I do not know why this is doing this. I'm guessing that there is something to do with my order 3

c++: almost same input but 2nd call shows segment fault -

I've been a C # developer for a long time and try to refresh my previous C ++ knowledge I do not know That is why the "root" address of the second ISLN (Route) call becomes 0x0, of course, this question will be very clear for most C ++ developers. Please, give me some pointers. Result: 1. What is balanced? 0 partition fault: 11 #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Structure node {node * left; Node * true; }; Int Gatehite (node ​​* node) {if (node ​​== faucet) returns 0; If (node-> left == faucet & node-> true == faucet) returns 1; Int leftHeight = GetHeight (node-> left); Int rightHeight = GetHeight (node-> right); If left (left> gt; right right) 1 + left return; And 1+ correct return; } Bool isbalanced (node ​​and node) {int leftHight = 0; Int rightHeight = 0; If (node.left == NULL & amp; amp; node.right == NULL) return true; If (node.left! = NULL) leftHeight = GetHeight (node. Left); If (node.right! = NULL) rightHeig

c# - Using async/await with pre-defined delegate signature -

The code is as follows: Fixed zero A () {string input = "Abcabcabc"; String pattern = "a"; String result = Regex. Change (Input, Pattern, Match => Evaluator (match)); } Fixed String Evaluator (match match) {return "D"; } Is there any way to use ASCNC / wait with a representative like this? This: Fixed zero B () {String input = "abcabcabc"; String pattern = "a"; String result = Reggae Replay (input, pattern, async match = & aw; awkward; await for async match;); } Fixed async work & lt; String & gt; EvaluatorAsync (match match) {return "D"; } ... does not work - the error message is 'The return type of an asynck method should be zero, work or work'. The third parameter that you are going to Regex.Replace You are going to a async representative whose redundant type is Task & lt; String & gt; . You can String result = Reggae. Change (Input, Pattern, Match => Ev

javascript - loop through nested json objects and display kay/value pair -

I have a Jason object, which I want to print my key / value pair combination But my object is a nested, so I want to loop through each object and want to display its key / value pair. Object: Code: var html = ''; "Accurate Payment", "Account": "1234567890", "Authenticator": "{\", "Receivable Type": "23", "Billeram": "Merus", "Request Type" "EmailAddress \": \ "dfgsdfgsdfg \", \ "MobileNumber \": \ "65-4576573 \", \ "id \": \ "4572-4756876-8 \"} "," token ":" 3C639AE65 " }; Html = getKeyValueJson (contextObj, html); . $ ('Div') HTML; Function getKeyValueJson (obj, html) {$ .each (obj, function, key) value {if (value == null) {return} if (typeof value == 'object') {getKeyValueJson (value, html);} Else {html + = ' ' + key + '& lt; / label & gt ;: - &a

javascript - Sort Objects in 2nd level array -

Hi how I will find out how to sort it is a sample of my array below. product_sort_arr = [[{name: 'particle'}, link: value}], [{name: 'bio-part 112', link: value}], [], etc. . . ]; I hope you can visualize the sample. So far I have tried to use and it is still not working yet it is still trying to fix it. Expected Return product_sort_arr.sort (function (a, b) {return -;}) < Pre> product_sort_arr = [[{name: 'bio-part 112'}, link: value}], [{name: 'particle', link: value}], [], etc. . . ]; I'm not sure what your array should be, but now with some Errors have been defined. This example is working. I hope this will move you in the right direction. var product_sort_arr = [[{name: 'particle', link: 'value'}], [{name: 'bio-part 112', link: 'value'}],] ; Product_sort_arr.sort (function (a, b) {if (a [0] .name & gt; b [0] .name) {return 1;} if (a [0] .name & lt; b [0] Name

java - The method returns true if the integer is divisible by 3 and returns false if the integer is not divisible by 3 -

That's what I've done so far; I have to use this main method. public class HW4 {public static boolean is divisiblebittithy (string n) {int sum = 0; Intestine value; For (int k = 0; k & lt; n.length (); k ++) {char ch = n.charAt (k); Value = character Dirty value (ca); Yoga = yoga * value; } Refund amount * 3 == 0; }} It always comes true and I'm actually stuck in this part. So if you can, can you help me? A sum is a cumulative extra ( Not multiplied). Replace this line: sum = sum * value; to sum = sum + value; Or more abridged version: sum + = value;

ios - Setting up buttons in SKScene -

मुझे पता चला है कि UIButtons SKScene कोड>, इसलिए मैं SpriteKit में एक बटन बनाने के लिए subclass SKNode का प्रयास कर रहा / रही हूं। जिस तरह से मैं इसे काम करना चाहूंगा, यह है कि अगर मैं SKScene में एक बटन को इनिशिएट करता हूं और टच इवेंट्स को सक्षम करता हूं, तो बटन मेरे SKScene < / कोड> जब इसे दबाया जाता है मैं किसी भी सलाह की सराहना करता हूं जो मुझे इस समस्या का हल ढूंढने के लिए प्रेरित करेगा। धन्यवाद। आप अपने बटन के रूप में एक SKSpriteNode का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, और तब जब उपयोगकर्ता छूता है, तो जांचें कि नोड छुआ था नोड की पहचान करने के लिए SKSpriteNode का नाम प्रॉपर्टी का प्रयोग करें: // fire बटन - (SKSpriteNode *) fireButtonNode {SKSpriteNode * fireNode = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed: @ "fireButton.png"]; FireNode.position = सीजी पॉइंटमेक (फायरबटन X, फायरबटन); = @ "fireButtonNode"; // कैसे नोड की पहचान की गई है, बाद में fireNode.zPosition = 1.0; वापसी फ़ायर नोड; } नोड को अपने दृश्य में जोड़ें: [स्वयं a

javascript - Knockout.js: Changing the value of Observable does not change the value of attribute in html -

I have a fairly simple file that provides a pencil image like this: Define ['durandal / events', 'knockout'], function (events, to) {var pensilm = function} (this.pencilimagepath = ko.observable ("img / pencil.png");}; return pencilVM; }); and one html: & Lt; / Div & gt; Now when I change the name of the image from the pencil page on some IMG page, the last HTML in the browser has not been updated. This image stays in the form of a "pencil page" I think the browser is caching the image is. Just add a timestamp to your new image source var d = new date (); This.pencilimagepath ("img / someImg.png" + d.getTime ()); Hope that helps.

ios - why my app is rejected from appstore although i am not using icloud -

I did not use any iacolide storage Reason 2.23: The application should have the iOS Data Storage Guidelines Must follow or they will be rejected ----- 2.23 ----- ?? ¨ ...? ¨ We found that your app does not comply with the iOS Data Storage guidelines, which is required according to the App Store review guidelines. In particular, we found that to download and launch your app store 21.12 MB to launch your app on how much data to store: "â €? Â €? ¨- install and launch your app Go to ?? ¨- Go to Settings & gt; ICloud & gt; Storage & Backup & gt; Manage Storage â? ¨- If necessary, tap "Show All Apps" - ?? ¨- Check your app's storage ?? ¨? ¨? IOS Data Storage Guidelines The content used by the user is that your app, for example, documents, new files, editing etc. should be used by iCloud. Contemporary files used by your app should be stored in the TMP directory only; Please remember to delete the files stored at this place when the user exits the app.

how to login multiple users with different input in different threads in Jmeter using CSV data set config -

How to login multiple users with different input in different threads in Jmator using CSV data set config? I've added the CSV data set config but the thread is only selecting the first entry and IM is not able to see responses for other user logins If you use the CSV data set config which contains parametric values ​​that will use users (threads) while the script is running. Below is a snapshot of the jmeter's csv data set config in which the emp CSV file contains the value, Nachiket, 101, test Nikhil, 102, Test Harish, 103 , Test for empname, empid, passwd, respectively, for 3 users if you run a test with 3 users, then thread 1 will take first and second thread to the second valve You can repeat it if it has less value than Threads.

how to get url address that call our url address with c# -

Example: Website X links when links are clicked will go to our URL address How to get Url address that calls to our URL address? string with tempHost = Request.UrlReferrer c # host;

AngularJS : change directive scope from transclude -

How can I change the directional variable (which is in the director controller) from another controller, which is in another ? If you want to change the variable across the controller, then you use the $ root scope instead of the dollar scope. Have to do. For example: ABC is your variable. Use this as: $ = 1; (DirectX controller) // and change the value in the other controller $ = 2; (Another controller)

Sharing project properties between different modules in Android Studio -

Inside the Android Studio Project, I'm writing Android 2 apps that share a library that they write to a library. project / - app1 / - app2 / - mylibrary/ Therefore, in the build1 the grade of app1 and app2, I need to include a dependency For Mylibrary's compilation Dependency {// Compiled Shared Library Compilation Project (': mylibrary') / / local binary dependency compiled fileTree (dir: 'libs', includes: ['* .jar'] )} So far, everything is working fine. Then, I'm creating both app1 and app2 with 2 different scripts and I am including some custom standards during each building. For example, the building script for app1 will be: collect CD app1 ./gradlew Reaction -excoded = $ VERSION_CODE -PversionName = $ VERSION_NAME -PWS_URL = $ WS_URL I can access versionName, versionCode and WS_URL parameters from in build.gradle of "app1", but in the problem I can not do with build.gradle of "mylibrary" a

jasper reports - Passing data from main dataset to table dataset -

I am making simple reports in Jaspersoft Studio 5.6.1 with a table. The data in this report is being sent to Java via JRBeanCollectionDataSource. In the report, I may already receive this data wie field: report- & gt; Datasets and queries ... - & gt; JavaBin tab - & gt; Type the name of the class java class, which is listed in JRBAN CollectionDataSource - & gt; Add selected field so now I can display incoming data. But if I want to do it in the table - I need to create a dataset (why?) And 'Use the same connection used to fill the master's report' Adding the same field to the new dataset Do not select 'connect to the domain' for the dataset. No errors are displayed. < Jasper report I need to create a dataset (why? ) / code> Tables are added to the main report with a loop, i.e. necessary to deal with your dataset from a table Now say, you have JRBeanCollectionDataSource ready for the report and you fill it - how to make an html button do something with razor -

& lt; input onclick = "साइनऑट" वर्ग = "बटन" प्रकार = "बटन" value = "साइन आउट करें "& gt; बटन पर कुछ क्लिक करने के लिए मुझे रेज़र के साथ क्या करने की आवश्यकता है। परिवर्तन प्रकार "सबमिट करें" & quot; input onclick = "साइनऑट" वर्ग = "बटन" प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" मान = "साइन आउट" & gt;

c++ - Illegal instruction on AVX with Intel Core i7 -

I have a Windows X64 C + program that is compiled by MSWC12 without AXX Support (Any / Arch: AVX in Compilation Options). . And I have a crash report from a customer with Core i7 4700MQ on Win7, the exception code is c000001d (illegal instruction), and the exception is offset point (sin) within "sin vmovd r9, xmm0" Function. I have tried two separate builds with this user and in both cases this indicates the same instructions. It seems that the sin of the MSVC Library version () is an internal special AVX code path, even if the AVX support and this code works well on the older I3 processors, which did not have AVX. So what could be the reason for this exception on this particular I7? The same code is running without problems for many customers of the CPU with a huge disturbance. Perhaps AVX fails to check whether the OS settings / BIOS and the sin () code can be disabled? Or maybe there was some OS update that added AVX support and triggered the C000001D without any A

Raspberry Pi Simple LED using python and GPIO not working -

I am using a raspberry PB + model from the box. I have started the initial setup and trying to lighten an LED using GPIO pin 7. Circuit works when the 3.3 volts and GNDs are connected directly with one resistance at one end of the LED. Now when I use the following code to lighten the LED, it does not seem like that there is no error, but the LED remains unchanged. Import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup (7, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output (7, true) / Pre> I have tried to do "sudo apt-get update", "sudo apt-get upgrade", I took GPIO.BCM to replace GPIO.BOARD and to change the PIN to match the BCM number Also tried. Can anyone tell me what is BCM? I have also tried to restart the device. I will answer "What stands for BCM?" Part of this question: Stands for the company, which makes BCM 2835 chip which uses Raspberry PE. More information is given here: For the main part of your question, this site may be better: It seems that y