BlobTrigger in Azure WebJobs does not get triggered on files added after the WebJob is started -
The following problem occurs when the blue operation sample runs from blue-jaboose-sdk-samples (1.0.0-rc1) (). Bobbrigger runs fine when WebJava starts: started the work host: 'Functions. Blobbankformquois 'because new' Qi Messages 'have been detected on individuals Execution:' Functions. Blob twob 'because new drops were detected: Input / Blob operation. Txt executed: 'Functions. BlobTrigger 'because the new drop has been found: Output / Blob Operation. Txt but "Input" (or "output") adds some new files to the container after waiting for more than 10 minutes . When I restart Webb, I uploaded the uploaded files public static zero blockbobbob ([blobstritter "input / {name}")] text reader input, [blob (" Output / {Name} ") String Out (Output) {output = input.ReadToEnd (); } Samples are using the latest version of the Azure Webjobs SDK: & lt; Packages & gt; & Lt; Package id = ...