
Showing posts from May, 2010

android get specific data[SOLVED] -

यहां मेरे स्क्रीनशॉट है मेरे में btnSearchemail = (बटन ) खोजव्यूबीआईआईडी (आर.आई.डी। बीटीएनएसएचरमाइम); TxtSearchemail = (EditText) findViewById (; सर्चैमेल = टीएसटीएसएआरईएकेएममेल.गेट टेक्स्ट ()। ToString (); TxtFname = (TextView) ढूंढें ViewById (; TxtLname = (TextView) findViewById (; btnSearchemail.setOnClickListener (नई OnClickListener () {सार्वजनिक शून्य onClick (देखें v) {अंतिम ParseQuery & LT; ParseObject & gt; क्वेरी = ParseQuery .getQuery ( "खाता"); query.whereEqualTo ( "ईमेल", Searchemail); query.findInBackground (नई FindCallback करें & lt ; ParseObject & gt; () {सार्वजनिक शून्य किया (सूची के & lt; ParseObject & gt; परिणाम, ParseException ई) {if (ई == नल) {// परिणाम सभी ईमेल के लिए पाया की एक सूची है (ParseObject एक्स: परिणाम) {स्ट्रिंग fname = x.getString ( "firstName"); स्ट्रिंग lname = x.getString ( "lastName");} // मैं इसे यहाँ की जगह इस ...

javascript - Simple timer, and setinterval -

What is the best way to create timers in JS? I am using it by now: var sec = 0; Set interval (function () {sec + = 1}, 1000); I have seen that, when I need milliseconds, it is very slow, the change in the browser tab completely stops. var milisec = 0; SetInterval (function () {millisec + = 1}, 1); I'm looking for a better way to handle it, which will continue to work even when the browser window is changed. With milliseconds, the resolution of the timer is not sufficient. In most cases, callback should be approximately 50 Not more than 250 times will be called, even when you set the interval to 1 mms. Look for an explanation (as specified by Sani Hattunenen). With 1000ms this will work better. But still when the tab becomes inactive, and when the CPU is busy or any other script is running on your page, the delay may occur. A solution is not to increase a counter, but to test how much time has passed since the last call of the timer, in this way, time rema...

Folding of PHPDoc comments on open not working in Eclipse Luna (why)? -

Why does this checkbox have no effect for me? All PHPDoc comments are still expanded I open a PHP file This is not the real answer, but: This looks like a classic bug in the software, you should report it to the authorized eclipse Bugzilla (). Please add some extra information to your bug, such as: Is this php project and / or external file? Luna Edition (4.4.0 or 4.4.1) Example (broken) file Logs (if any) Thanks.

javascript - AngularJS throws unknown error -

मेरा कोड ऐसा है & lt; body & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & Lt; तालिका एनजी-ऐप = 'मेरा ऐप' & gt; & LT; thead & gt; & Lt; / thead & gt; & Lt; tbody ng-controller = "MainCtrl" & gt; & Lt; tr ng-repeat = "पीएलडी एलेमेंट इन पैलेट एलेमेंट" & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; {{}} & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; {{prdElement.itemId}} & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; {{prdElement.shipmentId}} & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; {{prdElement.itemCode}} & lt; td & gt; {{prdElement.description}} & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; {{PrdElement.handlingUnit}} & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; {{prdElement.weight}} & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; {{prdElement.class}} & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; {{PrdElement.lenght}} & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; {{prdElement.widt...

JavaScript Setting up a JSON array for later use -

I want to create a JSON array, create fields and later populate it with the data in my code. I'm just wondering what the syntax has to go about this. I have tried so far, but there are some parse errors; & lt; Script & gt; Var myJSONArray = [{items :, cost: quantity:}; // to prepare populated array for population] then later .... myJSONArray.push (milk, 1.99,2) ; // Then change item in array areas If you really want to create one You can use the JSON.stringify method, JSON array (you currently use a JavaScript ARM in which there is a javascript object). Using Andy's Code: var arr = []; Arr.push ({item: 'milk', cost: 1.99, quantity: 2}); // prints the JavaScript array as a JSON array: console.log (JSON.stringify (arr)); The function will return a JavaScript value string in JSON format. You can then parse it with another language or store it in a new .json file. If this was the purpose of you. UPDATE : Output of the previous code: ...

sql - JSONB performance degrades as number of keys increase -

I am testing the performance of jsonb datatype in postgresql. Each document will have around 1500 keys which are not ordered. Here's how the document is flattened and what the document looks like. Make a table ztable0 (ID serial primary key, data jsonb) Here is a sample document: / p> {"0": 301, "90": 23, "61": 4001, "11": 9 2 9} ... You can see that the document does not have hierarchies and all values ​​are integers Columns: 2 The key in the document: 1500 + Search for a particular value of a key When performing a set of time or performance, it is very carefully slowed down. This query: & gt; & Gt; '1') Select (data -> gt; & gt; '1') :: Integer, by ztable0 (data -> gt; & gt; '1') from calculation (*) :: Integer limit 100 Does it take about 2 seconds to complete Is there any way to improve the performance of jsonb documents? This is a known issue in 9.4beta2 , ...

javascript - How do I add events to array elements? -

मेरा कोड var बक्से = document.getElementsByClassName ("box"); के लिए (var i = 0; i & lt; बॉक्स। लम्बाई; i ++) {बक्से [i] .addEventListener ("dblclick", फ़ंक्शन (e) {this.classList.add ("animateSize"); = " 2px "; =" 2px "; window.setTimeout (2000);}); } शुरू में मेरे पास केवल एक बॉक्स है, फिर मैं और अधिक बक्से बनाता हूं, लेकिन जब मैं किसी नए बने बक्से में कोई भी दोबारा क्लिक नहीं करता होता है, तब ही जब मैं प्रारंभिक बॉक्स को डबल क्लिक करता हूं, तो ईवेंट ट्रिगर होता है । मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ गलत? पी एस जब मैंने सृजित किया (बक्से की लम्बाई), उसके बाद मैंने 4 बक्से कहने लगा, मुझे सही लंबाई सतर्क (5 = 4 + 1 प्रारंभिक बॉक्स) मिलता है। समस्या यह है कि आपका कोड केवल उन मैचों के लिए ईवेंट हैंडलर्स को जोड़ता है जो वर्तमान में DOM में लोड किए गए हैं यदि यह डीओएम लोड पर है, तो कोई 'भविष्य' तत्वों पर इवेंट जुड़ा नहीं होगा। आप एक स्थिर कंटेनर (मैं दस्तावेज़ के लिए गए हैं) पर एक डबल क्...

javascript - RxJs Dealing with Exceptions without termination -

I'm not sure how well I am on it, if a specialist is able to improve it, then also Will be appreciated. My current understanding is that observations are lazy and do not produce prices until they subscribe. If an error occurs, the observation does not send any further value. In many cases this is not what is desired. In the code sample given below, I am getting the weather for Perth and London and if there is an object pointing to the error then the error has occurred. It means very much that the error block will not be called on the customer, but the success will be and I have to see whether it is failing and changing the argument. What is the best way to do this ???? In addition, what zip operator waits for an object to order and return for an object, when a value of all is produced? Code below: window.application = application || {}; Window.application.stocks = (function () {function getWeather (city, country) {return $ .ajaxAsObservable ({url: 'http://api.openw...

java - Need help on Spring Security REST API plugin for grails -

I had to face this issue using the Spring Security REST API plugin for Grails. When I want to update some object in some class, then I call the URL with the put in it and the object that needs to be updated. But suppose that I send different objects of different classes, it is now ID also takes the object from which necessary class objects can be updated and updated. Example: I want to update the test object, so I have a call / com / PU test and com. Object of the object (it works great) but if i com I call the same URL / com / test with the object of the Test 123 domain, then takes the ID and the object of the test domain gets the same. ID and updates I do not need this if the class does not match. It should show a class mismatch error Is this some configuration problem? what is the wire format for your put request if it is JSON The server will retry and recreate your server side object with just JSON data. And until the signature matches the object, there will be fluct...

SQL multiple join with count -

मेरे पास तीन टेबल हैं: फ़ॉर्म (आईडी) प्रश्न (id, form_id, text ) - & gt; एक प्रपत्र ANSWER (आईडी, प्रश्न_आईडी, उत्तर_एनम्बर, पाठ) के लिए एक्स प्रश्न - & gt; एक प्रश्न के लिए एक्स उत्तर मेरे पास उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा दिए गए उत्तरों के लिए एक तालिका भी है: USERS_ANSWERS (आईडी, प्रश्न_आईडी, उत्तर_एनम्बर) सवाल_id, answer_number, COUNT (प्रयोक्ता इस एक के लिए जवाब) मैं, प्रत्येक प्रश्न के लिए, उत्तरों द्वारा दिए गए COUNT, जैसे: अगर कोई जवाब नहीं है, तो गिनती = 0। क्या आप मेरी सहायता कर सकते हैं? यह मुझे घंटों लेता है और मेरे पास अभी कुछ नहीं है : ( पीएस: हाँ, मुझे पता है, क्यों मैं USER_SWERS में answer_id का उपयोग नहीं कर रहा हूं? मुझे नहीं पता, यह मेरा डाटाबेस नहीं है ... एक साधारण JOIN इसे करना चाहिए; SELECT question_id, a.answer_number, COUNT ( ) Answer_count से प्रश्न q जॉइन उत्तर पर एक पर = a.question_id LEFT JOIN users_answers ua ON = ua.question_id और a.answer_number = ua.answer_number GROUP BY, a.answer_number ORDER द्वा...

linux - What is the actual signal behind ERR -

I have read in several places (including SO) that -e is considered "bad form "And it is incredible to get out of a script at any error, it seems to be a better way to handle the errors that trap is being used like: trap "echo was an error; exit 1;" ERR I think what signals ERR can not really be found in the pages of human beings? I'm assuming this SIGQUIT but I'm sure can not get it. man 7 signals The only normal sign is that you would expect SIGTERM SIGQUIT SIGINT , etc. ex: "If a net on ARR is set, then the shell gets out. " The man is the net trap makes reference to the ERR in it but does not define it from what I have seen. What is the real signal behind the shortcut ERR ? (Normal signals are shown in man 7 signal .) I would like to trap the actual signal name instead of the shortcodes, although I know they will produce the same result (After catching any errors from a command in a scr...

php - Complex SQL Query Returning Duplicate but varing Values even with key word DISTINCT -

Based on the following query I just need to return two sets of data, but I get four instead SELECT DISTINCT *, CASE WHEN likes.face_id = persona.face_id then liked '1' ELSE '0' END, case when dislikes.face_id = persona.face_id then '1' or '0 'End dislike, case when comments .face_id = persona.face_id then' 1 'ELSE' 0 'END tags the person, likes, dislikes, comments commented, tag tags tagged on the tag. Phone_id = 'fa' ou persona.face_id = tag. Face_id are the following tables I Inquired from the tagged table: Phone_Image Face_id such as discounted discount comment comment FA GA 1 1 1 FA SA 1 0 Personality table: The name of the face_id is GA frank 34 SA mark 24 Preferences table: face_id phone_ id GA FA SA FA Dislikes table: Face_id f Note_FAQ Comment table: face_id phone_id comment GA FA good I get four values ​​(four sets of data) from the above query instead of two (two set of...

c# - Which resx file is accessed? -

is the line of the following code in a DLL library used by an MVC application: AccountResource.ResourceManager.GetString ("key") But I have several resource files about which one of the N * .resx files about each page of the website I searched for Will it be the specified key? You are reaching AccountResource.resx . .ResourceManager is a stable property of AccountResource , returning a ResourceManager example. Try hovering over the property, you will see it in Tooltip: The Cached Resource Manager used by this class gives example.

jquery toggleClass can't get to work -

I am trying to get jquery .toggleClass is not working to work with "this" Can anyone point me in the right direction immediately? Thank you Actually, I would like to convert non-active Active Act to Class for my blank example. #contenttab {float: left; Status: Relative; Padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px; ; Width: 350px; Color: # F1F1F1; Font-size: 18px; Boundary-radius: 5px; Transition: .2s ease-in-out; Margins: 10px; Text align: center; Letter-spacing: 3px} .Notactive {background: # 545b60; Infection: .2s low-in-out;} .Notactive: hover {background: # 9adb24; Transition: .2s ease-in-out;} Active {background: # 9adb24! Important} What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance. Jquery was not included in your JS Bellad. UPDATED Your HTML has been fixed to remove duplicate IDs, they are unique. And removed your function calls. & lt; div id = "content_controller" & gt; & Lt; div id = "contenttab1" class = "idle" & gt;...

android - Sending a notification to an app. (Air) -

Is it possible that air using mobile sends information from my own server to the app installed from my device Is the notification symbol ?. This is what you really want. Information can be of 2 types: - Local (pushed from device) - Remote (pushed from server to device) In case of booth, you can do it in AIR. The first type - The second type - Anyway you should use some of the basic extensions like this

javascript - Error with list.js sortable table -

When using list.js and tabletop for a sortable table taken from Gdoc, I get an error: "Unkit Type error: Can not list list "child.Nodes" on the first line of "first.list.exe". Because the website I work on can only upload JS, I need to write all my HTML using js or jqr, so it's a bit winner that i think all of the error Something is getting, but I'm trying to move things around without any profit. HTML file & gt; LT; html> gt; Top & gt; & lt; link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "styles.css" & gt; & lt; script type = "text / javascript" src = "list.js-master / dist / list.min.js">

javascript/json .length returning 1 for array of length 3 -

मेरे पास निम्न जावास्क्रिप्ट है: var email_array = ["[\" theiremail1 \ ", \" theiremail2 \ ", \" theiremail3 \ "]"]; Var email_array_length = emails_array.length; चेतावनी ("ईमेल सरणी:" + ईमेल_अरे + "ईमेल सरणी लंबाई:" + emails_array_length); इस कोड के परिणाम के रूप में प्रकट होने वाला चेतावनी है: ईमेल सरणी: ["theiremail1", "theiremail2", "theiremail3"] ईमेल सरणी लंबाई: 1 यह क्यों नहीं लौट रहा है? यह केवल एक आइटम के साथ एक सरणी है: var email_array = ["[\" theeremail1 \ ", \" theeremail2 \ ", \" theiremail3 \ "]"];]; आप के बाद होने की संभावना क्या है: var email_array = JSON.parse (["[\" theiremail1 \ ", \" theeremail2 \ ", \ "theiremail3 \"] "]);

ios - Optional Chaining Not Working As Expected -

मैं अपने UIViewController उपवर्ग में निम्न कोड है वर्ग sidemenu: UIViewController {var contentViewController : UIViewController? ओवरराइड फ़ंक को चाहिएअयुरोटेट () - & gt; बूल {contentViewController लौट .shouldAutorotate ()?}} लेकिन किसी कारण मैं निम्नलिखित त्रुटि मिलती है के लिए: वैकल्पिक प्रकार के मान '? बूल' नहीं unwrapped; क्या आप का मतलब था '!' या '??' मुझे उम्मीद है कि वैकल्पिक चेनिंग वैकल्पिक को खोलना चाहिए, लेकिन यह सही नहीं लगता है? क्या मै गलत हु? एक वैकल्पिक श्रृंखला का परिणाम वैकल्पिक है। तो ?. ShouldAutorotate () एक bool पैदा करता है जबकि आपके फ़ंक्शन को Bool की उम्मीद है इसलिए त्रुटि: वैकल्पिक प्रकार का मान 'बूल?' नहीं unwrapped; क्या आप '!' या '??' त्रुटि द्वारा उल्लिखित दो संभावित समाधान हैं एक खोलने में या तो contentViewController! .shouldAutorotate () या contentViewController? .shouldAutorotate ()! लेकिन इन दोनों को दुर्घटना होगा अगर contentViewController के साथ है था शून्य औ...

How do I turn a string into an array in Lua? -

s = "This is a test string" in word = {} s for w: gmatch ("% W + ") Using this table, I could have separated each word but now I just need to use nine words. For example how can I just print another word? I can convert it to an array, then some kind of print word [2] Like this: s =" This is a test string "in word = {} s for w: gmatch ("% w + ") Do Table.insert (word, w) end print (word [2]) - & gt; In addition to printing it is followed by "is": > is a test string print word [2] You can only bracket for string literals and table constants, like: print "hello, world" print (table. {{"", "Quick", "brown", "fox"}) - - & gt; 4

Expand Excel Spreadsheet out based on a column -

I have such a spreadsheet: name online retail trade widget $ 1 352 $ 532 $ 235 I should look at it like this price level price name online $ 352 widget 1 retail $ 532 widget 1 business $ 235 widget 1 Is this possible with Excel? Yes, to order your data, please order again and suit your column. Rename for

java - iText encryption of pdf with certificate results in error of bouncycastle -

I get the following error when I try to encrypt PDF with a certificate using this code: Public static zero encrypted PDF (string src, string destruction, string certificate file) throws IOException, DocumentException, certificate exposure {PdfReader reader = null; Pdfstammer stamper = null; {Reader = new PdfReader (src); Stampor = new pdfstammer (reader, new fileoutputstream (lost); Certificate = Vertical; .get certificate (certificate file); Stamper.setEncryption (new certificate [] {cert}, new int [] {PdfWriter.ALLOW_PRINTING}, PdfWriter.ENCRYPTION_AES_128); } Finally {stamper.close (); reader.close (); }} has been originally copied from the official example: I get the following error: java.lang .IllegalArgumentException: Key length 128/192/256 bit Not with / 256 bits org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.AESFastEngine.generateWorkingKey at (unknown source) org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.AESFastEngine.init (unknown source) org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.CBCBlockCipher.ini...

opengl - Why is my Texture Quad positioned incorrectly with glTexCoord2f using LWJGL? -

I am going to create an adventure game with grass, trees and other things in 2D if I can do this. My problem is that when I use glTexCoord2f to clamp texture in the quad, they split up to 25 pixels from each other. I am loading them with sluetooth and the texture size is 100x100 Here is my source code for translation of quads and InitGL Submitting public static void () {Example-; GL11.glLoadIdentity (); Color.white.bind (); System.Game.ground.bind (); GL11.glTranslatef (e.g., 0, 0); // I used to loop for cloning quadening (int x = 0; x & lt; = width; x ++) {GL11.glBegin (GL11.GL_QUADS); GL11.glTexCoord2f (0, 0); GL11.glVertex2f (x * 100, 0); GL11.glTexCoord2f (1, 0); GL11.glVertex2f (x * 100 + 100, 0); GL11.glTexCoord2f (1, 1); GL11.glVertex2f (x * 100 + 100, 100); GL11.glTexCoord2f (0, 1); GL11.glVertex2f (x * 100, 100); GL11.glEnd (); } GL11.glLoadIdentity (); } This is my InitGL code. GL11.glEnable (GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL11.glClearColor (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)...

sql server - Confused reading / attempting VERY simple SQL Pivot...aggregation required? -

I have a table where multiple rows are needed to be used as columns, Google tells that PIVOT is just like this It is a matter of fact that I start by reading it looks straight ahead and mentions it ... and makes aggregation where they are needed I will start writing my own spindle only to the examples which all use aggregation works. So I go back to Google for some other examples that can not use aggregation and every instance is using aggregation ... so I was wondering if I had read the definition correctly? I thought the aggregation was not available right now. And do aggregations where they are necessary .... but I do not need any kind ....? My table looks like this: SELECT * FROM [ADHOC_FIELD] where TEMPLATE_ID = 356 CONTACT_ID | FIELD_NAME | TEMPLATE_ID | VALUE ROW_ID 1017674 Orig_Name 356 John 1st 1017674 @ Orig_EMail 356 Com 1 1017674 Orig_Trans 356 ABC 1 1017674 Orig_WIDID 356 1001 1 I would like to present the data like this: CONTACT_ID | Orig_Name | Orig...

WCF: SOAP 1.2 - How do I send an empty header element? -

I am trying to send data to the SOAP Web service that adheres to the SOAP 1.2 standard and the certificate for authentication Uses. I have taken the file of the WSDL file and XSD and generated the WCF service client. My problem is that the XML generated by WCF is when a call is made, then there is a long element in which several security alerts are included. The header must be empty according to the documentation for the service. & lt; Soap: Header / & gt; What will WCF send in the context of the headers? I am not generally well-versed in SOAP, so any advice is welcome. thanks If you do not have any content in the header You just need to use a basic HttpBinding with a security, if you talk about the format of the specially tagged tag, then you will need to apply it and implement this argument there. .

Excel-VBA : Skip subroutine if cell is empty -

ठीक है, इसलिए मेरे पास 10 कॉलम हैं, "A" - "J" लेबल। प्रत्येक पंक्ति इन स्तंभों का कुछ संयोजन स्ट्रिंग मानों के साथ भरेगा। मुझे कुछ सशर्त बयान चलाने की जरूरत है और मैं सोच रहा हूं कि क्या उन सभी को बिना आसानी से पाशन किए बिना उन्हें करने का एक और अधिक कुशल तरीका है। / p> मेरे पास अब क्या है: ifempty ("ए 1") तो फिर अगर isempty ("B1") तो दूसरा शीट 2! "बी 1" = "ए 1 और बी 1" अंत यदि अगर इस्मार्थी ("सी 1") तो और शीट 2! "ए 1" = "ए 1 और सी 1" अंत अगर [... आदि] अंत अगर यदि इम्प्टीमी ("बी 1") तो फिर अगर कमेटी ("सी 1") और दूसरी शीट 2! "बी 1" = "बी 1 और सी 1" अंत अगर अगर isempty ("डी 1") तो और शीट 2! "सी 1" = "सी 1 और डी 1" अंत अगर [... आदि] अंत अगर यह लंबे, बोझिल, और बहुत सुंदर नहीं है इसके अलावा, यह एक लंबा समय लेता है क्योंकि हमारे पास कुछ सौ रिकॉर्ड (पंक्तियाँ) हैं, जिनके माध्यम से जाना है। एक्स पंक्ति को देखने का एक त...

c++ - Program does not proceed - OpenCV related -

I got OpenCV to work at the end, but I had to face a problem where my program does not grow ( No results). The result of the program should be an image in a new window. Snippet: #include & lt; Opencv2 / core / core.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Opencv2 / highgui / highgui.hpp & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; Using namespace cv; using namespace std; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {if (argc! = 2) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Usage: display_image imageToLoadAndDisplay" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Return -1; } Mat image; Image = imed (RGR [1], IMRADADOLOR); // Read the file (! // Check for invalid input {cout & lt; & Lt; "Image could not be opened or found" & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Return -1; } Named window ("display window", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // Create a window for display imshow ("display window", image); // Show our image inside waitKey (0); // Wait for a keystroke in window return 0; } P...

HL7 Message terminator -

I have to send the HL7 message to the web service. I am joining the process of connecting CRAR (13) (Carriage Returns or \ r) as a terminator terminator and calling the web service to send HL7 messages. When the service receives the message, they are saying that I am adding additional CRAR (10) (line feed or \ n) in my segment terminators, I have seen my values ​​and before sending it only as \ r The clauses are Terminator I to ensure that the service also receives \ n without it \ n addition. I have looked around but have not found any solution till now. Based on the message you saw or how you are sending your message? This will prove to be at least proving that you are providing anything other than / r

ruby on rails - how to create record via POST (using POSTMAN) -

I am new to the railways and started the guides. and now I am facing a problem with making a record. I want to send this json: {"title": "someTitle", "text": "sometext"} to > in my model This definition is the only title and text field. The root is also setup and looks like creating my controller method: def make @article = (article_params) if @ redirect_to @Article And 'new' end-end private dig article pending parameters. I set POSTMAN to post method while requesting but I get this error message: Accessing the ActionController :: parameter ArticleController # create param is missing or the value is empty: I believe that JSN should be: {article: {title: "someTitle", text: "someText"}} tries to article_params article Finding the key of the name and not in your JSN Is it

Create java library with Ant -

I am trying to put some classes in a jar for use as a library. In this exam, I am trying to have a class, apiInterface , and this package is in project.api . I was thinking here that I was misusing the library, as I was getting the "Package Project.Api is not present" on the import line, but it means that the jar Tf project.jar should be produced project / api / apiInterface.class while getting me apiInterface.class > It is intended to include the Java file, but not necessary. The relevant part of my build.xm & lt; Target name = "buildAPI" dependent = "" & gt; & Lt; Mkdir dir = "$ {Jar}" /> & Lt; Jar Destfile = "$ {Jar} / $ {ent.} -api.jar" & gt; & Lt; Fileset dir = "$ {bin} / $ {} / API" /> & Lt; Fileset dir = "$ {src} / $ {ent.} / API" /> & Lt; / Jar & gt; & Lt; / Target & ...

Explain diff between TestNG Object[][] data provider VS. Iterable data provider? -

Can any object [] [] [] explain the difference between a datapriver versus an intrauterine dataprovider? The testng documentation is called the following, but it is not clear enough for me. I have always used the object [] [] method because explanation of the ether method is secret and difficult to understand that in fact the paragraph What does it mean? The data provider method can return one to one of the following two types: - array of objects (object [] []) where the size of the first dimension is applied multiple times And the second dimension is an array of objects in the shape that should be compatible with the parameter types of the test method, this is an artist shown from the example below - an Iterator & lt; Object [] & gt; The only difference with the object [] [] is that an iterator will allow you to make your test data indelibly, invites TestNG intersections and then the test method with the parameters returned one by one by this Iterator. This is especia...

c++ - Who is responsible for deletion of heap allocated object when moving it? -

What happens when the class is created with new ones, and then the class constructor is executed? The original manufacturer is still responsible for the removal? The examples given below run fine (), but should they not crash in another area, because the vector emits the vector before the vector and hence removes the object? I have clearly misunderstood here, then what is the ownership of Std :: move? #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Memory & gt; #include & lt; Vector & gt; #include & lt; Utility & gt; Classroom owner {public: owner (): data_ (new int (1)) {} int & amp; Receive () {return * data_;} private: std :: unique_ptr & lt; Int & gt; Information_; Owner (Constant & amp;) = Deletion; Zero operator = (console owner & amp;) = delete; }; Int main () {{Master Owner; Std :: vector & lt; Integer & gt; testing; Test.emplace_back (std :: move (owner.get ())); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Test [0] & l...

javascript - From html5 canvas to video -

What I'm doing is any type of video conferencing tool I was recently doing some research on video processing I am moving forward using the video element in conjunction with the canvas. However, I am using WebRTC for video streaming for all connected clients, for which I need a mediastream, so I am looking for a way to recover the mediastream from the canvas element. In my way, I found this project which was called Wamy which creates a video file from the canvas, but as far as I understand, it has not been made for live streaming. An alternative approach will be to video information on remote clients sending them the stream and how to process it. Although it may work very well for some clients, but when it comes to multi-user conventions, I feel that this is not a scale because real-time video processing is still a calculated intensive job. Every customer has to process all video streams from all connected clients. It seems like a street for me, it is very easy to get video ...

if statement - How do you write the error checking part of a method to make it readable and error prone? -

I had a disagreement with another programmer about how many errors are to be typed with the method: Public Zero Execution () {if (test1) {if (test2) {if (test3) {// DO STUFF} and {return "Error 3"; }} And {return "Error 2"; }} And {return "error 1"; }} - Public Zero Execution () {If (Test1) {Return "Error 1"; } If (! Examination 2) {return "Error 1"; } If (! Examination 3) {return "Error 1"; } // DO STUFF} For me, If making a dark nest of the statement makes it difficult to read the first example. The second, despite having three returns s, is more readable. I have examined the curiosity about what the code was saying and it believes me less about how it handles it: under the nest The heap of error conditions indicates the well written error processing code. But then If the main body of the routine is closed around then the statement becomes unconscious, especially if the maximum code in the sta...

animate.css - Animation sequence using AngularJS addClass/removeClass -

I am trying to create an animation sequence by adding call to addClass / removeClass. The end animation method is called "removeClass" to remove the animation and to start a new one but for some reason, nothing happens, I am trying to explain why this work does not? Why not remove the class? $ animate.addClass (element, 'fadeInDown'). Then (function () {$ animate.removeClass (element, 'feedindown'); // why not doing it? $ class (element, 'fedautontown');}); The full version can be found here You can see this high made in your Happy: var myApp = angular.module ('myApp', ['ngAnimate']); MyApp.controller ('Admin', function ($ scope) {}); myApp.directive ('Animated', ['$ Animate', '$ Window', Function ($ Animate, $ Window) {Return Function (Scope, Element, Ethers) {Scope.General = Function} {$ animate.addClass ( Element ('function') {$ animate.removeClass (element, ...

docker - Images are being cached even if there are changes -

I have a custom build on the docker, which is based on Ubuntu with some custom configurations so that again on the base image Other specific dockfiles for special projects can be reused, this works fine. I have made a change for this, committed to Gitub, which started then and got automatic build on the dock. One of these other projects Should not it be done automatically? You need the latest version of the Docker bridge Docker locally looks for the image from FROM does not notice that the tag has been updated in the registry , From where it came. I have a script that runs the Docker Bridge before drawing the picture. - Cookies not being set by IIS in HTTP header -

I use form authentication that works fine online, but Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome . As far as I can see, IIS is not sending a set-cookie HTTP header when a page is being requested: get http: // / HTTP / 1.1 Approved: Text / html, App / XHTML + XML, * / * Accepted-language: NB -NO User-agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WA6464; Trent / 7.0; RV: 11.0) Accept like Gecho-encoding: gzip, deflate Host: DNT: 1 connection: Keep-Elive HTTP / 1.1 200 OK cache-control : Private Content-Type: text / html; Charset = utf-8 variant: Accept-encoding server: Microsoft-IIS / 8.0 X-espnet-version: 4.0.30319 by X-Power: ASP.NET Date: Wednesday, 08 October 2014 19:24:58 GMT Content- Length: 13322 I sent to \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ host and file Instead of logging in, but there is no effect here on my web Config settings are: & lt ;! - Authentication of asp.NET forms is enabled by default - & g...

Android - Getting list of installed apps takes too long -

पहला प्रयास: आशय मुख्य पहचान = नया आशय (आशय। एक्शन_माइन, रिक्त); mainIntent.addCategory (Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); आशय pickIntent = नए आशय (Intent.ACTION_PICK_ACTIVITY); PickIntent.putExtra (Intent.EXTRA_INTENT, मुख्य इन्टेंट); यह चालू है। स्टार्ट एक्टिविटीफ़ोर रेसल्ट (पिक इंटेंट, मोर इकोन्स कंसल्टेंट्स। REQUEST_PICK_APPLICATION) औसत समय की आवश्यकता - & gt; 8-10 सेकंड दूसरा प्रयास मैंने प्रोग्राम की सूची बनाएं और एक संवाद में सूची को स्वयं दिखाएं .----- & gt; लगभग 4 सेकंड ... तेज लेकिन अभी भी धीमा। तीसरे प्रयास: मैं अपनी प्राथमिकता फाइल में सूची को संग्रहित करता हूं ताकि भविष्य में मैं उस सूची को तुरन्त लोड कर सकूं ... इस बीच पृष्ठभूमि में वर्तमान सूची प्राप्त करना और यदि मतभेद उपयोगकर्ता के लिए दिखाए जा रहे सूची को अपडेट करते हैं ---- इसके बारे में 4 सेकंड भी। यह वह जगह है जहां यह अजीब हो जाता है लॉग स्टेटमेंट्स का उपयोग करके प्रत्येक पद्धति की आवश्यकता के अनुसार सटीक समय मापा। अगर मैं पहले प्राथमिकताओं से सूची लोड करता हूं और फिर पैकेज प्रबंधक से पूछता हूं तो...

Combining Polymer and Razor -

Is there any way to combine razor (CS HTML) with polymer elements? Or is it mandatory that a polymer element HTML should be imported? Thank you in advance! You can add any template engine in any way: Compiling custom templates to create HTML output Using / creating polymers' built-in event callback custom alignment to dynamically compile custom template code on runtime with client side compiler Therefore, using polymers, you can use your template engine You can not stop searching for a way that you did with your other client-side applications first.

explorer - Batch file to open specific folders in specific window position -

I have a batch file that opens up to 3 specific folders, but I want a batch file, if possible, windows For using this post, consider using VBS (Visual Basic Scripting) Please. For example, the following scripts open windows arranged by common means Open: / P> dim shell shell = create object ("shell application"). Open "path_folder1" open. Open "Path_Falter 2" open. Open "path_flower 3" wscript Open 1000 shell. Tilehorjantly Of course, you can also open folders from batch and then to organize windows. Can call VBS script. Edit: To make only specific open windows in the screen, we can first reduce all current windows, then D job: Dynamic Shell Set = Shell = Create Object ("Shell. Application") Shell. Open all sizes. Open "path_folder1" open. Open "Path_Falter 2" open. Open "Path_folder 3" wscript sleep 1000 shell. However, if you want to keep the old window active in the same si...

java - Need enemyManager to wait between spawning enemies -

I have some different enemy type and enemy manager array list class for each type. I have every kind of enemy, who come to the screen, from the other side, are dying, and reacting randomly. The problem is that when I use a loop to make the objects in the egg, many of them die in the same place in one place with eggs or with each other and then put eggs again. I want to make a delay between them so that they can spread more. What I see is a way to slow down the robbery of enemies in Java. I tried to expand the name of the enemy manager classes and run the spawn function by the timer but it does not work. In addition, I am not even multiplying because I do not really know how to set up yet and finish this project without implementing it, but if it is the best solution So I think that I will have to. Thanks for any suggestions Renamed ..... class spawnLgCars TimerTask extended {public zero run} (if (lgCars. Size ()) > 10) {lgCars.get (0); }}} How do I want to implemen...

Soundcloud API get tracks by multiple users in one go -

I understand that I get all the pages of the user using the code given below http: // Client_id = My ID Now my question is how can I get all the tracks by one or two different users go away. For example, the user YYYY and XXXX the code below does not work Json? Client_id = There is no way to do this via APII = You must request two or more requests for each user to track and then add them to a collection. Let me know if you need any additional information.

c# - Copy a file in a new folder -

I have a problem with facing a file, let me copy a .db file and put it in a new folder (Which is called "Directory", which was previously selected with the Folder Picker). I have this code: (This is for the Store app for Windows 8.1) Try {storage file newDB = storage file. NETFile Wait for the FlashSync directory; Storagefile defaultDub = storagefile Wait. Pilefamethathsink (path.combin (, "AFBITDDDB")); Wait for new DB.Copy and Replace Async (Original DD); } Hold (Exception Pre) {} I have an exception in neDB, and said "Value does not come within expected range." I do not know another method in xaml to copy a file, if you know what the problem is or if there is another way to do this, I am very grateful. I have something that I currently do in a file CopyFileAsync To copy that I have created, to see if it can help your code to be refactored in the working model

c# - Convert Stream to Byte Array -

I have created a simple extension to convert a stream into a byte array: Public stable byte [] ToByte (this stream value) {If (value == empty) return zero; If (value is memorystream) {return (memorystream) value) .ORA (); } Use other {(MemoryStream Stream = new memorystream ()) {value.CopyTo (stream); Return stream. Tore (); }}} This is the first time I use it works fine ... If I use it the second time on the same stream, Byte [] is byte [0] I debug and I think that this happens because the stream follows the end of the stream after the first conversion. What is the correct way to correct it? As you say, you are at the end of the stream after reading first. Thus, you must reset the memory stream with: stream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin); or stream.Position = 0; Before reading it again. Note that the CanSeek on the stream should be correct for any approach to work. MemoriStream OK, some other streams will be set to false.

sql - The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" -

I am trying to run the following statement but I am currently receiving the error message below. I searched the answers without any end and no one worked for me. I'm running Office 365 (64bit) I have loaded Microsoft Access Database Engine (64 bit). I will be using SSDT and SQL Server 2012 in Visual Studio 2013 Together with I do not have access to the changing environment or startup parameters for SQL Server. . Any help appreciated select * from OPENROWSET ('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.15.0', 'Excel 12.0; Database = C: \ Users \ Username \ Folder \ SomeFile.xlsx ;; HDR = No; IMX = 1 ', [Table 1 $]) Message 739 9, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 OLE DB Provider "Microsoft. "OLEDB.15.0" for the linked server "(empty)" reported an error. The provider did not provide any information about the error. "Data source source" Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.15.0 Server "(empty)" of OLE DB Provider for message 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 li...

java - AlertDialog not working in thread Android -

When I try to print on a Bluetooth printer, I get an error about more activity on the main thread is. I tried to change it to use a thread, but then my algorithm does not work. Is there another way to do this work where I can display elitarlog? Thank you. Public class printersfunctions {Private Static Empty Remittance Commands (Final Reference Reference, Last String PortName, Last String Port Settings, Final Arrayist & Lt; Byte & gt; Bylist) {New Thread () { @Override public void run () {StarIoport port = null; Try {port = StarIOPort.getPort (PortName, Port Settings, 10000, Reference); Try {Thread.sleep (100); } Grip (Interrupted E) {} StarPrinterStatus Status = port.beginCheckedBlock (); If (true == status.offline) {new StarIOPortException ("a printer is offline"); } Byte [] CommandSoSendoPrinter = ConvertFormlistBitArebiteEre (bittellist); Port.writePort (commandToSendToPrinter, 0, commandToSendToPrinter.length); Port.setEndCheckedBlockTimeoutMillis (30000); ...

javascript - Node.js: Best way to perform multiple async operations, then do something else? -

In the following code I am trying to create multiple (about 10) HTTP requests and RSS pars at once. Code: I code> Miscellaneous articles; Feedstofet. Each (function (feed) (feed, function (mistake, feed article) {if (mistake) {throw it;} other {article = articles.concact (feedartics);}});}); // code I want to run once after visiting all the feeds of the url I understand that while using a callback I used a callback in this example while calling the function The only way to think about doing a call is to call a function that believes that how many times it has been called and continues only when it feedsToFetch.length is hacked. So my question is, what is the best way to handle this type of situation in node.js . Possibly without any form of blocking! (I still want that fast speed is fast) Is this promise or something? Thanks, Danny hack-free solution Then do something else) This is the perfect match for your scenario Blue...

swift - iOS 8 Storyboard / Main Interface -

I am an iOS made 8 App for I have two storyboard for the iPhone and iPad I IPad.storyboard main interface My problem is set that every time I run on an iPhone device, the iPad. Storeboard is still being called. Is there a way to automatically detect the storyboard for a fixed device? // if a quicker solution you are looking for (UIDevice.currentDevice () UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad) {// iPad Y iPadBoyer: UITorryboard! iPadBoard = UIStoryboard (name: "iPad", bundle: nil) ViewController to: UIViewController = iPadBoard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier ( "iPad") UIViewController self.window as .rootViewController = ViewController} else {// iPhone bridesmaid iPhoneBoard: UIStoryboard! iPhoneBoard = UIStoryboard (name: "iPhone", bundle: nil) ViewController to: UIViewController = iPhoneBoard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier ( "iPhone5") UIViewController self.window as .rootViewController = ViewController} ...

javascript - Why is fs.readFile returning a buffer? -

I have already mentioned that is it, I do not believe that my problem is in the misunderstanding of Asyn. Here is the relevant part of my module var fs = is required ('FS'); Var q = requirement ('q'); Var u = is required ('../ utils / json'); Var indexFile = './data/index.json'; Function getIndex () {var def = q.defer (), promise = def.promise, obj; Fs.readFile (indexFile, function (error, data) {if (mistake) {throw error; def.reject (err);} console.log ('data', data); def.resolve (obj);}); Return promise; } When I log out 'data', I am getting buffer (bottom) instead of JSON content of that file. & lt; Buffer 5b7b 22 68 65 6c6c6f223a22 77 6f72 6c 64 22 7d5d> gt; Any thoughts on why? According to , if the encoding option is not passed, Read function will return a buffer If you pass a value for encoding, then it will return a string with that encoding: fs .readFile ('/ etc / passwd', 'utf-8...

Check Javascript Condition Every Frame -

Very much, my question is simple, and I searched for a similar question before posting it. I would like to know that the page is turned on during the execution of the Javascript code, rather than the one running code instead, or only responds to event handlers. I want a lot like JavaScript: $ (document) .ready (function () {}); But I do not want to use Jquery because it is less efficient I want to check the status of every single frame ===. Use SetInterval inside a window. Onload function window.onload = function () {function test () {alert ("test"); } setInterval (test, time_millysconds); }

Where is the executable file for iOS and Xcode bundle? -

I have only header and M files and myApp.xcodeproj files but do not have "executable file" in my bundle? Can anyone say that where can I find this? Open the Organizer Projects tab. In the list on the left, select your project. Click the small arrow located to the right of the derived data path. The folder should open in Finder Open the subfolder whose name is your project name, followed by a long string of garbage. Under that subfolder, Build & gt; Open Products & gt; Debug-isoimimulator (or release- ifofmessimator or debug-iphone or whatever you want). Demo:

android - How to call a method in activity class from a seperate asynctask class? -

यह मेरी गतिविधि वर्ग है import; Importroid.os.Bundle; आयात करें android.view.View; आयात करें android.widget.Button; आयात करें android.widget.ProgressBar; सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyActivity गतिविधि का विस्तार (प्रगति बरकरार pb_show प्रगति; बटन btn_start डाउनलोड हो रहा है; सूचनाबिल्डर mNotificationBuilder = नया अधिसूचनाबिल्डर (यह); @ ओवरराइड संरक्षित शून्य को क्रिएट (बंडल सहेजा गया इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {सुपर.नक्रेट (सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट); setContentView (R.layout.activity_my); Pb_show प्रगति = (प्रगतिबार) खोजव्यूबीआईआईडी (आर.आई.डीपीडी_शो प्रगति); pb_showprogress.setVisibility (View.GONE); pb_showprogress.setMax (100); बीटीएन_टार्टडाउलोडिंग = (बटन) ढूंढिए वीवीबीआईआईडी (आर.ड.बीटीएन_स्टार्टडाउनलोड); बीटीएन_टार्टडाउलोडिंग.ऑनलाइनक्लिकलिस्ट (नया देखें .ऑनक्लिकलिस्ट () {@ ओवरराइड पब्लिक वाइड ऑनक्लिक क्लिक करें (देखें वी) {pb_showprogress.setVisibility (देखें। विजुअल); नया डाउनलोड (getApplicationContext ())। निष्पादित करें ();}}); } सार्वजनिक शून्य सेटऑनप्रगवरीअपडेट (पूर्ण प्रति...

Failed Ruby Install on RH Linux due to "Make" file -

I'm new to Ruby and I'm not good with Linux. I am installing Ruby on Red Hat Linux. I have removed the ruby ​​package and at step 5 of the remake file that is said to execute "apx". (NB: I have copied / pasted the steps given in the readme file at the end of this question). I can not see an app. I'm filing in that directory (/ opt / ruby_home /) I see a "makefile" file and tried to run it, but the output is not correct: [root @ Sdlc0917 ruby-2.1.3] #. / Makefile / Mac File: Line 1: Shell: Command not found. Makefile: Line 2: NULLCMD: Command not found. / Makefile: Line 3: NULLCMD: Command not found. / MacFile: Line 4: V: 1 = @: Command was not found. / Makefile: Line 4: ECO 1: Command not found / Mac file: Line 5: Shell: Command not found. / MacFile: Line 5: RUncMD: Command not found. / Makefile: Line 6: CDPHH: Command not found. / Makefile: Line 7: CADIR: Command not found. Makefile: Line 8: exec: =: Not found I issued a search order and f...

How do I write a json array from R that has a sequence of lat and long? -

How do I write json array from R, whose length and length is long? I would like to type: [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]] best I can: toJSON (matrix (1: 6, ncol = 2, byrow = T)) # "[[1, 2], \ n [3, 4], \ n [5, 6]] " How can I work in another array (JSN type)? This is important to me, so I can write the files in a geographical format as a linetrack. I usually get fromJSON : ll - JNSN ('[[[[[[[[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]]') str (ll) $ 1: 3 List of ... $: num [1: 2] 1 2 .. $: num [1: 2] 3 4 .. $: num [1: 2] 5 6 We should create a list of unintentional lists, which contains every 2 elements: xx