
Showing posts from February, 2013

python - PsychoPy reopen window -

I have done a dot probe paramaem program using standalone psychopathic v1.80.03. After the dot inquiry I need a revised work that looks like dot probe. So I use the window again and pass the dot probe object to the container of the stimuli attached to this window in the manufacturer of the second task. Before starting another task, however, some information needs to be input (eg condition) using a gui.DlgFromDict . In the fullscreen still with dot-screen window, the dialog box can not be reached. I tried to change the fullscreen to false by dotProbe.window.fullscr = False one dotProbe.window.flip () but once the window is turned on There is no effect by changing this attribute. Closing the window with dotProbe makes window.close () dialogue accessible but there is no such task which opens the window to proceed in the other job. Of course I Only a new window can be created, but as I said that I need equal setup with excitement on exact same posts and all the other param...

javascript - Regex expression is not working? -

I am trying to create a regex expression with this requirement. Requirement: Maximum Length - 5 (inc decimal point if decimal number is) Decimal Accession - Maximum 2 digits (if it is a decimal number). Number - no need to be a decimal number (not mandatory) Code: & lt; Script & gt; Function myFunction () {var regexp = / ^ (????? \\.? $) \ D {0,5} (\. \ D {0,2})? $ /; Var num = 12345.52; // I will test indifernt methods var n = regexp.test (num) document.getElementById ("Demo") here. InnerHTML = n; // returns true or false} & lt; / Script & gt; The output should look like: 12345.52 - & gt; It should be returned to false because length is 8 inc dot but this return true 123456.52 - & gt; false . I found out d {0,5} looking for decimal before 12.45 - & gt; truth . Correct One (Length 5, Precision 2) 12345 - & gt; truth . I am hoping to make a Rizax expression, I satisfy all the above situations. Re...

mysql - Selecting the data that isn't in a query -

I want to select all those posts that are not marked as read by the user. pre> user_id post_id 3 1 3 4 I want to select all the data that is not selected in this query SELECT p. post_id, p.post_message FROM tbl_post as p LEFT JOIN tbl_mark_as_read AS r.post_id = p.post_id and r.user_id = 3 I want to be like output post_id post_message 2 goodnight 3 good morning cool you can not not in op RATER: SELECT * fROM tbl_post Do not post in the WHERE (SELECT post_id FROM tbl_mark_as_read); If you want to exclude only the post whose user has read 3, you can add a where section to the internal query: SELECT * fROM tbl_post WHERE do not post_in (SELECT post_id FROM tbl_mark_as_read WHERE user_id = 3);

python - Can lambdify return an array with dytpe np.float128? -

I am solving a large non-linear system of equations and I need a higher number of numerical precision. I am using sympy.lambdify to convert the system of equations and its Jacobian to vector work, which take inputs as inputs and return a ndarray as outdated. By default, lambdify numpy.float64 returns an array with dtype. Is it possible to return an array with dtype numpy.float128 ? Maybe the dtype of numpy.float128 for input is required Output only shows input: import from imported sympy.utilities from float 128 imported from float 128 imported from lambdify f = lambdify (x, x ** 2) result = f (Float128 (2)) result # & gt; & Gt; & Gt; 4.0 Type (results) # & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Lt; Square 'numpy.float128' & gt;

c# - Trying to override CreateAsync function on ClaimsIdentityFactory -

A few days ago, I found a great tutorial about MVC, Identity and Owen by Ben Foster. Tutorial is I have completed the tutorial, and I have had a problem overriding the 'CreateAsync' function. Visual Studio does not allow this. This code is: public class AppUserClaimsIdentityFactory: claim commandfile Nobody knows how can I solve this issue? Solution Thanks to @ Ator, this is the last code! Public Class AppUserClaimsIdentityFactory: Claiming Factory & lt; AppUser, string & gt; {Public Async Override Task & Lt; Identity of the claim & gt; CreateAsync (UserManager & lt; AppUser, String & gt; Manager, AppUser user, string authentication type) {var is waiting for the identity = base. CreateAsync (Manager, User, Authentication Type); Identity.AddClaim (new claim (type of claim. Country, user country)); Return identity; }} Can you try to view the version? Microsoft files on GIT. Espenet Ident.coredll uses version 1 and now it's ...

How to swap link for text in div with Javascript of jQuery? -

मुझे निम्नलिखित HTML को चालू करना है: & lt; div id = "myText" & Gt; एक और तूफान आ रहा है & lt; एक डेटा-संख्या = "23" & gt; यहां & lt; / a & gt; और चित्रों की जांच & lt; एक डेटा-संख्या = "43" & gt; यहां & lt; / a & gt;। & Lt; / div & gt; इसमें: & lt; div id = "myText" & gt; एक और तूफान आ रहा है [23]। और चित्रों की जांच करें @ [43]। & Lt; / div & gt; मैं मूल रूप से प्रत्येक "डेटा-संख्या" -विशेषता लाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं और उसे चौकोर ब्रैकेट में डाल रहा हूं, जबकि एक टैग में पाठ को छोड़कर। उपयोग करें $ (दस्तावेज) .ready (function () {$ ('# myText a [data-number]')। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {var text = '@ [' + $ (this)। डेटा ('number') + ']'; $ (यह) .replaceWith (text);});});

pjsua for android error (cannot locate symbol...) -

I have downloaded the latest version pjsip (2.3) source on the official website and installed it correctly, then I have Android PGSUN Build sample without any error (with swf 2.0.12 installed! Swig 3 ... results with other errors) I now import sample projects in eclipse ADT from Google site (download this week and with the ndk-build command Installed). Eclipse does not show any problems in the code but when I download it on the phone (Nexus 5) it shows an error message on the screen. unsetted link error: dlopen failed: can not detect the "rand" symbol referenced by "". The project build path is equivalent to the Android version of my phone. I have no idea how to solve this problem ... How do I solve the problem? Step 1: Install new NDK (for 32 bit) Step 2: Reinstall pjsip (with Android settings) Step 3: Ndk . >

sql server - SQL Percentage Complete with COUNT and Remaining Percentage -

Text after " It's hard to explain here in my headline: Let's say I make a value For £ 10,000, it is being paid in random installments (up to 100%). The cumulative total is stored in an area called PercentageComplete . The payment is 1 £ 5000 (PercentageComplete = 50% of the total due amount) Payment 2 is a £ 2,500 (PercentageComplete = 75% of the total amount due) (0.5 + 0.75) by So far the way I am trying to work this out, which gives me a total of 1.25 ... and COUNT I'm probably confused about this issue thanks for any help I tried the code:. "Post-text" itemprop = "text"> I think you just the maximum () : the customer from the Finance Group by the Finance ID, Customer ID Choose the ID maximum (percent complete);

javascript - attribute directive on title tag in IE8 does not run -

& lt; Title & gt; See under the super-simple instructions attached to the tag, activates it in the modern browsers and converts the title to "title C", but the link function in IE8 is never called and the title "Title B " lives. Directive attributes should be & lt; Title & gt; in the corner in a cross-browser manner I have other ideas for updating the tag title value, but I'm looking for some certainty whether the glass supports it or not. & lt ;; Doctype html & gt; & Lt; html xmlns: ng = "" id = "ng-ap" ng-app = "ip"> gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title Update-Title & gt; Title A & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; Body & lt; Script & gt; Window.document.title = "Ti...

c# - How can I name the array after the user input? -

I am trying to name the array with the client name which was input by the staff, can be input and Also empty spaces such as 'John Smith', therefore whitespace should be removed to become Johnsmith. I tried to see Google but I did not get any meaningful result { public form 1 () {InitializeComponent (); } Private Zero Client Address_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {} Private Zero addButton_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {if (userInput.Text == "") {Message Box. ("Empty area!"); } And if (listbox.Items.Contains (userInput.Text)) {MessageBox.Show ("name has already been taken!"); } else {string clientName = userInput.Text.Replace ("", string.Empty); String [] client name = new string {{userInput.Text, "unknown", "unknown"}}; }}} } you dynamically Can not name your application but you can use a user typed in the key as your key. // says that your client list is a string for string [] clientData = n...

node.js - Express Route & Socket io -

OK, so my socket IO connection was to send information to the frontal and the client was also able to respond, due to return Savings data However this does not mean that when this experiment is only on '/ user / home' then socket IO is started in the server.js file. route. So my question is how do I use socket IO in a path if http server is server.js server In this way I have configured it: I have an IO. JS library which handles socket io accessories: var io = require ('') (); var redis = require ("redis"); var client = redis.createClient (); io.path ('/ socket'); client.on ('connect', function () {console.log ("Redis successfully connect");}); Io.on ('connection', function (socket) {console.log ('user connected:' + socket.handshake.query.uid_sp); console.log ('socket id:' +; // Clients.uid_sp =; //console.log ('a user added:'); client.set (socket....

How to change the position of TextViews in Android using Java? -

सारांश जोड़ना android: layout_alignParentBottom = "true" p> textView.setTextSize (टाइप किया गया। कॉमप्लेक्स_यूएनआईडीआईपी, 48); textView.setText ( "हैलो"); हैलो का फ़ॉन्ट आकार बदलता है। प्रयास स्थिति पर आवेदन के नीचे, संभावित तरीकों की सूची का निरीक्षण किया गया था और textView.setBottom (TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND); चुना गया था नोट: TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND की तुलना में अन्य स्थिरांक निर्दिष्ट किया जा सकता है, लेकिन सेटबोटम का आउटपुट जांचने के लिए एक यादृच्छिक निरंतर चुना गया था। हालांकि, सेटबॉटम के रूप में एप्लिकेशन को चलाने में असंभव है परिणाम निम्न त्रुटि में होता है: एक बार @SuppressLint ("NewApi") जोड़ दिया गया है, यह अनुप्रयोग चलाने के लिए संभव है, लेकिन हैलो नीचे नहीं रखा गया है। इसके अनुसार निम्नलिखित कोड रिलेटिव लेआउट। लेआउटपारा पैराम्स 1 = नया रिलेटिव लेआउट। लेआउटपारम (लेआउटप्रर्म। WRAP_CONTENT, लेआउट पैरा। WRAP_CONTENT); params1.addRule (रिलेटिव लेआउट। ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM, रिलेटिव लेआउट। ...

vba - Dependent queries and referencing subform controls -

status In my database there are many questions and a form, let's call them Query1a , Query1b , and Query2 , and Form1 . Form1 control Text1 , ComboBox1 , and one button command1 . Question 1A and 1B reference control on Form1 obviously, eg a SELECT Forms! Form1! Expr1 as text1 Question 2 depends on the query 1A and 1B. Command1 run DoCmd.OpenQuery "Query2" click, and everything works fine. The problem I have many forms with the same structure as Form1 , and I want to put them all in one navigation tab. I create - & gt; Navigation - & gt; Drag the horizontal tab and form1 on any tab. Now, when I try to use Form1 in the Navigation form, then I ask for the value of the pop up Text1 , Because query1a it forms! Trying to look in Form1 , but my Text1 actually resides in form! NavigationForm! Form 1 Form . Effort I can change the code clearly in every question and refer to the subform, but it is tedious, not very el...

scala - Why does Play 2.3.4 and jacoco4sbt > 2.1.4 fail with NoSuchMethodError? -

I'm trying to use jacoco4sbt in my Play 2.3.4 (Scala 2.10.4) app but only 2.1 4 seems to work. When I use .5 or .6, I get the following error: [error] (main / jacoco: fullClasspath) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.methodVisitor .visitMethodInsn ( I tried to add asm-all (version 4.1) (Iljava / Lang / string; Lijava / Lang / string; Lijawa / Lang / string; z) and 5.0.3) for dependency, but it does not help at all. What could be the problem? Do I need to add any additional dependencies? for 5.0.1, and even with that, Re-generates. Project / sbt.version = 0.13.7-M3 project / plugins.sbt addSbtPlugin (""% "sbt-plugin"% "2.3.4") plugins / jacoco4sbt.sbt addSbtPlugin ("de.johoop"% "jacoco4sbt"% "2.1.6") build.sbt name: = "" play-jacoko "" version: = "1.0-SNAPSHOT" enablePlugins (PlayScala) scalaVersion:...

jquery ui tool tip show only first word -

I am using the jquery ui tooltip for the dynamically populated title attribute. I'm just looking at the first word as a tool tip rather than a full sentence. What can be my fault? @ defaultTitle = "This is a test title" & lt; div title = @ ((defaultTitle == "") "edit": defaultTitle) & gt; It is strange that it would be good to know the reason for this strange behavior, But for now, wrap the title razor implementation in quotes and it will work. @ defaultTitle = "This is a test title" & lt; Div title = '@ ((defaultTitle == "" Edit ": defaultTitle)' & gt;

javascript - supporting clientWidth/height in chrome -

Requires that the image should be fixed in the lower right corner of my page. My code: = wrapper.clientWidth - my_image.clientWidth; Works perfectly in Mozilla, but it seems Chrome can not understand anything. I also read an article about this: As the cover width changes according to the content given on my page, I can not give hard-coded values, then any other What are the qualities that can help me? Edit ::: Top is relative and depends on the content in the cover Thanks. Simple CSS will be better for this, as far as I understand your question, the situation of fixing you. Need to define and specify the distance from the window range. Fixed position will always be relative to the window, not the size of the parent node or page. So be it what you want! #myimage {status: fixed; Correct: 0px; Bottom: 0px; } add left: 0 pixels should fill the screen width. Otherwise, set the width of% to keep it sensitive. If you do not want the page meaning...

PHP 5.5 Upgrade Broke this Simple Array / JSON Encoder -

I just upgraded from 5.3.x to 5.5.17 and the following code stopped working (I got a blank response ). $ gestr = mysql_query ("Selection Name, Age, ID From Users"); $ String = array (); $ (Starid = mysql_fetch_array ($ gestr)) {$ star [] = array ('name' = & gt; $ starid ['name'], 'age' = & gt; $ starid ['age'], 'id '= & gt; $ starid [' id ']); } $ End = array ('user' = & gt; $ star); Echo json_encode (last $); Please note that I have simplified the SQL statement, but I know that it works all the way through the loop because I have $ star [1] [name] I can do echo and it prints usernames The issue json_encode was not able to parse a non-UTF8 encoded name. Error in UTF 8_xode (); $ star [] = was added by adding ('name' = & gt; utf8_encode ($ starid ['name']), 'era' => $ starid [' Age '],' id '= & gt; $ starid [' id ']);

python - Would any CPython 2.7 code work in Jython 2.7b3? -

Frank Werezbikky has written "Jethon 2.7b3 tells us the level of language compatibility with the version 2.7 of CPIthon." Does this mean that any CPython 2.7 code will work with Jethon? I have a big code in CPython 2.7. Since we want to integrate it with the Java module, I would be extremely interested in one way of migrating to Jyothan without rewriting the code. Keeping the libraries in mind, I use a lot of LXML which was not compatible with the previous versions (as described). "post-text" itemprop = "text"> No, not all code that works in CPIথon 2.7 will work in Geothon, in the same way Some codes are tied to specific OS and other OS-E (such as will not work on Windows) - the numeric Python code will not work on Linux, and vice versa). Syntax will work, but if the specific add-on module for the script such as Lxml , then they no work This is because lxml is a C-API extension, and Jethon does not support Python C-API. Similarly...

sql - Execution halts at CFQuery -

For some strange reasons, this simple INSERT statement in my CFQUERY tag stops page load. I have a lot of stuff on my site There are selection statements, but the screen output "before SQL" dumps and then ends. It should be something simple that I am missing, I have also used the link-coded values ​​below to test the statement before adding dynamic CFPQUERYPARAM from the submitted form values. Data is declared for application in the application. Cfc Thanks for the help. & lt; Cfdump var = "before SQL" abort = "false" /> & Lt; Cfquery name = "insertResponses" result = "insert result" & gt; Admission to Student Reactions Eligible Value (102, 1, 39, 1) & lt; / Cfquery & gt; & Lt; Cfdump var = "after SQL" abort = "false" /> & Lt; Cfdump var = "insertResults" abort = "true" /> Based on the above suggestions, I got a hold / caught and learned from 'C...

php - RegExp for capturing "headline" trigger words in textarea -

I am trying to write a regexp for a "php preg_split" so that some text like "headline" Be captured I want to use the resulting array to improve the formatting for the user and I want to create a streamlined view in the review posts. Prev_split ('/ [^ | N] * [\ t |] * \ b (Pro | Contra | Conclusion) \ b \: [\ t |] * / i ', $ Data [' review_text '], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); This is my sample text input Introduction line one, the first part of the array Pro: Pro: Double Pro 1, no space between Pro: Pro: Pro: Pro: Between Pro, Pro: Pro Pro: Double Pro 2, Between Space, Pro Space: Should create blank Pro entry Contra: Conclusion: Last Contra was empty Conclusion: This Contra : These should not match this line! Conclusion: Test with spaces between the conclusions: Conclusions: The conclusion was prefixed by a space conclusion: This conclusion was prefixed by a tab conclusion: the conclusion was a space between the...

javascript - Cordova / Phonegap lock the source app code to be not edited/hacked -

Everyone knows Cordoba and PhoneGrap uses a webview so that the app contains html and js and css files, This means that they can be edited. What am I thinking, after installing the app on the phone, is there any way to launch these files / make these files editable? Hide code in some way? It may be great to know a lot about this, but it should be what apps should store, hide the code should not be done by the developers, but if you have any please please Share! Thank you! you can You must understand that the ambiguous is not encrypted. Your code can be reversed. But not by the lazy programmer

c# - Class inherting a list of objects -

मेरे पास निम्न विधियां हैं: शून्य जोड़ें & lt; T & gt; (टी इकाई) जहां टी: कक्षा; शून्य जोड़ें & lt; T & gt; (IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; इकाइयां) जहां टी: कक्षा; और मेरे पास निम्न श्रेणी है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग MimeTable: सूची & lt; Mime & gt; {} फिर मैंने इसे इस प्रकार उपयोग करने की कोशिश की: जोड़ें (नया MimeTable ()) मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है क्योंकि इसे पहली विधि कहते हैं और दूसरा नहीं। दूसरी बार कॉल करना चाहिए क्योंकि MimeTable एक सूची है? क्या इसका समाधान करने का कोई तरीका है ? दूसरों की तरह कहा है, आप शायद दूसरे नाम बदलें विधि को AddRange या अपनी पसंद के बारे में कुछ। यदि किसी कारण से आप वास्तव में एक सूची को पास करते समय वैकल्पिक कार्यक्षमता प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, तो आप दूसरे जोड़ें विधि का नाम बदल सकते हैं और पहले जोड़ें विधि की शुरुआत में एक चेक जोड़ सकते हैं जो कुछ ऐसा कहते हैं: यदि (इकाई आईएलआईआईएसटी है) {ऐड्रेंज (इकाई); वापसी; }

javascript - How to change z-index only this id elements? -

How can this ID element change z-index only? When I use this code, all the IDs will change the z-index in my page. I just want to change z = index = link-box , love box , How can I do this? document.getElementById ("link-box"). Style.zIndex = "99999"; Document.getElementById ("Love-box") style.zIndex = "99999". Document.getElementById ("love-box_inner") style.zIndex = "999999". My guess is that your three elements, #link-box , # Is the default state of static in love-box and love-box_iner , and as a result, z-index In addition, you need to set status: relative on three relevant elements. / html>

javascript - Angular routing for front end app -

I know that this is a very basic question, but not all can be caught properly - I'm trying Get a handle on front end routing using a Conneri / Sinatra app. My app is not killing the right page, and I'm getting hurt because I do not have any problem, the way I am working on the way Wrap the head if you use the database Are not. > In my home page, "display.html", I have some text, then a group of D3 graphs with href: & lt; A href = "/ app / {{appname}}" & gt; & Lt; Div ng-cloak class = "nvd3-bullet-chart2" id = "chart" data = "alltables" showXAxis = "true" showYXx = "true" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; The charts are populated by looping through NVD3 function instead of repeating ng-repeats (not sure how given issues are with asynchronicity). In my display CTRL, I define $ scope.appname as: $ scope.appname = '' var getgraphs = function (dataset) {...

java - Spot the concurrency issue -

One of our heritage has a database connection leak in one application, and I'm tracking this little gem. With debugging, I can see the same logical connection being returned for more than one thread (no good!). But I am struggling to understand why this is happening We are using the setup ojdbc6 driver on the weblogic data source with connection pooling. The code that creates a problem Public category MyDummyDaoUtil {// Note: This is a public area in a singleton (though a constant The area is not ...) conn public connection; Private MaidamidouUutil () {} Public Static MyMediaOutilIstance () (if (instance == blank) {instance = New MyDummyDaoUtil ();} Return Example;} Private Datacource throws the GetDataSource (Last String DSNName) Naming Explanation {return ServiceLocator.getInstance GetDataSource (dsName);} Get the public static connection throws naming upstation (last string source) {return MyDummyDaoUtil.getInstance (). GetDBConnection (source);} Private connection ...

WordPress Plugins not Showing in Admin Panel -

Using the latest version of WordPress, I have a site that I maintain for the client who was created by using another person using WooThemes. It's running on a Windows server. While on the Plugins menu, only one plugins that appear, are unimportant, and contact form 7. I have installed other plugins like Shareware, but none of them come If I click on the 'active (15)' menu item at the top, I still see only 2 plugins. This is not a part of a multi-site I have checked permission (windows), I have checked the folder structure Do anyone have any suggestions? Well it depends on the plugin, because not all plugins use the menu bar, But usually when a plugin is active then the settings are under the menu and if your customer or you have permission as an author then you can not see any menu option as an administrator

java - wrong date in SimpleDateTime parse -

This is the string I have: Sat, Nov 02, 2013 at 5: 10 pm I am trying to parse it in a date time using this formater: DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ( However, this is when I use it to parse the date string: However, this is when I use it to parse the date string: Sat Jan 05 17:10:00 CST 2013 I think I should make the format wrong Yes, but I did not know where it is. Capital YYYY There is some name format. You want lowercase yyyy for the actual year. DateFormat formatter = New SimpleDateform ("E: EEE, MMM DD, yyyy ' 'K: mm A'); With this change I output and receive the parsed date: Sat 02 02 17:10:00 PDT 2013 (I'm in the Pacific Time Zone.)

java.util.scanner - Reading Text File in java while preserving white spaces using scanner class -

I want to read this text file and store the data in a 2D array. Each white spot should be replaced with 0 , which will result in the final matrix of 0 and 1. The problem that is happening is that the scanner ignores all the white spaces and only put 1s in the matrix. This is the text / input file. 111 1 11 11111 111 111 1111 111 1111 111 1111 11111 111111 111 11 11 11111 111 1111 11 11111 1111 11111 1111 11 11 1111 111 111 111 111 11 1111 111111 1111 111 1111 1111 111 1111 1111 11 1111 1111 1111 1111 11 1111 1111 1111 111111 1111111 11111 1111 1111 Scanner file scanner = new scanner (new file ("D: \ Assignment .txt")); Int [] [] Input matrix = new int [200] [200]; Int i = 0, j = 0; While (fileScanner.hasNextLine ()) {string line = file scanner.nxtain (); Scanner line scanner = new scanner (line); While (lineScanner.hasNext ()) {int token = integer. Parasont ( ()); InputMatrix [i] [j] token =; // token should be done with J ++; } LineScanner.close ...

c++ - Effects on max_load_factor and bucket count when clearing an unordered_map -

अगर मैं unordered_map.clear () करता हूँ तो यह max_load_factor या max_bucket_count ? नहीं - तालिका 103 सी ++ में 11 मानक कहते हैं, स्पष्ट तत्वों को मिटा देता है, खाली () को छोड़कर सही होता है। आप सुरक्षित रूप से मान सकते हैं कि यह अन्य असंबंधित, गैर दस्तावेजी परिवर्तन नहीं करता है। यहां तक ​​कि अगर आपने max_load_factor को 1.0 के डिफ़ॉल्ट से बदल दिया है, तो इसे स्पष्ट () द्वारा फिर से संशोधित नहीं किया जाएगा। max_bucket_count बहुत सारे सिस्टम पर size_t (-1) को बहुत मुश्किल-कोडित है - वेरिएबल सिस्टम मेमोरी, स्वैप / वर्चुअल मेमोरी आदि, इसके लिए प्रतिस्पर्धा करने वाली अन्य प्रक्रियाएं, गतिशील ओएस बफ़र्स / मेमोरी उपयोग आदि। यह एक अव्यवहारिक मूल्य वापस करने के लिए अव्यवहारिक बनाते हैं, इसलिए अधिकांश कार्यक्रमों को इसके साथ परेशान नहीं करना चाहिए। (यह - अब या कुछ कल्पित भविष्य में - एक ग्यू एम्बेडेड सिस्टम या खिलौना सी ++ - जैसी निश्चित प्रक्रिया मेमोरी वाले सिस्टम, या छोटे (जैसे 16-बिट) प्रकार के उपयोग की तरह "माइक्रो" स्थानिक अनुकूलन पर कुछ अस्पष्ट अर्थप...

javascript - Get Option Value OnClick with No Class/ID -

I am creating an ecommerce website with 100 items. Each item has an item option (i.e. small, medium, large). Each option has an integer in which the option is identified. When the user clicks "Add to Cart", then I should express that value as a variable. The problem is that all these items have the same exact class / id, so I can not write an onclick function for every one. How can I use jQuery for an option, to identify ID? The basic structure of the item form: & lt; Form & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; First item & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Gt selection and; & Lt; Option value = "6432" & gt; Big & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "5332" & gt; Small & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "add to cart" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Click "itemprop =" text " > Try this: $ (...

java - Javafx BorderPane Force Overlap -

मेरे पास यह कोड है (सरलीकृत / शॉर्टकट / छद्म): स्टैकपैन पृष्ठभूमि = नया StackPane (); ग्रिडपैन ओवरले = नया ग्रिडपैन (); बॉर्डरपैन फलक = नया बॉर्डरपैन (पृष्ठभूमि); pane.setLeft (ओवरले); मैं बैकग्राउंड / स्टैक फलक को पृष्ठभूमि की एक हिस्से को कवर करने के लिए पूरे विंडो (पृष्ठभूमि, आश्चर्य में) और ओवरले / ग्रिड को कवर करने के लिए चाहता हूं। समस्या यह है कि जब मैं स्टैक्सपैन पर एक छवि दृश्य जोड़ता हूं, तो छवि दिखाई देती है और कुछ नहीं। ओवरले दृश्यमान नहीं है मैंने ओवरले की कोशिश की है। ट्रॉफी, ओवरले.प्रेफर्डहाइट, और पृष्ठभूमि। बिना किसी सफलता के। कोशिश करो स्टैक फलक में दूसरी जगह के बजाय, और फिर सुनिश्चित करें कि आप छवि को स्टैक फलक के बच्चों के पहले तत्व के रूप में जोड़ें। ); BorderPane फलक = नया BorderPane (); pane.setLeft (ओवरले); स्टैकपैन पृष्ठभूमि = नया स्टैकपैन (फलक); // ... छवि दृश्य छवि = ...; Background.get बच्चे ()। जोड़ें (0, imageView); // ... scene.setRoot (पृष्ठभूमि); वैकल्पिक रूप से, बस रूट के रूप में एक BorderPane का उपयोग करें और नोड्स को सामान्य तरीके ...

javascript - Best Practice for sending multiple variables using ajax -

I'm still relatively new to jquery, so I was thinking that to send php to multiple variables using AJAX What was the best practice? For example, should I send variables to this package: $ Send Ajax ({data: {input: {x: 1, y: 2}}, ...} or personalized variables such as: $ Ajax ({data: {x: 1, y: 2}, ...}) Whether any performance benefits or any other kind of use of one on one Are you Thank you for your time, This function is the simplest when one There are many fields in the form. Serialize () & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; form action = "#" id = "formend" method = "post" name = "formend" & gt; & Lt; input name = "val1" id = "val1" & gt; & Lt; Input name = "val2" id = "val2" & gt; & Lt; Input name = "val3" id = "val3" & gt; ...... & lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; A href = "javascript:;" Id =...

html - Inline divs: shrink-wrap one, hide overflow on the other -

I have an interesting challenge in dealing with two inline text elements in a particular way. Here are my parameters: There will be variation in the main text width on the left, approximately 30-60% of the original width The supplementary text on the right will vary widely by 20-120%. The guardian's width is responsive - and its full width can be as little as 75% full position will not be Whenever both items do not fit, I hide the overflow To make it appear fully, main text and supplementary text want to turn up overflow the text: ellipisis Both CSS and HTML are fully available for modification, though I would like to have H TML HTML is meaningful. If there is a good way to do this, feel free to use JS / JQ. .ter {width: 200px; Background color: sky; Border: 3px solid sky; Exhibit: Flex; Appropriate Material: Space-Between; }. Left {background-color: salmon; White-space: Abrop; Hidden flurry; Text-overflow: oval; } .right {background color: Blan...

Use RegEx in R to retrieve string before second occurence of a period ('.') -

Regularly get the characters before the second period (such as with sup ()). Looking at a character vector such as: v I want to return it to: [1 ] "M_s.E1" "m_xs.P1" & gt; Sub ("(^ [^.] + [.] [^.] +) (. + $)", "\\ 1", v) [1] "m_s.E1" "m_xs.P1" > To illustrate it now: Mark any of the symbols in the first and third coupled "[]" except for any period ("character squares"), And "+" that follow them, let them have an arbitrary number of such characters. [.] This only matches the first period, and the second period will end the match. Pannerethase-pair allow you to have special partial squares of matching characters and there are two sections. In the second section, an arbitrary number is repeated by the end of any character (symbol of the term) string, $ "\\ 1" back as the value only the first partial Specifies matching. ^ Operator means different things...

Why can C functions not return arrays? -

सी में, एक struct (रिकॉर्ड डेटा संरचना) एक फ़ंक्शन का रिटर्न प्रकार हो सकता है, लेकिन एक सरणी नहीं हो सकती सी भाषा के कारण सरणियों को किस अपवाद के रूप में डिजाइन विशेषताएँ? सी भाषा में एक नग्न सरणी प्रकार प्राथमिक रूप से ऐतिहासिक कारणों के लिए प्रतिलिपि नहीं है इस कारण से arrays के साथ arrays को प्रारंभ करना संभव नहीं है, सरणियों के लिए सरणियों को असाइन करना, पैरामीटर के रूप में मूल्य से एरे सेट या फ़ंक्शन से वापसी एरेज़ करना। (प्रारंभिक संदर्भ में chars [6] = "नमस्ते"; ।) का एक उल्लेखनीय अपवाद है यह भी अभी भी संभव है कि यदि सभी सरणी स्ट्रेट में लिपटे हों प्रकार, जो दर्शाता है कि सीमा पूरी तरह से प्रकृति में घोषणात्मक है। इसके लिए कोई सम्मोहक तकनीकी कारण नहीं है। सी भाषा ने अपने ऐतिहासिक पूर्ववर्तियों - बी और बीसीपीएल भाषाओं से सरणी कार्यान्वयन के लिए अपना दृष्टिकोण विरासत में मिला है। बी / बीसीपीएल सरणियों में खुले तौर पर पॉइंटर्स के रूप में कार्यान्वित किया गया था, जिसका अर्थ है कि एक सरणी को एक दूसरे को निर्दिष्ट करने का संकेत मिलता है, सी भाषा एक अलग दृष्ट...

javascript - How to force Chrome debugger to automatically go to the currently debugged line? -

Through my Javascript code in Chrome Dev Tools, as I would have done in F10 or F11, Chrome Dev Devices will be executed in a row after some time, which is not currently I In the view (though the same file) How do I tell Chrome to bring that line into the code? As you move through the code, you open the call stack panel on the right side of the source window And be able to double click on the breakpoint, on which you want to jump.

python - pytest: Reusable tests for different implementations of the same interface -

कल्पना करो मैंने एक मॉड्यूल में बार नामक उपयोगिता (शायद एक कक्षा) लागू की है Foo , और इसके लिए निम्नलिखित परीक्षण लिखे हैं। pytest आयात चिह्न से कार्यान्वयन के रूप में foo आयात बार @ mark.parametrize (& Lt; args & gt ;, & lt; टेस्ट डेटा सेट 1 & gt;) def test_one (& lt; आर्ग्स & gt;): & lt; कार्यान्वयन और आर्ग्स & gt; @ चिह्न। पैरामाट्रीज़ (& lt; आर्ग्स & gt ;, & lt; टेस्ट डेटा सेट 2 & gt;) def test_two (& lt; आर्ग्स & gt;): & lt; कार्यान्वयन और आर्ग्स & gt; & Lt; अधिक ऐसे परीक्षण & gt; अब कल्पना कीजिए, भविष्य में मुझे उम्मीद है कि एक ही इंटरफ़ेस के विभिन्न कार्यान्वयन लिखित होंगे। मैं उन कार्यान्वयनों को उन परीक्षणों का पुन: उपयोग करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं जो उपरोक्त परीक्षण सूट के लिए लिखी गई थी: केवल कुछ चीजें जो बदलने की आवश्यकता हैं कार्यान्वयन & lt; परीक्षण डेटा सेट 1 & gt; , & lt; परीक्षण डेटा सेट 2 & gt; आदि इसलिए मैं उपरोक्त परीक्षणों को एक पुन: प...

Double loop in R with a matrix -

I know the error I make, but I can not find any solution for the monte carlo method. Programming a double loop set.seed (-1256, generic .kind = "box-muller") a & lt; - For matrix (nsimul, 85) (1 in kernel: Nsimul) {r = c () [1] = r0_CIR S = c () S [1] = I0 A [, 1] = for r0_CIR (in Jammu 1: NumPassi) {epsilon = rnorm (2,0,1) r [j + 1] = r [ja] + alphaastar * (gamaster-r [ja]) * deltat + ro * sqrt (r [j]) * Epicelone [1] * SQLT (Delatat) if (R [J + 1] I get this error when I try to run the code error [[& lt; -` (`* tmp *`, j + 1, value = 0.0102279735166489): For example, for example S You can not do that in the method you are trying to do in your example atrix A. Here is an example matrix. Lt; -matrix (1:10, nrow = 5) # [, 1] [, 2] # [1,] 1 6 # [2,] 2 7 # [3,] 3 8 # [4], 4 9 # 5, 5 10 And if I try a [1,3] I got # in error A [1, 3] and lieutenant; 2 : Out of the limits of the subscript When you are not unsure about your questio...

Trouble \0 null terminating a string (C) -

I think there is some problem with terminating my string with \ 0. I'm not sure that this is a problem, so I decided to make a post. First of all, I declared my wire in this form: char * input2 [5]; Later in the program, I added this line of code to become the remaining unused slots to be \ 0 , all of them changed to become a tap terminator Gave. Can be done with a loop, but yes. while (c! = 4) {input2 [c] = '\ 0'; C ++; } When in debug mode, I see that the empty slot now has 0x0, not \ 0 is this the same thing? The second string where I declared it four input [15] = ""; then shows when happening in debug mode. My problem is that I'm getting a partition error ( Debian VM ). My linux 12.04 though). My guess is that because the string is not really finished, the compiler does not know when it closes and continues to try to reach the memory in the array, when it is clearly out of bounds already . Edit: I will try to answer all othe...

c++ - ofStream printing in another function -

I have a strange problem running. I have two functions, both of which have been passed by reference. But when I call another function, a part of the first function is being printed. Here's the first task: zero gameplay :: dealDominos (offstream & outstream, int seeds) {for (int i = 0; i & lt; 10; ++ i) {Outstream & lt; & Lt; "Random" & lt; & Lt; Rand () & lt; & Lt; Endl; }} My second task is: zero gameplay :: Find Longest Sack (offstream and outstream) {outstream & lt; & Lt; ToStringSeq (label, maxsec) & lt; & Lt; Endl; } However, my output looks like this: New MAX [T 8] New MAX random [T 8 8] [T8 1] New maximum number [T8] [T81] [T1 1] [T2 2] New Max Dome [T8] [T8 1] [T1 1] [T2 2] [T2 11] ] For Maximum CIF: Dom [T8] [T8 1] [T1 1] [T2 2] [T2 11] Let me label the word "random" and Can be printed between the sequence .. How do I fix this? It seems that you have two different offsets o...

html - How to get images to span 100% of div on 3 column grid? -

Sorry for the noob question I have a grid which is 1200px wide. I I have 3 columns which extend the length of 1200px. I know that this issue works grid and extends 1200px, but the images do not match. I want them to go through the entire 1200 px I left image 1 left, image 3 to right and align center image alignment center Tried to do it, but it seemed that it was taken to only one place, which was one of the left, which used to leave a large space in the center, so that they did not move at the same distance. I made my example on JSfield & lt; Div class = "grid" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-12" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "" alt = "mid image" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = ...

java - Transparent window changes look -

I am trying to create a transparent window with a viewfinder toolbar, and so far I was able to do this besides I'm looking for a change in window from the normal OS look and looks at the default metal look. I was just thinking that there is a way around it. This is my code: import java.awt. *; Import javax.swing.JFrame; Import javax.swing.JPanel; Public category NewClass2 enhances JFrame {public NewClass2 () {`Enter code here 'super (" New 2 "); // setBackground (new color (0,0,0,0,0,0)); // This window sets a transparent set (new dimension (300,200)); SetLocationRelativeTo (zero); setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); SetVisible (true); } Public Static Zero Main (String [] Args) {//JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated (true) .this one prevents exceptions / occurring from transparent windows, but changes appear and feel NewClass2 cls2 = New NewClass2 ( ); }} You never set and do not think you want to use So, Java default is ever "thinks...

iphone - IOS app is crashing on IOS 7.1 but works with IOS 8 -

I have an app that is live on the app store, but it is not launching on iOS 7.1 devices. I have set deployment targets for iOS 7.1, but my base SDK is iOS 8. It is understood that this would be an accident on non-iOS 8 devices. Am I right in my thinking? Do I need to come back and use iOS 7.1 SDK ?? You can continue to use iOS 8. But you have to check in your code where you are only using iOS 8 API calls and can exclude them from running on iOS 7. If you are not sure what to do, change the deployment target to iOS 8.

powerpoint - Is it possible to convert .ppt file to .pptx without using interop or Spire? -

Is it possible to convert PPP file to .ppt without using the interp or spire because I think it Would there be something like changing a binary file to open the Xml format? Public Zero Convert PPTTOPPTX (MemoryStreamPTT FileInput, MemoryStreamPPTPFileOutput) { ..... } Thanks in advance. If you want to program this, then you should be interop or some third party library If you can use the interop, you will get office loyalty, no other third party library is just a great effort, unless it uses the interop under the hood, whatever they do. Make sure you check that the library needs to be set up in the office. There is nothing here that is created directly in the Net Workfair, if you are asking this question will not support Microsoft's OOxML SDK conversion Only Microsoft knows which PPT conversion is PowerPoint Automation Services , but it requires access to a SharePoint server This is a simple problem that you understand and the PPT binary file To be ab...

elasticsearch - How can I count the number of documents where a field is within a certain range? -

I am trying to create an elastic search query that calculates the number of documents where a certain area This aggregation is within a date histogram aggregation, but I do not think the cases for the purpose of this question. Example Data: ID: Score 01: 4 02: 5 03: 10 04: 9 I I want to calculate the number where 'score' is & gt; = 9. I have tried script and filter within it aggregation, but I can not get it to work. This aggregation counts all documents, not just matches those scripts. {"Field_days": {"date_histogram": {"area": ​​"date", "interval": "day"}, "aggs": {"value_count" : The following grouping gives me a parse failure and said, Code> Failure [required] [POSA], under POS, but [value_count]] in a [VALUE_STRING] : "aggs": {"report_days": {"Date_histogram": {"area": ​​"date", "interval": "day"}, ...

php - Why dosn't facebook like this code? -

I made some progress to share something which is linking my website that is dynamically from mysql database I can include an iframe on the main page of my site. & lt; Iframe src = "// href='.id=&width&amp ; Amp; layout = standard & amp; amp; act = like & amp; show_faces = true & amp; share = true & amp; amp; height = 80 & amp; amp; idid = 596610807121620 \ "scrolling =" no "framesbread = "0" style = "border: none; overflow: hidden; height: 80px;" allowTransparency = "true" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; Then on the page, I have a link to the following metatags. & lt; meta property = "og: title" content = "listed in the two-year old section" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "ogg: url" content = "& gt; php echo $ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF'] ;? ...

c# 4.0 - How to Generate CheckBoxes checked inside a DataGridView dynamically in C#? -

is a datagrid view that contains a checkbox column. I am generating other columns of DataGridView from a table. It's working fine, but now I'm trying to check some checkboxes using this code, but it's not working. Code String Query = "Group_Info" with information as "SELECT ID, Group_Name +" + Phone_No "; GenerateGridView (dataGridView1, query); Datatable DT = GetTableData ("Select tbl generates group_ID"); Forwarding (Datarao RW in DT.RO) {foreach (DataGridViewRow line in DataGrid View 1.Rao) {DataGridWebCox Box CK = (Datagreat View Markbook Call) (Line Seals [0]. Value); If (convert .toiun 32 (line seals [1]. Value) == convert to iTINT 32 (RW ["GROUP_ID"]) {chk.Value = chk.TrueValue; }}} How can we do this? May try this: DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn chk = New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn (); dataGridView1.Columns.Add (mortgage); Chk.HeaderText = "Check Data"; Chk.Name = "chk"; DataGridView1.Row...

node.js - Javascript - How to save a reference to "this" for access in named function callback using prototype pattern -

I have problems with reference to a JavaScript object implemented with prototype pattern within the callback. I callback from a third party component That's what I use within my object. Third party object connects to a message bus. The following pseudo code shows how I started (the actual code is working for this) var mb = require ('MsgBus') TestClass = function () {This.messagebus = new mb.MsgBus (); This.messagebus.connect (function (err) {if (error) console.log ("Error connecting"); else console.log ("connected");}); } But the callback reports an error, but then I wanted to try to add it automatically again. If I say "if.messagebus.connection" then if I have to add another anonymously method to block (if), then I can not even enter one more line, and it only has to run on it, so, I I want to divide callback logic into a named function like this var mb = require ('MsgBus') TestClass = function () {this.messagebus = new ...

c# - Streaming large list of data as JSON format using -

Using the MVC model, I would like to write a JasonResult which will stream instead of converting Jason String Client into client Once in Jason String and then streaming back to the client, I have actions that need to be very large (more than 3,00,000 records) in the form of Jason Transfer and I think the basic Implementation of Eason Reshlt is not scaled. I am using JSNNETNet, I am thinking that there is a way to convert it to the Jason String partition, it is being converted. // Existing Implementation: Answer Newsletter response.End (); // I know that I can use JasonSylerizers instead of NewtonSoft. Jason Jason Surgery Serial = New NewtonSoft Jason Jason Surgery (); Serializer.Serialize (textWriter, data); Although I'm not sure how I can get the sections written in textWriter and write in response and call reponse.Flush until 300,000 records in Jason Do not change Is this possible? Assume that your final output is a JSON array and each "Chuck" is an ite...

c# - Running out of memory on vps -

Looks like I'm on my head on this I have an IIS7.5 VPS and I'm running several low-traffic web sites, I have 1 plain HTML, a pair in VBnet and 2 new in C #. My problem is that I have gone out of memory many times and only the variable I can use is the% compact bytes that go up to about 98% and closes the IIS. It seems that the new C # The sites have started with I have used the Perfomon and can see the% Cumulated Bytes (% CB) gradually increase. I have started VPS twice and CEB has gone down in the category of 60%. If I restart the IIS or recycle the app pool, then I get it in the 78% range. So I think my first question is whether the% CB should be stable or will it be different and this is normal? Second question: If% CB = x / byte was made, then what is X if I know X and think that in which process X increases, then maybe I can decide Whatever the problem. I have seen private bytes and heap sizes but they do not believe that I am looking for X ... Or am I seeing in ...

eclipse - Java JDBC SQLite update entry not working -

I have created a set of databases and tables in Excel using JDBC and SQL. I am trying to update the table using the following code: public static zero update () {connection c = null; Description stmt = null; Try {class.forName ("org.sqlite.JDBC"); C = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: sqlite: walktreckers dbb"); C.setAutoCommit (wrong); System.out.println ("The database was opened successfully"); Stmt = c.createStatement (); String SQL = "Update customer 2 set ADDRESS = Byron where phone = 2;"; Stmt.executeUpdate (SQL); C.commit (); Results reset rs = stmt.executeQuery ("select from customers";); While (rsnext ()) {int id = rs.getInt ("id"); String name = rs.getString ("name"); Int age = rs.getInt ("age"); String address = rs.getString ("address"); Float Pay = R. JF Float ("Salary"); System.out.println ("id =" + id); System.out.println ("NAME =" + name); Sy...

javascript - Meaning of (function($) { })(jQuery) (e.g., in jQuery Enlightenment book) -

I love the "Dome Enlightenment" book and read companion volume for it. I have used basic jquery, like below and I understand them .. $ (document) .bind (â ???? contextmenuâ? ???, function () {// do something}}; But the book mentions something like below ... and I do not understand how it is used? (function ($) {// $ chaos use worry-free alerts ('you're using jQuery' $ (.) .jquery);}) (jQuery) (function ($) ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ ($ () function) Use alerts free from anxiety ('You are using jQuery' $ () .jquery);}) (jQuery) This is an anonymous instant-inclined function and "$" This function has been passed and written on 'JQ' as it is written. This is just to clarify that '$' indicates 'jquery' you can use (function () {// $ alias worry-free conflict alerts ('you are using jQuery' $$) .jquery);}) () this $ (). Jquery is used to get jquery version being used. This an...

Fuelux Tree: How to filter items based on status checkboxes -

I have successfully implemented FuelUx tree control, but I want the user to click on a different status check mark (ie active or stored). Any suggestions about implementing this feature? My first inclination is an active / inactive / The archived / key which will add the class data source attr.cssClass This will allow you to toggle an item to display at any given time. You can also use class-associated styles to customize icons based on state.

c# - EF Fluent API + two column composite uniqueness + autoincrement primary key -

I use Fluent API I do not like comments. I always want to use an automation as my primary key, in all my tables. My columns require two columns, X and Y (where x is not the key of the orientation and the Y is not an auto key key), i.e.: not another line It can have X1 = X2 and Y1 = Y2 If I was not using an autoincrement key, then I would just create the keys of these two in this way: modelbuilder Entity & lt; Foo & gt; () .HasKey (t = & gt; new {tX, TI}). Takelet ("FOS"); But, as I said in (2), I am using Auto Correction Primary Key modelbuilder.Entity & lt; Foo & gt; () .HasKey (t = & gt; t.SomeLongId) .ToTable ("Foos"); How can I achieve this overall specificity in the Fluent API? I want to get it written in SQL: create tab 'fuse' (`id 'large (20) unknown call entanglement, ... primary key (`Id`), unique key (` x`, `y ')); You can get it and apply it using the 'HasColumnAnnotation (...)' me...

Ruby: merge results of two methods from a class -

I found a class called TemplateResources which has two methods like this: def components @ template.tconents end def custom_articles components + = @ user.custom_articles if @ user.custom_articles.present? End The results are said in a view like this: I should see combined results displayed in the view. I thought + = would do this, but it does not seem that anybody knows how to join the results of those two methods? Maybe: def components @ template.tconents end DEF custom_ articles @ User.custom_articles || [] End DEF all_articles components + custom_articles end and compared to this view:

phpunit - LogicException: Missing default data in Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\DataCollector\MessageDataCollector -

Receive this exception in Symfony 2.5.5 with Swiftmailer 5.3.0. I am actually following following the following error call MessageDataCollector # getMessages () : // An email is sent, this $ - Sending; - assertEquals (1, $ mailCollector -> getMessageCount ()); $ CollectedMessages = $ mailCollector-> incoming message (); $ Message = $ aggregated message [0]; The claim of message counting has also failed with the value of zero. As far as I can tell the collector, no one has been able to collect any realities in action. Any ideas? I had to face the same problem once I applied. I could see the result of mail sent in the web profiler when running the development version, but data could not be found in the test environment. After applying Chris Speak, I noticed that Swiftmailer.mailer.default.plugin.messagelogger service was not registered with the container during testing, so the MessageDataCollector class did not have the archive () method to log the data to...

c# - Exclamation Storing multiple function calls in an array -

itemprop = "text"> Assume my function with 2 values ​​as an integer array, race [0] and race [1] When I am calling the array in the loop for several times, and when I am storing results in another array, results in each iteration are over-written with new results. If the first call [0,1] returns, the array will store the [0] and [1] index, which is fine, but when I'm calling the function again, new results It is stored on the same index [0] and [1] I think how to avoid Function Code: Private Zero MatrixMul (string subInput, Int [,] key, int [(integer col = 0; col & lt; key.GetLength (0); line ++) {for};) result {{int row = 0; GetLength (0) for col ++) {Results [line] = well Mr. [line, color] * AtoZ.IndexOf (Sbinput [col]); }}} Calling code: for (int i = 0; i & lt; outPut.Length; i ++) {MatrixMul ( Production [i], keys, anchors); For example, in my output, the following are: "TH", "IS", "AT" when I am calling th...

nokiax - Telugu font in nokia x -

I bought a new Nokia-X mobile, but it does not support Telugu fonts. is thanks. The device is Android phone effectively, thus I recommend the following instructions for the normal Android device I am For example check for more information.

debugging - Is bugzilla a bug tracker or debugger? -

When I tried to find out more about the Bugzilla most sources are saying that this is a bug tracker. .. Please know the difference between debugger and bug tracker ... and put some light on the bugzilla too. Bug tracker: A bug tracker or an application that keeps a record of the bug reported in a software development project. A bug tracking system usually has databases and user interfaces. Backend database using bug details, seriously, step to generate: the expected and actual behavior, bug again, developers or records of known bugs involving tester etc. is used to store. A bug-tracking system in the software development project is also used to generate bug reports for measuring the productivity of the programmer in bug fixing. Bug tracking systems are integrated project management systems. This approach allows record tracking and communication between the testers and developers. Bug record is necessary to build new product versions, base product knowledge and fix bu...