
Showing posts from January, 2010

Noob LESS/CSS "translation" -

यह कोड सीएसएस में कैसे अनुवाद करेगा? .header-9-sub {। बैकग्राउंड {पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: url ("/ images / header-9.jpg"); }} क्या ऐसा नहीं होगा: .header-9-sub। बैकग्राउंड {पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: url ("/ images / header-9.jpg"); } कम के रूप में यह है: अभिभावक वर्ग / आईडी {शैली जानकारी यहाँ * बाल वर्ग / आईडी 1 {* शैली जानकारी यहाँ *} बच्चे वर्ग / आईडी 2 {* शैली जानकारी यहां *} h1 {* शैली जानकारी यहां *}} जब इसे कम से सीएसएस पर स्वरूपित किया जाता है तो यह हो जाता है: अभिभावक वर्ग / आईडी {* शैली जानकारी यहां *} अभिभावक वर्ग / आईडी बाल वर्ग / आईडी 1 {* शैली जानकारी यहां *} अभिभावक वर्ग / आईडी बाल वर्ग / आईडी 2 {* शैली जानकारी यहां *} अभिभावक वर्ग / आईडी h1 {* शैली जानकारी यहां *}

windows - Install protoc without maven (win7, java) -

I tried to install a prototype on windows without Maven (I can not download Maven due to the firewall issues organization) . I have described in Readme in my protoc.exe in the .. \ src (not in the java \ src as many do) folder. When I enter protoc -version in the command prompt, I get the libprotoc 2.6.0 . no problem. But when I protoc - java_out = src / main / java-i ../ src / google / protobuf / descriptor.proto , I get missing input file all the time & amp; I can not move forward. I have tried to give the entire path where my descriptor.proto lies, -i by changing -IPATH Tried to use - proto_path but I still get the same deleted input file error Can anyone help me? You want the command (with Prototbuf-Java Readme): Ex> Protocol - Java_out = src / main / java-i ../ src ../src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto Note that I have a different logic ... I think that you accidentally merged them together.

ios8 - dismissGrantingAccessToURL of UIDocumentPickerExtensionViewController is not working -

I am working on the document provider extension for the import provider. The URL of the file shared between both shared extensions and shared containers; Container app. I got a failure to say that it should sit inside the shared container / file provider storage directory. So I copied the file from the root directory to the file provider's storage directory. I have a file in the original location & amp; I got a file in a new copied place But when I call [self declarantGrantingAccessToURL: toUrl] this file does not check for the length of time, UIDocumentPickerExtensionViewController I am not faced with any exceptions, but this will be used to dismiss the transfer and start, so the user can still use the extension. Below is my code, if one comes in the same thing please leave your answer. - (zero) userChoosesEntityOfUrl: (ns URL *) url {NSURL * toUrl = [self.documentStorageURL URLBeBayAppendingPathComponent: [url lastPathComponent]]; If ([[NSFileManager ...

html - NTH-child not working properly -

On some elements I can use the NTH-hair selector, which is the element of a second level (basic> child; The child has got a 3rd level element (guardian & gt; child & gt; child) which triggers different triggers with selectors, it triggers only all those or anyone. Firstly, you should only use the id once in html. If you have a problem, you do not want a class ID, you have only one inferior block block in your block, instead you can use the inbox: nth-child (1) in the block. section block {background: #did! Important;} update: if you want to change. Seperatly block for eatch block : Nth-child (1). Cute Block {background: #ddd! Important;}

angularjs - Order of execution of $http callbacks -

It looks like the factory's performance execution priority is highest, so that the callback does not have any data to deal with. What is the best way to do this work? I found this type of factory app.factory ('jsonservice', function ($ http) {return}: function (callback) {$ http.get ( 'Data / Districts .Jason'). Success (callback);}, getLocations: function (path, callback) {$ http.get ('data /' + path + '.json') .vivet (callback);}} ;}); and the controller var app = angular. Module ('sandbox', []); app.controller ('sandboxCtrl', function ($ radius, jsonService) {// it works with a $ scope.init1 = () {jsonService.getDistults (function) {$ scope.districts = data; $ scope. currentDistrict = $ scope.districts [0] .name; jsonService.getLocations ($ scope.currentDistrict, function (data) {$ scope.locations1 = data;})});}; $ scope.init1 (); // A $ scope.init2 = function is not () {jsonService.getDistricts (function) {$ scope.d...

c# - NServiceBus 5 RavenDBPersistence SetDefaultDocumentStore using EmbeddableDocumentStore -

I am using NSVEBus hosted in my own process with RavenDB and also using RavenDB.Embedded Is hosted in the same process. This combo has worked without problems when I was using NSWerserve 4.6.5, although I have upgraded to NSISBs 5.0.0 and used to configure the new configuration API Has updated. However, NSCRBs then throws an exception with the message: No Saga stability is configured. If you want to use nservicebus saga support, please configure a saga constellation I was successfully using the following configuration from NServiceBus 4.6.5: Configure NServiceBus 5.0.0 I have tried the following configuration without any luck: 1. 1. > Configuration. Use anticipated & lt; RavenDBPersistence & gt; () .SetDefaultDocumentStore (DocumentStore); 2. Configuration. Use Persistence & lt; RavenDBPersistence & gt; () .SetDefaultDocumentStore (DocumentStore) .UseDocumentStoreForSagas (DocumentStore); ); and without all three and without:...

R issues with merge/rbind/concatenate two data frames -

I am starting with R, if I am asking for questions then I apologize in advance. Here's my problem: I have two data frames, DF1 and DF2, which have different numbers of rows and columns, in two frames there is only one customer (column) called "customer_no" . I want to record merged frames based on "customer_no" and only according to rows in DF2. All data for each client. The frame has multiple rows. I tried the following: merged df My questions are: 1) How can I tell the command to leave unmatched columns empty? 2) How can I see a merged file, which row was found? I think that if I solve the above question it should be easy to see it from the empty columns. I am missing something in my order, but I do not know if the question has been answered somewhere, can you still write it again in English for the beginning of R? Thank you! Data example: df1: customer_no country year 10 UK 2001 10 UK 2002 10 UK 2003 20 US 2007 30 AU 2006 DF 2: custom...

symfony - Fosuserbundle safari csrf token -

I have a problem when I want to register on my website with Safari because symfony2 told me that the CSRF token is invalide (But it's working on Firefox and Chrome!) I only have the layout_ content.html.twig and the layout of the bundle # register_content.html.twig {% trans_default_domain 'FOSUserBundle'%} & lt; Div class = "content_registration" & gt; & Lt; div class = "content_registration_why" & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; RIOGNEZ NAUS! & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; img src = "{{property ('bundle / nemosier / images / pin. svg')}}" /> & Lt; P & gt; Faites une offre to your crà © ations prà © fà © rà © es! & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; img src = "{{property ('bundle / nemosier / images / pin. svg')}}" /> & Lt; P & gt; Revendez vos prà © cà © dents achats! & Lt; / P &...

android - Deploy API based app on any store -

I currently have ionic settings (for customer side) and sails.js (for server side). I have a dedicated server that is used to host on behalf of the server, say, , and all git are under variant. So, for example, when I want to login, I'll see query true or false (This is a very basic) for example). I publish my app in production, wait for a few hours, and my app is available to everyone. But now, I want my server to be {success: correct, token: xxxxxx} instead of original true or false / code> I push my server modifications, which instantly impacts, but I have to wait a few hours to get approved for recently updated apps. Therefore, currently all users can not access the application, because the server side and the client side do not 'match' I do not know how to start to avoid this Do you have any Have an idea on the experience, or how to do it? Thank you in advance You must have a version of your API. Example:...

javascript - html tags in opening drop-down menu -

In a basic div, there is a "menu div" as I have shown in the picture. By clicking "menu" and a function in javascript, another window opens, which includes menu items. As it is presented, in the "Menu window", the parent is more than the witch margin. For the menu part, I have assumed two different tags. One when it is in parent and the other when it opens with menu items and with padding and margin settings in the CSS, I have put them in the exact same condition when the window opens, the supervisor Also does not recognize the displacement "menu". Is there an easy way to do this? Can there be only one tag for the menu? Yes there is a simple way to use 2 separate menu tags. You will have 1 menu tag (with some tests for the menu) and put your menu item in your menu tag (but do not show them - display: any ). When the user clicks on the menu, change the display of your item ( display: block ) to block and make sure that your menu...

centos - Migrating Cpanel to new server -

I am in the process of migrating my VPS to a dedicated server. I initially started the new box on the right dedicated server version of cPanel. Was set together. I moved all the packages and accounts using the cPanel transfer tool. I then copied wwwacct.conf and cpanel.config so that my settings are the same. I have a problem now that the cPanel version is written back in the VPS version on the new dedicated server, how can I fix this while maintaining my settings? When I migrate from another server, I configure the tweak settings manually, the most Good way One tip: With the same configuration, the EasyApache file in the new server and forgot to download the recompile.

python - Numpy only way to read text file and keep comments -

यहां एक पाठ फ़ाइल का एक न्यूनतम काम उदाहरण है: # एबीसी 1 7 9 7 2 10 10 20 30 इस फ़ाइल का उपयोग करके टिप्पणी की गई पंक्ति को त्याग कर दिया जाएगा। क्या कोई ऐरे में एक टिप्पणी के रूप में संग्रहीत कॉलम को मैप करने का एक अच्छा तरीका है जो मैं एक्सेस के लिए उपयोग कर सकता हूं? यह मानक अजगर की कुछ पंक्तियों के साथ ऐसा करने में आसान है, पढ़ना, पार्स करने, विभाजन और मैपिंग को एक सरणी में, लेकिन मैं एक अंतर्निहित कमांड की तलाश कर रहा था और ऐसा लगता है कि दोनों loadtext और genfromtxt सभी टिप्पणियां दूर फेंकें मुझे एक संकेत मिलता है कि यह हो सकता है कि पांडा किस लिए हो और इसका जवाब जो डेटा प्रबंधन के लिए अन्य पुस्तकालय का उपयोग करता है ठीक है। वास्तव में यह किया जा सकता है, पहले एक पंक्ति में पढ़ा, स्तंभ शीर्षकों को सूची में निकालें, इसे फिर से पढ़ लें, प्रारंभिक पंक्ति को छोड़कर, header = none पारित कर दें और फिर पहले तत्व को छोड़कर स्तंभ नाम सेट करें: में [78]: आयात io आयात पांडा पीडी अस्थायी = "" # एबीसी 1 7 9 7 2 10 10 20 30 "" "cols = list (pd.r...

Accessing Java default methods in a subinterface or implementation class -

I understand that if a section overrides a default method, you can use the default method in the following method IFoo {Default Zero Bar () {}} class MyClass implements iFoo {void bar ()) {} zero IOOBAR () { (); }} But about the case where the interface overrides a default method? Is parental method available in any way? IFoo interface {default zeros bar () {}} Extends the interface ISUBF IFoo {// is available anywhere? The default zero time {}} class uses MyClass ISubFoo {// is available anywhere elsewhere? Public Stable Zero Main (string [] Args) {MyClass MC = New MyClass (); (); // call}} The use of the word java for the default method is similar to classes, otherwise it is confusing / confusing subinterface default methods "heirs", and "overwrite them" " can do. So it seems that should be accessible anywhere. You can go up one level, so () In the ISUBFu,

cordova - Deploying app in android with phonegap -

I have phonegap installed in my PC, my Android drivers are also installed Now I How can I run an app directly on my Android? It seems that the device is not aware ... ADB driver may not work on it The PC is doing ... ... or you do not enable the USB debugging option on the device. On the command line: ADB device .

mod auth kerb - Apache mod_auth_kerb -

I have a setup to authenticate users to use an apt and mod_auth_kerb and they have a URL Proxy (X-Remote-User) on the destination web server using HTTP header How do I set up the proper logout mechanism from the destination web server? - Call or similar to URL? Our setup works like this: We have a URL which Kerberos is protected by: / kerberos_login After reaching the client, Kerberos authentication is done. If successful, then the customer is sent back to / It is protected by not Kerbos. To log out, the client has access to the logout URL (also not protected by Kerberos): / logout

Publish Azure Web Role Without SSL Cert Fails -

I have a blue web roll project which is an SSL certificate for the production site, let's call it. I have no problem with publishing this and it works as expected However, for testing purposes, we have another site that we do not need SSL. It runs on the default blue site name, since I have added evidence for the output configuration, the test was refused to publish, stating that the evidence on the target aspiration deployment is not appraised, I understand The test site has not been certified. However, trying to remove the test configuration for the certificate causes another error, since the csdef file has defined a certification and none provided in the test configuration. How do I set up a configuration with certification without authentication and any? With the sensitive production, my production configuration is given below. & lt; Roll name = "my app" & gt; & Lt; Instance = "1" /> & Lt; ConfigurationSettings & gt; &...

java methods joined by a dot -

I am thinking of joining a dot in Java in two ways, for example the following code: string driver class = getServletContext (). GetInitParameter ("driverClass"); Anyone can tell what this line means: getServletContext (). GetInitParameter ("driverClass"); The two ways are connected to the dot, why? Simple answer: This is called chaining, the first method gives an object and it is returned (object) on it. The second method is called. We save a line to specify it in a variable.

jquery - Fixed navigation after scroll and CSS classes toggle -

I have created a simple web page layout, you can find it here: After scrolling down, I managed to create fixed navigation The one I am struggling to achieve is to assign each list item to class = "active" as the user moves from section to section. When the navigation is fixed on the top when the viewport wants me to add class = "active" to the first list item ; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#include" category = "active" & gt; Some & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; And then as soon as I move the page down, class = "active" is removed and then it is added to the next list item. I have found some plugins that actually do this but the truth is that I have not integrated them into my project. Also, due to the fact that I am very new to jQuery, I do not understand the code. I also found that it was difficult to consolidate once again .. , what is your advice? Thank you in advance I include...

android - onActivityResult not being called after FragmentActivity -

मेरे पास एक गतिविधि ए है जो कि startActivityForResult () का उपयोग कर एक गतिविधि बी (फ्रैग्मेंट एक्टिविटी) कॉल करता है। क्रियाकलाप बी से पहले समाप्त () पर कॉल करके, मैं setResult () का उपयोग करता हूं इस सब के बावजूद, onActivityResult () नहीं कहा जाता है मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि मैं क्या कर रहा हूं, क्योंकि मैं कुछ अपरंपरागत नहीं कर रहा हूं, या यह एक एंड्रॉइड बग है। यहां पर कुछ सुझावों को देखकर मैंने यह देखा है मेरे पास android: launchMode = "single instance" और android: noHistory = "true" मेरे मैनिफ़ेस्ट फ़ाइल में कहीं भी सेट नहीं है। कॉलिंग गतिविधि बी से ए: आशय इरादा = नए आशय (getActivity (), ActivityB.class); StartActivityForResult (आशय, MY_RESULT); गतिविधि समाप्त करना बी: आशय इरादा = नया आशय (); setResult (गतिविधि। RESULT_OK, आशय); समाप्त(); Overriding onActivityResult () गतिविधि में ए: @Override सार्वजनिक शून्य परएक्टिवेटिवेशुल्ट (int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data ) {टोस्ट। मेक टेक्स्ट (getApplication (), "टोस्ट...

Rails 4.1: Creating routes by calling method in controller -

I want to make a method, when a call is called from a controller, a nested resource path will be given to a given name For example, for a specific controller, this will add ... class API :: V1 :: FU controller & lt; ApplicationController must be equal to_users_route end ... name space: make API name: v1 resource: foo resource: user, Controller: 'API_Security' and End End ... which will allow them to browse on / api / v1 / foo /: foo_id / users and send Request for ApiSecurityController Or can it go to Api :: V1 :: ApiSecurityController ? It does not matter clearly because they are all in the same place of place. I want to do it this way because I want to avoid dozens of lines: resources: foo resources: Users, administrators: 'api_security' end resources: times do resources: user, controller: 'api_security' end It is easy to use a method for setup and maintenance. Until the request is received, I am fine for the controller, but it...

java - Hashtable's Value doesn't increaing -

निम्न जावा कोड: सार्वजनिक वर्ग के testCSVDataToMap {सार्वजनिक स्थिर हैशटेबल & lt; स्ट्रिंग, पूर्णांक & gt ; TestTable = नया हैशटेबल & lt; & gt; (); सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) IOException फेंकता {BufferedReader रीडर = नया BufferedReader (नया FileReader ("test.csv")); स्ट्रिंग रेखा; जबकि ((रेखा = रीडर। रीडलाइन ())! = नल) {स्ट्रिंग प्रतीक = "0"; यदि (testTable.contains (प्रतीक)) {int value = testTable.get (प्रतीक); मूल्य ++; testTable.put (प्रतीक, मान); } Else {System.out.println ("डैश!"); testTable.put (प्रतीक, 1); }} System.out.println (testTable); }} में आउटपुट है: डैश! पानी का छींटा! पानी का छींटा! पानी का छींटा! {0 = 1} .csv फ़ाइलों को पार्स किए जाने पर कुंजी '0' का मूल्य क्यों नहीं बढ़ता? टेस्टटेबल (एक हैशटेबल) में, इसे (0,1) के साथ आरंभ किया जाता है, और मान बढ़ते रहना चाहिए, क्योंकि प्रतीक हमेशा '0' की कुंजी के रूप में पहचाना जाता है। आप उपयोग कर रहे हैं, जो यह निर्धारित करता है...

regex - Extract 7.100.023c, 13,134.057d@015_4019 cases -

मुझे महाभारत श्लोक का वर्गीकरण करने की आवश्यकता है I सरल मामला: 7.100.023c devÄ ?? n ??? á¹ ?? य्या युक ?? योनीर वी के ?? नरक ?? ๠?? ๠£ का रा ?? ká¹ £ आसा ?? एक ¥ 7.100.024a टा ?? मीटर ईवा vivia ?? UA ¥ sarve देवा ?? n niká¹ £ ipya CA ?? mbhasi 7.100.024c tatha ?? svargagataá¹ ?? sarvaá¹ ?? ká¹ ?? TVA ?? लोकागुरूर divam 7.100.025a jagù ?? ma tridaÅ ?? आइया ¥ एस के? Rdhaá¹ ?? हाईजेट्स? Á¹ £ áairair há¹ ?? ¹¹ £ áoo mahÄ? MatiḠ¥ कड़ी मेहनत: 13,120.009 वीवाय के लिए? सीए 13,120.009 एक भाग दो विप्रर पाउंड अबा अ Å ?? आरके «आदमी एमई ?? व्यथा पाउंड ¹ á ¹ á á á á á ¥ ¥ कैना 13,119.008 बी * 0599_01 Å ?? अक्कायाव्राज्या ?? सीए सुमाह ?? एन ?? gataÅ ?? सीए यादै ?? सीचाा ?? 13,11 9.008 बी * 0599_02 सीक्रेट? क्रमाक ?? एक भिनना ?? ca Ka «á¹aḠ¥ प्रा ?? ๠?? Ä ?? n mumoca हा 13,119.008b * 0599_03 saá¹ ?? बीएचए« TAA ¥ ká¹ £ atriyakule prasÄ ?? दा ?? घ amitaujasaḠ¥ 13,134.057d @ 015_4018 há¹ ?? डी के.के.? माँसा? Citro mohasaá¹ ?? cayasaá¹ ?? bhavaḠ¥ 13,134.057d @ 015_4019 AJA ± ...

mongodb - PHP - Iterable Object Issue -

I am working on a site in which our system administrator can choose whether our data is either mangodeb Or I can recover both from elastic search or not, but I want to setup a switch case which will select the correct document recovery system based on priority in the site administrator section. When the mongo returns a stdClass object, I can print each item using something like the following items through the object: foreach ($ item as $ item) {Print_r ($ item); } Then I then add the total number of items to $ items- & gt; I can get it back using counting (). However, when using the elasticsearch I am returning an item that I should go: foreach ($ item ['hit'] ['hit'] as $ item) {print_r ($ item); } The count can be recovered using $ item ['hit'] ['total']. If I remove the array of objects (let's call it "$ last rupee" and count it (let's call it $ count) return data from rediscovery, how can i convert it to a stud c...

Netbeans Java code formatting issues -

I want to format some piece of java code in a more compact way than the default Netbeans formatting behavior; Netbeans are not able to set formatting options correctly for code snippets, so I will try to ask here: 1 / Netbeans formatting is possible to leave a line What is the method? For example: Public Zero Print Message (String Message) {System.out.println (Message); } Default behavior formats this snippet as follows: Public Zero print message (string message) {System.out.println ( message); } 2 / Is it possible to initialize double braces in this form? Private List & lt; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; () {{// some code here}}; Netbeans always use this code in the private list & lt; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; () {{// some code here}}; Thanks for the tips. Take a look at these sites for more information. - - To adjust the formatting rules for Java files: Sel...

rails devise gem redirect loop -

I am using a devise gem with a Rail 4.1.4 app, and adding some custom key-value additions to it Is required I override the following methods after_sign_in_path_for (resource) after_sign_up_path_for (resource) According to the after_update_path_for (resource) after_resetting_password_path_for (resource) methods specified here: However, signing in However, with the following output I after_sign_in_path _for I enter several times: Obtain "/ user / sign-in" for on 2014/07/07 - 10-08 22:56: 45 +0530 Processive Davis :: Sessions Controller # HTML as the new Select user load (0.3ms) "Users". * "User" by "user" "id" = 1 "user" by ORDER. "ID" ASC limit1 http: // localhost: 3000 / users / sign_in Filters series has been redirected: need_no_authentication rendered or guided full 302 3ms (ActiveRecord: 0.6ms ) Every time I finally redirected to the root path (the browser temporarily...

javascript - How to achieve maximum web security here -

We have a browser front end that is a node. Communicates with the JS server, which stores data in the Mongodibi database in the bluemix cloud. My boss does not really want the data being watched by intruders. We do not want any security expert. In addition, my boss wants to store the data, we thought It would be a good idea to use the certificate to establish an SSL connection in order to ensure that the browser protects communicating with trusted websites and SSL encryption Su is. To be encrypted in DB, this second layer of encryption will mean that the data submitted by the browser will pass through SSL, encrypt by the server, and then stored in Mongo DB. If the browser wants the data, the server will retrieve it, but will not bother to decrypt it first. In fact the browser logs in and succeeds, the server responds with a private key that can be used, decrypt the data at the end of the browser, stored this key in JS variable Will go. In this way, when an intruder has obt...

java - get file path when open app as my app -

I have written an app to open a PDF file in my app. When the user clicks on the PDF files then I want to show my app as an app in which PDF file is required to open, I did this part and now I want to get that PDF path to open it ... How can I get this PDF to see the file when the user has chosen PDF to my app then the file path? I used this code in the manifest file: & lt; intent-filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.MAIN" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.VIEW" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> & Lt; Data Android: mimeType = "Apps / PDF" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; add android: pathPattern & lt; Intent-Filter & gt; ...

node.js - Mongoose remove in async.parallel -

I do not quite understand why this does not work: Remove async parallel ([SomeStuff.find ({}), some stuff 2.find ({}), remove some stuff 3.find ({}}, remove}, done); While it works fine remove async.parallel ([function (callback) {SomeStuff.find ({}) Remove (callback)}, Remove Function (callback) {SomeStuff2.find ({}); (callback);}, function (callback) {SomeStuff3.find ({}) Remove (callback);}]; Is not it practically equal? First throws an error: Type error: object # & lt; Object & gt; No method on the query is 'Cast'. p> The problem is that when you pass the function in the same way you lose the function reference. Remove () is a prototype method, so it depends on the value of this is correct when you pass by yourself, by it value is lost now, so it can no longer talk like this.cast () .

php - how to make pictures stored from db, as different links? -

I have a php file that shows some pictures from DB. I want to make each image as a separate link as the page: picture 1-link 1, picture 2-link 2 etc. How do I do this? Do I need to change anything in this code? echo "& lt; td width = 100"; Echo "and div "; This will work to open an image in a new browser window echo "& lt; td width = 100>"; Echo "& lt; div class = 'pulse' & gt; & lt; a target = '_ blank' href = 'picture /'. 'Line [' picture '].' '& Gt; $ Line ['picture'] "& Lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt;"; Echo "& lt; / td>";

tfs - My team members' Visual studio team foundation server cannot find files I checked in -

We are using Team Foundation Server as a source control management tool. I checked in my projects and files but when my team members receive the latest version of the code, what happened is that they can find files in File Explorer but not in the Visual Studio solution Explorer. As a result, they need to manually add files to add existing items. Does anybody know any possible root cause for this? You have checked in the files, but you have an update solution (and / or) When they are checked in, your team members receive the latest version of the solution (and / or) of the project file.

referential integrity - Adding new child records to a parent table in entity framework 6 -

मेरे पास 3 टेबल हैं: खाता: आईडी, नाम उपयोगकर्ता: आईडी, खाता आईडी, नाम UserDetail: आईडी, उपयोगकर्ता आईडी, फोन एंटाइटिट्स: सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग खाता {सार्वजनिक खाता} (यह। उपयोगकर्ता = नया हैशसेट & lt; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; (); } सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी {get; set;} सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; set;} सार्वजनिक आभासी आइकलोनैक & lt; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; उपयोगकर्ता {प्राप्त; सेट;}} सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग UserDetail {सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी {get; set;} सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग फोन {get; set;} सार्वजनिक युवराज उपयोगकर्ता उपयोगकर्ता {get; set;}} सार्वजनिक आंशिक कक्षा उपयोगकर्ता {सार्वजनिक उपयोगकर्ता ) {this.Accounts = नया हैशसेट & lt; खाता & gt; (); } सार्वजनिक इंट आईडी (प्राप्त करें; सेट;) सार्वजनिक आभासी आइकलेंकिंग & lt; खाता & gt; खाता (प्राप्त करें; सेट;) सार्वजनिक वर्चुअल यूज़रडैबिटल यूज़रडिटल {get} सेट;}} जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, उपयोगकर्ता के लिए खाता कई रिश्ते में से एक है इसलिए मेरा खाता इकाई में उपयोगकर्ता डीबीसेट । जबकि प्रयोक्ता के लिए UserDetail एक-से-एक ...

random sample - R Take Non-sampled Rows from a Data Frame -

A random sample of half lines of dataframe can take in this way: Data (iris); Model_data & lt; - Iris data & lt; - Model_data half & lt; - (Nero (model_data))% /% 2 train & lt; - Model_data [sample (nero (model_data), half),] However, I also have an easy way of taking those rows that were not sampled and for verification Has been added to another object named val . You enter train and val together, Maybe you can write functions to keep something like foo & lt; - Function (Data) {Num & amp; Lt; - Sample (nero (data), nero (data) / 2) list (train = data [moist,], val = data [-samp,]) foo (mtcars) foo (iris)

ruby on rails - How to replace object with coffee script? -

I am creating a user notification system and there is a problem, I do not know how to refresh my @activities on my header layout I'm: application_controller.rb before_filter: activity def track_activity (user, trackable, action = param [: action], author = current_user) activity . Create! Users: User, Trackable: Trackable, Action: Action, Author: Author PrivatePub.publish_to ("/ Message / New", Good: Activity) End DIF Activity if signed_in? @activities = current_user.activities.includes (: author,: trackable) .order (created_at :: desc) end-of-end layout / _header.html.erb & lt; Div class = "user-notification" & gt; & Lt; One class = "FA-FA-life-ring FA-LG" href = "javascript: zero (0);" tabindex = "1" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; div class = "activity activity_open" id = "activity" & gt; & Lt;% @ activities.each do | Activity | & Gt%; & Lt;% = link_to act...

How to do multi-table aggregates using Spring Data repositories? -

What is the best way for multi-table aggregates in my spring data repository, or non-total multi-table results? Do not worry about mapping back, I need a list of objects, I can massage in a JSON reaction. If you do not care about institutions, repositories are not a tool for job repositories To define a set of aggregates is defined to emulate (which are typically special types of institutions). So to answer the question with your title (which is surprisingly you are asking in the statement): Just do it Define your institution types, which include related relationships, create a repository for them, and query, query methods etc. define them. If you do not care about types (which is perfectly fine, also) that is centered around the SQL, which asks the relational database efficiently, but wrapped in a good API .

javascript - Jquery getJson not working with php json_encode -

यहाँ नमूना php json_encode आउटपुट है {"user_id": 34543456532, "user_status ": सच है," नाम ":" एबीसी "," प्रोप ":" http: \ / \ / \ / profile_images \ / ..... "} मैं एम्बर का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, इसलिए रूट है मॉडल: फ़ंक्शन (पैराम्स) {रिटर्न एम्। आरएसवीपी। हाश ({अपोस्टः ट्वीट्स, उस्तात्: [$ .getJSON ("status.php ")]}); } यह संभाल करने के लिए HTML / हैंडलबार कोड {{# if ustat। [0] .user_status}} कुछ करना {{else} } कुछ और करना {{/ if}} हालांकि user_status हमेशा झूठ देता है, जब मैं कुछ डमी मानों का उपयोग कर रहा हूं मॉडल: फ़ंक्शन (पैराम्स) {रिटर्न इम। आरएसवीपी। हाश ({अपोस्ट्स: ट्वीट्स, उस्तात्: [{"उपयोगकर्ता_आईडी": 34543456532, "यूज़र_स्टैटस"): सच है, "नाम": "एबीसी", "प्रोपिक" : "http: \ / \ / \ / profile_images \ / ....."}]}); } यह ठीक काम करता है, त्रुटि कहाँ है और मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूँ? धन्यवाद $...

ubuntu - Converting QEMU command line args to libvirt domain xml -

I have a hard time converting this QEMU command into a libvirt domain XML: qemu-system-x86_64 -nable -kvm \ -m 3072 \ -compto core2do \\ -matchinqq 35 \ -smp2 \ -subbedwoice keyboard \\Subbewite mouse \ -WAgra study \ -Design ISA-AppleMC, OS = "$ {OSX_OSKEY_key}" \ - kernel "$ {chameleon_file_path}" \ -device ide-drive, bus = ide.2, drive = MacHDD \ -drive id = MacHDD, if = none, Cache = none, file = "$ {vm_hdd_ Img_file_path} "- Netdev user, id = hub0port0 \ -device virtio-net, netdev = hub0port0, id = eth0 If I call from Terminal (Ubuntu 14.10) but Virsh domxml-to-native qemu-argv MacHDD-Devis fails with this error: Error: Internal Error: missing ID / ID / Just parameter = MacHDD, if = none, cat = any, file = "$ {vm_hdd_img_file_path}" '' (Note: I notice it's variable Try to do the place with the actual path Minister, do the same error - and if I'm the last two extracts Argus it changes in the domain XML variables...

ocaml - Why is this weakly polymorphic -

After I'm starting to learn OCaml and was trying to do some practices: # left xy = x ;; Wall left: 'a - & gt; 'B - & gt; 'A = & lt; Funny & gt; #before = list.fold_right left ;; Valve first: '_a list - & gt; '_a - & gt; '_a = & lt; Funny & gt; Why completely weak polymophistically first This price restriction is first is not a value, it is a function app. To get a fully polarized version, use the Eta extension: leave xy = x ;; Wall left: 'a - & gt; 'B - & gt; 'A = & lt; Funny & gt; # First A B = list.fold_right left a b ;; First Val: 'A List - & gt; 'A - & gt; 'a = & lt; Funny & gt; @ivg explains, this is a commonly asked OCaml question. Update Here is a function that is unsafe for generalization: #fx = ref x ;; val f: 'a - & gt; 'A ref = & lt; Funny & gt; # F [] ;; -: '_a list ref = {content = []} If you have...

user interface - GUI applications in python for fast update of on-screen images -

I apologize in advance for my disturbance; I'm just in programming. Can you fix the right way for the GUI framework? Summary: I am trying to write a GUI in Python which actively updates images with the second monitor, which is a mathematical form Are generated using numpy. The GUI will have parameters that can be adjusted in real time, which change the image accordingly (light interference pattern). Critical criteria: Adjusted parameters on the screen change the interference pattern in real time numpy Secondary criterion: A framework that is useful / flexible for beginners, who is interested in industry programming Dual monitor support (if comes to push I just have a window As a side project, I can share a stock trading interface (graphs, commands, etc ... perhaps and I can update the image in the other monitor) with PyAlgoTrade ?), So, once again, the flexibility would be good Right now I'm on wxpython Tilt, because I've heard that...

Java: Changing loop counter value inside the loop -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 जवाब अगर मेरे पास एक पाश है किसी भी लूप) .. अब के लिए लूप को कह देता है: के लिए (int x = 0; x & lt; 100; x ++) यदि, लूप के पुनरावृत्त के भीतर, मैं कहता हूं: x = 50; क्या लूप की अगली पुनरावृत्ति 50 से जुड़ी होगी? या लूप के भीतर x के मान में कोई परिवर्तन लूप काउंटर को प्रभावित नहीं करता है? के लिए फिर से लिखना डू-ऑल लूप के रूप में नीचे लूप के लिए (int x = 0; x & lt; 100; x ++) cout & lt; & lt; एक्स एंड एलटी; & lt; ""; int x = 0; करना {cout & lt; & lt; एक्स एंड एलटी; & lt; ""; एक्स ++; } जबकि (x & lt; 100); 50 के लिए समान

Understanding this jQuery filter function -

I'm stuck at the following code which searches for a htmltable but is unable to understand it The line can explain (function ($) {$ ('# filter'). Keyup (function () {var rex = new RegExp ($ (this) .val (), ' $ '(' Employee Employee '). $ (' Employee Employee '). $ (' Employee Employee '). Filter (function () {return rex.test ($ (this) .text ());}). Show ( );})}} (JQuery)); In addition, there are about 1000 rows in my table. According to the performance, are you looking at whether I use this code? Line 3: When a key is released (when you take your finger from key) line 3: when a key is released (when you take your finger from key) Line 5: Creates a regular expression object that matches the string that is written in the filter input box. Line 6: Every employee hides the line Line 7-9: Every employee takes the line and applies a filter. Function within the filter on every line of the employee table. Applies and provides true ...

ios - How to increase keyboard height like SwiftKey? -

The height of a specific keyboard extension in iOS 8 is correct, how to raise the height of the swift left on the keyboard on the left?

css - Multiple transitions on same element not working -

I have two changes on the same element, one of which does the expected work, but the other does not work on the hinge . What can I do to make both changes? CSS code: .foreign {top: 40%; Correct: 14%; Background: RGBA (0,0,0,0.7); Width: 200px; Height: 200px; Status: Completed; Cursor: indicator; Transition: Correct 1s; / * Wont work * / Infection: Background 1s; }. Arrow next: hover {true: 11%; / * Wanted work * / background: RGBA (255,255,255,0.7); } Your second declaration is overriding in the past. Instead of declaring multiple transitions s, you declare them together: Transition: Correct 1s Easy-out, background-1s low-out; You should also play the methods in an easy way. They can really change the "experience" of the animation. Also, do not forget about vendor prefixes: - Winkit-transition: right 1s smooth-out, background-1s easily-out; -MOZ-transition: right 1s smooth-out, background 1s ease-out; -O-Infection: Correct 1s smooth-out, backgrou...

java - Calling two different activities on different devices (tablet and phone) -

Here, I am trying to start an activity on various devices (Android tablets and Android phones). Is there a way to use the statement to load activity based on the device? Here's my code: Go button button = (button) findViewById (; Button Go.SetOnClickListener (new View.OnClickListener) {public void onClick (see v) {if (tablet device) {startActivity (new activity (main activity.This, tablet activity class)) else else (startActivity Thank you for your effort. To get post-text "itemprop =" text "> you should use a piece not a activity . pieces This is what you want, you can see that this It's a master-extension app with two pieces , when the device is in a portrait mode or it is not not a tablet that only shows the master, Otherwise it appears in detail next to the Master and when you select an item from the list, you will see the details by going to other activity

Passing JavaScript variables to Flash -

I'm particularly looking at how this tool works: How does the JavaScript flash in the variable? It seems that is embedded which is derived from getElementById , and in that element all these are additional methods such as The attachment text or setCharSet which does not appear in the ChromeSDebug console, I specifically understand the embed tag and use any kind of original action script methods I can call, but this is just an estimate. Anyone please tell me how it works? Edit: I should have said that if I make a embed element in Chrome and scroll through its methods, then I'll see the appendText are not visible. However, if I was retrieved via embed via getElementById and console.log appendex function () {[native code]} . Can it be used? I have never tried it but how can you do it except for this option?

java - What are these things in my method signature called? Generics? -

I have a method sign that shows the map given by prices. Public stable and lieutenant; Comparative in Kashmir & lt; K & gt; Increases, V comparative & lt; V> & Gt; Click the & lt; Kashmir, V & gt; Various types of values ​​(map & lt; K, V & gt; map) { I am trying to understand the vocabulary for things in the signature of this method. I can see public , static , map & lt; K, V & gt; , the function name and parameter are found. My confusion & lt; Comparative on Kashmir and lieutenant; K & gt; Increases, in V comparative & lt; V> & Gt; The section is expanded, its purpose is to determine that the of and V are in the context of the method, right? Yes, K And V are general here to be more specific, as in the @Ryusudanet comment, they are bound type parameters because they consider a specified parameter to be sorted Must complete - that is, they should implement both comparatively It seems that...

javascript - Input Validation in AngularJs Form -

problem, Either way I can not validate the verification with the ERRS I have made a plunker. I should only make the user input box red if the required field is not present or submit. I have made a very simple planer, just to understand. & lt; Input type = "text" name = "email" ng-model = "userEmail" required & gt; Please Go to this tutorial. This will give you an introduction to verification. And if you want the verification message to appear, click on the submit button to use a flag when you click on the flag, then set the flag to the right and below the angularJs Use conditions located in & lt; Div class = "form-group" ng-class = "{'has-error': SubmitClicked & $ Invalid and & amp;; $ Pristine}" & gt; and click the Submit button to set the submit flag to the correct & lt; Button type = "submit" class = "btn btn-primary btn-l... mvc - Html.checkboxfor posting false value to controller -

@ html.CheckBoxFor (m = & gt; मी। बंद करें, नया {disabled = "disabled"}) एचटीएमएल के ऊपर दिए गए HTML कोड निम्नलिखित HTML कोड को उत्पन्न करता है। & lt; इनपुट चेक = "चेक" डेटा-वाल = "सही" data-val- आवश्यक = "बंद फ़ील्ड की आवश्यकता है।" अक्षम = "अक्षम" id = "बंद करें" नाम = "बंद" प्रकार = "चेकबॉक्स" मान = "सच" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट नाम = "बंद" प्रकार = "छिपा हुआ" मान = "गलत" & gt; जब मैं फ़ॉर्म सबमिट करता हूं तो यह केवल गलत पोस्ट करता है ... कोई भी विचार हो सकता है? मैंने फिल्डर में पोस्ट बैक वैल्यू की जांच की अक्षम नियंत्रण वापस पोस्ट नहीं करते हैं चूंकि @ Html.CheckBoxFor () एक चेकबॉक्स और डिफ़ॉल्ट मान ( false ) के साथ एक छिपी हुई इनपुट दोनों को केवल छिपी हुई इनपुट पोस्ट की जाती है और बंद करें झूठा है।

c++ - Issue with unexpected unqualified id error -

I just started with C ++, using xcode. I am trying to write a simple, if the user pays the user in X round then the y amount, the program. I'm not sure what's right to me, but I can not test it because I first got the error with the "expected unqualified id" line for the first time. This is the only error listed and I do not know how to fix it. #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Int main () int user; Int pay 1 = user * 12; Int salary2 = (user * 18) + 480; {// This line is getting me the error Cout & lt; & Lt; "Enter the number of hours that work this week"; Cin & gt; & Gt; the user; If (user & lt; = 40) {cout & lt; & Lt; "You made" & lt; & Lt; Pay 1 & lt; & Lt; "This week!" } And (User & gt; 40) {cout & lt; & Lt; "You made" & lt; & Lt; Pay 2 & lieutenant; & Lt; "This week!!!" } Return 0; } Announce the variable ...

html - Combining two href links -

I am using Revolution Slider I'm adding a layer to the slide, and when I put a button in the layer I use the following code: & lt; a href = '#' class = 'tp-button Blue Small' & gt; Blue button & lt; / A & gt; Click the button and lt; Do you want to redirect to a href = 'http: // A_aid = 107946 & amp; brandid = 289436 'target =' _ blank 'rel =' nofollow '& gt; Hotels in Sydney & lt; / A & gt; How can I do this? and lieutenant; A class = 'tp-button blue short' href = 'http: // A_aid = 107946 and branded = 289436 'target =' _ blank 'relay =' noalfo '& gt; Hotels in Sydney & lt; / A & gt; Additional code should be & lt; A & gt; Adding to the tag will not hurt me.

linux - How to automatically discover implicit dependencies when linking -

I am building an old building where many of the shared libraries do not link against libraries, which they actually depend on We do. There are some circular dependencies from which I have worn our way in construction for years, but I would like to settle it, but if I can do all non-circular dependencies then it will be very simple. Currently, unresolved symbols are resolved on adding executable links - which they managed to implement [unconsciously] circular dependencies. Here is a short bash script that has been put together to test some ideas: #! / bin / bash mkdir -p for objs ((ii = 0; ii The last line will touch some undefined symbol errors. If it was Solaris, then the linker would check the other libraries which would otherwise satisfy the dependency completely and provide the signal: Undefined first referring symbol in zero (f1) objs / bo ( Symbol is implicit dependence. / ... but I do not see such behavior with GNU Lind. In the real world case, o...

I want to create dynamic routing for all the modules in zend framework 2.3? -

I'm Nebbe for Zend Framework 2.3. Let's see that I have several modules in my application in Zend Framework 2.3, but I do not want to create separate files for modules configuration, I want to create a dynamic path, how can I help it. itemprop = "text"> A global route is what you want: 'router' => ; Array ('path' = & gt; array ('home' = & gt; array ('type' => gt; 'jvm \ mvc \ router \ htp \ segement', 'option' => array ('path Array ('type' = '>' / ',' Default '= & gt; array (' Controller '= & gt;' Application \ Controller '),),),' Page '= & & Gt; 'Zend' MVC array ('path' = & gt; '/: module / [: controller [/: verb [/: id]]]', 'barriers' = & gt; array, \' router \ = ' [A-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_ -] * ',' action '=> [[A-GAA-Z] [A- [AAA-Z0-9 _-] * ',' id '...

Print single JSON Object as a CSV in C# -

I am trying to print a single jobcase as a CSV line for example For: {"result": {"id": "24095", "hostid": "24094", "name": "", "ipaddress": ""}} as the id, hosted, name, ipadress 24095,24094,, 192.168. 1.184 I can easily access foreach (job item) {console.light (item's + ",") through the object I can repeat with; } But I end up with one at the end of the title I tried for (int i = 0; I & Job; Job.Count; i ++) ... But I am having trouble reaching the IE. I'm messing up here, but I'm not sure what to do. How can I print all the keys at the end of CSV minus A in an object? Thank you. Try the following code. string result = string. Empty; Foreign currency (different items in the job) {if (! String.ISNLLIT (result)} {Results + = ","; } Results + = items.key; } Console.light line (resu...

Flask-SQLAlchemy query many-to-many tagging with multiple requred tags -

मैंने मॉडल को परिभाषित किया है: टैग = db.Table ('tags', db । कॉलम ('टैग_id', डीबी.इन्टेजर, डीबी। फ़्रीगेनकी ('टैग.आईडी')), डीबी। कॉलम ('फोटो_आईडी', डीबी। इंटेगर, डीबी। फ़ोरेंसकी ('फोटो.आईडी')),) वर्ग टैग (Db.Model): id = db.Column (db.Integer, primary_key = true) name = db.Column (db.String (32), अद्वितीय = True) क्लास फोटो (db.Model): id = db.Column (Db.Integer, primary_key = true) sha1sum = db.Column (db.LargeBinary (20), अनन्य = सत्य) ... टैग = db.relationship ('टैग', माध्यमिक = टैग, backref = db.backref (' फोटो ', आलसी =' गतिशील ')) फ़्लास्क नियंत्रक / दृश्य में मुझे इनपुट टैग की सरणी मिलती है उदाहरण के लिए [' summer ',' selfie ', ...] प्रश्न: तस्वीरों के लिए कुशल क्वेरी जिसमें सभी अनुरोधित टैग होते हैं? खोज के लिए इसे कैसे बढ़ाया जा सकता है अधूरे टैग जैसे कि ['summ', 'elfi', ...] ? सबसे अधिक कुशल (i खोज करने के लिए आपके पास बहुत से टैग हैं), लेकिन क्वेरी लिखने...

iphone - FBlikeControl button image and Text change -

I added the FBLeck button which was provided in SDK 3.19. Its working fine but I need to change the image and text button. I have googled but found nothing. Yes, it is possible that you can see the default FBLoginView button loginView.frame = CGRectMake (320/2 - 93/2, self.view.frame.size.height -200, 93, 93); (LoginView.subviews in the id login object) {if ([LoginObject isKindOfClass: [UIButton class]]) {UIButton * loginButton = LoginObject; UIImage * loginImage = [UIImage image named: @ "YOUR_IMAGE_HERE"]; LoginButton.alpha = 0.7; [Login buttonBackground display: Login master for state: UIControlStateNormal]; [Login Setback Background Image: State for Zero: UIControlStateSelected]; [Login Setback Background Image: State for Zero: UIControlStateHighlighted]; [Login button snapshot]; } If ([Log In object iskind of class: [UILabel class]]) {UILabel * loginLabel = LoginObject; LoginLabel.text = @ ""; LoginLabel.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, 0, 0); }}

java - Should database design be not based on OOP concept? -

I am creating a database design for my project. Now I have a class diagram that has 3 squares: Administrator organizer student which are generalized in a class user . In the databases, should I specifically make 1 table USER or 3 tables? Even more, should I create separate tables for each unit / bean / DTO or should I make general in something and make less table? Another question is whether the number of tables in the database should not be clear or I have more applause but each of them is clear and different? Thanax I think the subject you are discussing is that object is relational mapping - objects Can be presented as. These are two different criteria - mapping between objects and RDBMSs is always a trade-off because each technique is optimized for a particular purpose. If you look at any book or tutorial of any ORM tool, you will get good coverage of this topic even if you are not planning to use any ORM tool , Even then the discussion is very relevant. T...

javascript - Clear input text AngularJS -

I am using the glyphicon icon in my input control, when it receives some error, both the error on the glyphine icon and There are correct images but I want to clear the input control when I click on the error glyphin. Below is my code: & lt; Div class = "{{layout == 'horizontal'? FieldClass || 'col-lg-9': ''}}" & gt; & Lt; Div style = "status: relative" class = "input-group" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "input-group-adon" & gt; & Lt; B & gt; PD & lt; / B & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Div class = "icon-addo addon-md" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control {{textboxClass}}" name = "text control" id = "text control" ng-readingonly = "reading" "ng-required =" required "maximum length =" 10 "Placeholder =" {{placeholder} layout == 'inline'? Label text: ...

html - How to create JSON response to AJAX request locally without WWW server -

I want to practice with JSON and AJAX only with HTML pages (no PHP, no espin, no ruby, No web server locally installed). I want to create web page which will produce JSAN data as a result for AJAX request. Is this possible? Added: Change it a bit, suppose I have a webpage (no, no php) with headset set to headset, how to create a web page with Jason data ( 'Content-Type: App / Jason'); You give AJAX request URL as "file: /// d: / test dot." I think IE allows and Chrome does not. And I'm not sure all versions of IE support it. Of course this 'reaction' will be static. It will not change on the basis of your request inputs.

c# - Get selected row item in DataGrid WPF doesn't work -

To get selected line items, I have been read that this should be done: & lt; DataGrid ItemsSource = "{Bound Path = Customer}" SelectedItem = "{Binding Path = Selected Customers, Mode = Two}" / & gt; Customer customer = (customer) myDataGrid.SelectedItem; First in xaml - I put it, this error is nothing or I do not know how to use it. How can I get the selected row in the C # code? This error visual studio client does not exist in the C # Row code I'll thank you for help :) Thanks. It's hard to know what exactly you wanted:) But here's an example of how to pull information from the datagrid, it did not include a lot of those dams, so this information is pure. Xaml & lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; Grid.RowDefinitions & gt; & Lt; Roadfinion height = "*" /> & Lt; Roadfinion height = "*" /> & Lt; /Grid.RowDefinitions> & Lt; Data Grid Grid Rau = "0" name = "dg...