
Showing posts from September, 2015

php - Fatal error: Call to a member function, on a non-object, codeigniter controller -

यहाँ मेरा नियंत्रक profileinfo.php & lt; php वर्ग प्रोफ़ाइल में जानकारी CI_Controller का विस्तार करती है {function सूचकांक () {$ this- & gt; लोड- & gt; सहायक (सरणी ('फ़ॉर्म', 'यूआरएल')); $ This- & gt; लोड- & gt; मॉडल ('एल्यूमिंसर्ट', '', TRUE); $ इस- & gt; load- & gt; पुस्तकालय ( 'form_validation'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; set_rules ('नाम', 'नाम', 'अपेक्षित'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; set_rules ('शाखा', 'ब्रैम', 'आवश्यक'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; सेट_रेल्स ('शैक्षिक रुचि', 'शैक्षणिक ब्याज', 'आवश्यक'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; सेट_रेल्स ('इंटर्नशिप डिटेल्स', 'इंटर्नशिप विवरण', 'आवश्यक'); $ this- & gt; form_validation- & gt; सेट_रियल्स ('interest_hobbies', 'रुचि और शौक', 'आवश्यक'); $ This- & gt; form_val...

performance - Monitoring Kafka Spout with KafkaOffsetMonitoring tool -

I am using Kafka Split which came with Hurricane- 0.9.2 Distribution for my project This spout I want to monitor the throughput of I tried to use very offset monitoring, but this is not showing any consumer reading on my subject. I suspect, because I have specified the root path in Zuckair to store consumer offsets. How would the cafeteria offset monitor know where to see the data about my cough scout example? Does anyone really tell me where Zokipar keeps data about the subject and consumers of Kafa? Zookie has a file system, how does it arrange data for different topics and their partition? What is a consumer group and how is it translated by Zuciperer while storing consumer offsets? If anyone has ever used a high offset monitor to monitor the throughput of the Kuffa step, please tell me how can I find my toy? Thanks a lot, Pal Shah I used to use a fairly offset monitor Not done, but I can answer the second part. ZuckPer.Connect is the property where you can spec...

javascript - filter defects by dates, selected from combobox rally -

The defects are to be filtered by three conditions: open defect, defect release start date and defect release end date. I'm choosing from date combobox for the release date and the end date of the release. Below is my code _prepareChart: function () {that = this; Console.log ("Start Date", that. _startDate); Console.log ("End date", that._endDate); The property: 'state', operator: '=', value: "open"}, {asset: 'property', 'property': 'state', operator: 'state', auto-load: true, store config: {filter: [ISI] property: ' Release ReleaseStartdate ', operator:' = ', value: that._startDate}, {property:' Release.ReleaseDate 'operator:' & lt; = ', Value: that._endDate}],}, listeners: {load: this._onDataLoaded, // load: this._onDataLoadedfirst, radius: this}}); }, I'm selecting dates from the app screen below You can use the Javascript method Such as va...

Convert Text to Date in SQL Server -

How do I convert text values ​​like "18/06/11" such as "Date 2011-06-18 I have tried the following Convert (char, [InstrumentText], 106) But the value remains in only one format Thanks The correct format for your string will be 103. More Importantly, you do not need to convert datetime to char : (date, [Ins trumentText], 103) If you want to convert it back to string in yyyy-mm-dd format, you can do this: Convert (varchar) (10), Convert (date, [InstrumentText], 103), 120)

c++ - using a conditional type in a .cpp file -

I have a templated class and a type that depends on the template. How can I use this in my CCP file? object.hpp: pair_d = std :: pair and lt; Double, double> Pair_f = std :: pair & lt; Float, float & gt; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Class Object {Public: Static_AstTort (Study :: ISIm ; value; std :: is_same : value, "type is not allowed"); Pair = typename std :: conditional & lt; Std :: is_same & lt; T, float & gt; :: value, pair_f, pair_d & gt; :: By typing; // conditional type const pair doSomething (T, T) function using const; } object.cpp #include "object.hpp" template & lt; Typename T & gt; Const pair object & lt; T & gt; :: doSomething (TT1, TT2) const {// ....} but I'm getting: Error: Unknown type name 'pair' How can I use the 'pair' type in my .cpp file? Arguments have been named with the same name (t T, TT) , separate those names. Do not do this, yo...

java - What happen in Thread program if start() method calls within it's own body? -

Please give me some vivid explanations in this regard. I have tried a lot, but I could not understand it. I am completely messing with the program's code segment from below, called below in the program like repetition, and even how to start the first method before starting Start method body Thanks in advance. package appletexample; Import java.awt. *; Import java.applet *; Public class appleton extension extends runanble {string str = "this is a simple banner"; Thread T; Boolean B; Public zero init () {setBackground (Color.gray); setForeground (Color.yellow); } Public Zero Start () {T = New Thread (this); B = false; T.start (); } Public run zero () {Four f; (;;) {Try (Paint); Thread.Sleep (200); Ch = str.charAt (0); str = str.substring (1, str.length ()); Str = str + ch; } Grip (Interrupted predefined E) {}}} Public Zero Color (Graphics G) {g.drawRect (1,1,300,150); G.setColor (Color.yellow); G.fillRect (1,1,300,150); G.setColor (; G.drawString (str, ...

xcode - Black screen in iOS simulator -

I am trying to launch titanium app in iOS simulator, but I get a black screen. Everything worked fine till now, I do not know why it does not work anymore. I get this error: [trace] ** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** [INFO] Finished 14s applications in 136ms [INFO] The application running in iOS is building Simulator [debug] All iOS simulators [Info] IOS Simulator [Debug] Simulator Launches App Launch In Order: "/ Users / Carl / Library / Application Support / Titanium / Mobilesilesdk / OSX / 3.3.0 / iPhone / ios-SIM" Launch /Users/carl/Dev/test/build/iphone/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ "--xcode-directory" /Applications/ "--sdk 7.1 --family iphone - Rate No --Tall [INFO] IOS Simulator [ERROR] The project failed to produce after 1m 44s 479ms I tried to reset the content and settings in the simulator, but It does not work. In addition, try to reboot, and re-install Xcode with no luck. The project was launched correctly on one de...

Git history graph compared to SVN history graph -

I am trying to understand the difference between a GET and SVN graph. Example: GET History Graph: Example SVN History Graph: For example, I do not really know how to apply that knowledge - my sees like. here: It states that: Em> Second-generation tools seem to be a repository history as a line But it really does not fit with the above SVN example of history graph - either SVN is not the second generation equipment or article is wrong. Can someone help clarify the above? The difference is that, in SVN, everyone is always the same sequence sequence in SVN, one Completely up to date working is a defined thing, and it always orders like nodes. In Git, a repository can be completely "up-to-date" for any other repository but after a certain point in the shared history, the third repository may have a completely different set of nodes. In other words, if I make version 5 in SVN, chronological order is version 4, then finally everyone on the project will ha...

awk - Check which string in certain column is repeated -

I have to see that the string has to be repeated in my column 2. For example: An apple b peach C grapes D peach e peach F. apple My output will be: An apple f apple peach d peach e peach Showing the entire line on the second row with the normal string. If you do not want to store all the files in memory, the best part is that the file Have to read twice $ awk 'FNR == NR {a [$ 2] ++; To print the other lines, in which the second column is counted at least twice. As you reproduce the exact output you received, just pipe it on sort indicates that it was first column 2 and then column Sort by 1: awk 'FNR == nr {a [$ 2] ++; Next} one [$ 2] & gt; 1 file file | Sort -2.2-K1

php - Show images in view from http header -

I create an image in my controller (I use Symphony 2) and when I have my image with my If the reaction comes back, I get it: HTTP / 1.0 200 OK cache-control: no-cache content-configuration: inline; File name = "" content-type: image / JPEG I need to show an image in my view, but if I put it: & lt; Img src = "& lt;? = $ Response?" / & Gt; The browser shows a 404 error and if I I only get HTTP / 1.0 200 OK cache-control: no-cache content-configuration: inline; File name = "example.jpg" content-type: image / jpeg Date: Wednesday, 08 October 2014 14:55:24 GMT X-Sendfile: 67902 I want to show that image Any thoughts? Thank you! You can use the path that displays your image Your controller In:: Header-> Set ('cash-control', 'private'); $ Response- & gt; Header-> Set ('content-type', 'image / jpg'); $ Reaction-> Header-> Set ('content-dispute', 'attachme...

excel - VBA macro find first empty cell on next page -

Is it really true that Excel is impossible to create a macro that jumps on the first cell of the next page ?? Best Relationship sheet. Use Index to find the current sheet indicator, then use Range.Find () to find the last captured cell in column A in the next sheet: Dim NextSheetIdx as Long NextSheetIdx = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Index + 1 if NextSheetIdx & gt; ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count again as the range set, exit the sub-inset entry category. Insert = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets (NextSheetIdx). Column ("A") _. Find ("*", SearchDirection: = xl pre) if it is not inserted, then do not set anything InsertRange = InsertRange.Offset (1) or set InsertRange = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets (NextSheetIdx). Range ("A1") End if InsertRange.Value = "ayy"

ruby - How to Post data to Volt app? -

I have a case to use, where I want to post some data in my Walt app, but there is not To think a clear way. The app / main / config / routes.rb does not recognize the post method as a Sinatra route. I also tried the walt-outer class connected to the app through config. Ru, and I can post my data in the same Mongo collection which is using Volt. But this data is not reflected in the app unless I refresh the page, which is less than the norm. I was hoping that my responsive models would see changes in DB and reflect on the front end. I think Volts are in Beta, so this feature can not be implemented (or even planned for it). Is it possible to do this? I'm going to create it for a long time so that you request a reverse job (or Maybe another set of classes) In the short term, using the rack is the right way I am in the process of adding a cover to the Mongo API, which knows how to trigger updates. Should be out in a day or two, when I update it here

sql server - Identifying the unique values that form part of a SQL sum query -

I have 2 questions that I would like to work together: 1) A question of geometry The number is within a certain distance of another and the result is only where the count is more than 6 digits; 2) A query returns unique IDs for all points within that distance (without any counting and without at least records) I generate a single query All (and only) records are expressed in the first query, which will be t2 from the new_ref table. (Ideally the output will be in the form of columns in one line, but at the moment I can get the records listed against several rows in the same column, so this is my first objective and I leave the pivot bit later). Obviously, the system is identifying the record to count them, so I think it is possible to ask which records are they? | The second question rejects the result. Should I structure it as a sub-query and if so, how do I do it? The question is 1: DECLARE @radius float = 50 SELECT t1.new_ref, t1.hatrisref, SUM (case when

java - Why does super not refer to the variable in super class? -

In the code below, why is super still reference of subclass variable, and not super class variables? Class Fellin {public string type = "F"; Public fault () {System.out.print ("cat"); }} Public class spreads to cougar felin (public cougar) (system.out.print ("cougar");} public static zero chief (string [] args) {new cougar (.) Go ();} zero go ( ) {Type = "c"; System.out.print (this.type + super.Type);}} Is the subclass variable? You have not declared, therefore this.Type refers to the variable in the Superclass. If you have public String Type is declared; both superclass and subclass, as it is We are expecting you to do the work. But now, only one type variable that you have declared is on the superclass. In addition, this Spoil the kind of erase, because it easily gets confused type what do you mean.

Clojure macro inside another macro: how to generate string from symbol -

The title is not 100% accurate, but let me show you this problem: In short: there is a macro called defxetch (this is part of lib quil , but it does not matter). This signature is basically the defxetch [applet -name] is & amp; Options] , and it creates something and it is tied in a var called applet-name . For the reason, I want to wrap it in another macro - in another thing - - takes an applet-name parameter, to name that name as applet-name-viewport , And I go to defsketch . However, I'm unable to (pprint (macroexpand (nvp test-name 500 500)) , me To understand how to use macroxpand at the above code (def (closeor.core / symbol (closeor.core / stroke (cl.j.or / name 'my-namespace.core / test-name) "-viewport") (quil.applet / applet: Title (clojure.core / name 'my-namespace.core / test-name))) (clojure.core / symbol (clojure.core / str (clojure.core / Name "my-namespace.core / test-name" "-viewport") - This par...

java - Tomcat System.out redirection -

We've got legacy Java application, running on Tomcat. It logs its events in some way incompatible manner, sometimes the system. These stdout / stderr records end in catalina.log where they are mixed with "proper login" events, we want to separate stdout / stderr log streams into separate files (and eventually get rid of them), But we do not know how to do it. The server runs the default composite configuration, but we are open to any other option (such as SLF4J + logback). This explains completely: Just log in to the web: log4j.jar and Web -Inf / Lib and Web-INF / Classes in your web application Create a file called log 4 with the following content and log it in to $ CATALINA_BASE / lib Example that the output in stdout will end: log4j.rootLogger = info, yourapp #define all appenders log4j.appender.CATALINA = org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender log4j.appender.CATALINA.File = $ {catalina.base} / log /...

arrays - How to do Sumif using non-adjacent values in excel only using one instance of unique value matches -

I have data that looks like this in Excel (like Gunt chart): column A column B column C phase 1 phase required to complete 1 day first line 1 1.1 2 line 2 1.2 1 line 3 1.3 1 1.1 line 4 1.4 0 line 5 1.5 1 1.1 You can start steps 1.1, 1.2, and 1.4 just now, but you must start with step 1.3 or 1.5 before completing step 1.1. What can I use to get a total = 3 result in a cell in my spreadsheet? I tried to understand but my column A and column C values ​​do not get close to each other in each row. Apart from this, if this column says phase 1.1 twice in C, then I want to add it only once in line 1 column B. Thanks in advance! If you can use two columns, then I will do this, check the column C in advance. And if it is empty then give the value of column B to the cell: = IF (C1 = "", B1, 0) and Then when you apply it to match your data, you can add that column to a cell using: = SUM (D1: D10)

wininet - How can I download the HTML contents of a webpage using C++ -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 27 जवाब यहाँ मेरा कोड है #include & lt; iostream & gt; # शामिल & lt; Windows.h & gt; #include & lt; WinInet.h & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; Int main () {HINTERNET h सत्र, एचएआरएल; Char * बफर = नया चार् [1024]; DWORD बफ़र लैन, बाइट्स लिखित; हैंडल फ़ाइलहैंडल; hSession = InternetOpenA (शून्य, 0, शून्य, शून्य, 0); hURL = InternetOpenUrlA (h सत्र, "", NULL, 0, 0, 0); FileHandle = CreateFileA ("सी: \\ temp.txt", GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); बाइट्सड्राफ्ट = 0; करना {InternetReadFile (hurl, बफर, 1024, और बफ़र लैन); लिस्टफाइल (फाइलहाण्डल, बफर, बफ़र लें, और बाइट्स लिखित, नल); } जबकि (बफर लैन! = 0); CloseHandle (filehandle); InternetCloseHandle (उछालना); InternetCloseHandle (hSession); शेलएक्सिक्यूटेए (0, "ओपन", "सी: \\ temp.txt", नल, शून्य, 1); Cout & lt; & lt; "ऑपरेशन पूर्ण!"; प्रणाली ...

recursion - Stuck with Prolog -

I just started learning Prolog One of the exercises wants me to write back / 2, a real meaning is that when the second list argument is behind the first list argument. And I have to use a paste plant to write backwards. Paste ([], L, L). Paste (L-, L2, L3) I worked for hours for this But still the answer is not answered. What do I have here: Behind [H | T], LREV): - Paste ([X | T], X, LRV) backwards ([], []). Prologues lists are very simple data structures. An empty list has been marked with atomic [] . A non-empty list structure '.' / 2> where the first argument is major and the second argument is tail , the second list is not empty or empty. Has empty list. For non blank lists [a] structure is . '(A, []) [a, b] is the structure . '(A,'. '(B, [])) [a] , b, c] structure is .) tail] absolutely '.' (Head, tail) . [one | [B, c]] is exactly [a, b, c] and t is equal to '.' (...

How to find all the strings in a cell that contains a given substring in excel -

In Excel sheets, each cell contains more than one string. I have to find all the strings containing the given substring. I Example: A1-> What is the formula for printing all the strings containing sub-string in another cell is? In A2, I have to print the string in which the "1" has the A1A2-> As an alternative, you can use this UDF: Public Function GETMATCHES (String as String, String in the form of String) String as GETMATCHES = Join (Filter (Split (worksheet function. Trim ("striginational", ""), Stamach), "" ) Function function Then cell A2 will have this formula: = GETMATCHES (A1, "in")

objective c - Where is NSTextField? -

I am new to Mac OS X development, primarily a Java and C # developers I am reading this book And I am trying some examples from the book. In my App Controller class, I am trying to add a IBOutlet : IBOutlet NSTextField * textField; This gives me an error in saying "unknown type name 'NSTextField'. I have imported Foundation / Foundation H Please help. #import & lt; cocoa / cocoa h & gt; Import it AppController header file

c++ - Calling class method through looping std::map -

मुझे CharacterAnimation नामक कक्षा में एक वर्चुअल विधि शामिल है: चरित्रएनिमेशन: सार्वजनिक cocos2d :: CCObject {सार्वजनिक: ... वर्चुअल शून्य प्रारंभ (फ्लोट टीडी); } और कई यह कक्षाओं से विरासत में मिला: CharacterAnimationBlink CharactedAnimationDropTear आदि मुझे क्या चाहिए: बनाएं std :: map & lt; std :: स्ट्रिंग, कैरेक्टर एनीमेशन * & gt; animationsList; भरें animationList की तरह: animationsList [ "झपकी"] नई CharacterAnimationBlink = (1 , 2,3); एनिमेशन ["ड्रॉपटेयर"] = नए चरित्रएनिमेशनड्रॉपरटेयर (1,2); इस std :: map के माध्यम से लूपिंग प्रत्येक std :: map तत्व कॉल यह-> अनुसूची (शेड्यूल_सीलक्टर (चरित्रएनिमेशनस्टार्टमॉन्डेपॉन्टर), कैरेक्टर :: ऐनिमेशन पीरियोड); currentAnimationStartMethodPointer के बजाय क्या रखा जाना चाहिए? मैं वर्तमान कोड के std :: map से प्रारंभ () विधि के लिए एक संकेतक कैसे उपयोग कर सकता हूं CCObject.h से टाइप किए गएफ़ शून्य (सीसीओबाइज :: * SEL_SCHEDULE) (फ्लोट); ... #...

c# - Converting a Dictionary to a List with formatting -

I have a zero experience working with Oracle and I'm using Oracle XE to test my code. . I have a small problem in the hope that something will help. OK, I am trying to create a cross-DB platform application where I need to create a seaplap statement dynamically. I have received a statement working for Oracle because Oracle is expected to be in the name of the column in quotes, then I start getting "INVALID IDENTIFIER" errors. For example, the statement below does not work for me, but if I put the firstname in the quote, it works. "emp" by the first name However, it works SELECT "first name" to " emp " Now I am working on code. If (sourceType == DataSource.OracleServer) {sourceBuilder.Append ("SELECT") .Append (string.joined ("," (Maped column list select (x = & gt; x.Key)))) Append ("FROM") .Append (sourceAttribute); } Other SourceBuilder: "SELECT". Append (string.joined (",...

Python Add to dictionary loop -

When I run the loop, this function adds a name and number to "Phonebook", but for some reason No idea but why can not I get it to work? thanks a lot! phonebook = dict (def) addNumber (name, number): i in phonebook: if i == name: print 'error' and: phonebook [name] = number you actually loop Not exactly required, you only need to check the name against the current key of the code in the code> in the code> in Phonebook: Name: print 'error' else: phonebook [name] = number

install - Compile R with Cairo support without X11 -

I am trying to compile the source from R 3.1.1 so that Cairo support has been enabled. I want it because I am trying to run R on a server that does not have any graphical environment (hence no X11), but still output is PNG. I tried configuring R ./configure- with-x = not-with-cairo = yes --with-libpng = yes - Enable-R-shlib --prefix = $ HOME By doing this, no RPN or Cairo is supported (as capabilities () it happens). In config.log , the following is the following. Configure: Configure X: 31749: Results: Disable Disabled: 32420: Result: Using X11. No Configured: 32530: Check that What does pkg-config know about configuring Cairo and Pango: 32542: Result: Yes Configure: 32576: Check that Cairo has Caro = 1.2 and Works: 3259 9: GCC -STD = GNU 99-O conftest -g -O2 -fpic -i / usr / local / include -pthread -i / home / rmccloskey / include / pango-1.0 -i / home / rmccloskey / include / cairo -i / hom E / rmccl oskey / contains / glib-2.0 -i / home / rmccloskey / lib / glib-2...

swing - accessing vector inside a vector in Java -

I have populated jTable from a database, now I want to add more functionality, I want to delete a line, my My data structure is near: public vector getUser () throws exception {vector & lt; Vector & lt; String & gt; & Gt; User vector = new vector & lt; Vector & lt; String & gt; & Gt; (); Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Conn = DriverManager.getConnection (DB_URL, USER, PASS); Prepared place pre = conn.prepareStatement ("Select * away from"); Rs = pre.executeQuery (); While (rsnext ()) {vector & lt; String & gt; User = new vector & lt; String & gt; (); User.add (rs.getString (1)); user.add (rs.getString (2)); user.add (rs.getString (3)); user.add (rs.getString (4)); userVector.add (user); } If (conn! = Null) conn.close (); User vector return; } Next I made jTable with the model like this jTable1.setModel (new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel (data, header)) ; So now I want to delete the row us... mvc 4 - MVC4 Code First Database type "Date" -

I need the database column for a date data type in MS SQL Server There is a requirement for it, it can not be a datetime. I have in my model: [DataType (DataType.Date)] Public Date Time? Requested expiration date {Received; Set; } This still creates the column as an empty date time. Is there any way to do this before date ? In my model, instead of using the very DataType attribute, column attribute is used My model now looks like this: [column (typename = "date")] public date time? Requested expiration date {Received; Set; } If anyone is trying to do something similar, although I have used the TypeName = "date" , you should type TypeName whatever you want is a valid SQL Server data type.

how to print some letters from a string in sql server -

मेरे पास छवि की तरह एक टेबल थी मुझे "नाम" परिणाम बीसी, दा, बीसी, बीसी, बीसी, बीसी का चयन करें SUBSTRING (name , 2,2) तालिका से एएस शॉर्ट कॉम्प;

html - PHP tag considered as a comment in Safari + Wamp -

I am trying something on PHP HTML on the MMP. I get the PHP tag & lt ;? Php and ? & Gt; In my code, the problem: It is impossible to test my conscience because "some" my & lt ;? Php and ? & Gt; in and lt ;! - Changing php to and ? - & gt; Safari interprets it as a comment I tried with a Safari on a remote computer with Windows, there is no way to find the root cause of the problem. As I said in another comment, the problem comes from the charset. I chose UTF-16 instead of UTF-8. I really did not understand the problem of the latter but it has been resolved. Thank you.

Pretty print json but keep inner arrays on one line python -

I am printing a lot of json in Python using this code: json.dumps (json_output, indent = 2, separator = (',', ':') It prints like my JSON: {"rows_parsed": [[["A", "B", "C", "D"], ["E", "F", "G", "I"],]} , I want to print it: {"rows_parsed": [["a", "b", "c", "d"], ["E", "f", "jee", "i"],]} How can I put arrays in a row like one above? > is an NPM module that does this, which can be translated into Python (or externally called).

php - My web server refuse to set session or cookie -

I am currently working with WordPress and plugins. I have some plug-ins that actually require a cookie and stored on the session server. But when I try to set the session, it seems that my server refused to store that session. I did some tests to prove with this simple code. & lt ;; Php session_start (); error_reporting (E_ALL); Ini_set ('display_errors', '1'); If (Azat ($ _ session ['axle'])) {echo "SISON:" $ _ Session ['axle']; } Else {echo "session belm ada .."; $ _SESSION ['xx'] = "ssssj space"; }? & Gt; And the results are saying "session belam ADA", that means the session is not stored (if not incorrect). My question is clear, why is this? What could possibly be the reason for this problem? The first thing that has crossed my mind is that it is probably the server configuration, which does not allow session or permisson to accept the problem, but ... WordPress, it's runni...

ruby - Possible to use pkgsrc with rvm/gem on OS X? -

Done But now I do not think that the code by gem has been installed through rvm looks like pkgsrc does not play well. Updating installed gems Error: (Mani :: Exception) Unable to install OpenSL, install OpenSSL and rebuild (Favorites) or non-HTTPS source Which problem is because: $ openssl / usr / pkg / bin / openssl I also Autoconf autocomplete Liboots PKG-Confide LBIMML readline LimbskXSL get complaints about missing packages, but I All of them have established with pkgsrc. Any idea of ​​moving forward with them? It looks like rvm really wants to use homebrew . I do not want to remove "Change pkgsrc and since installing the Homebrew since pkgsrc for all my other needs very well But things do not seem promising. It is not clear whether the problem really matters to pkgsrc But it seems that you are exposing the binaries of pkgsrc to you through the path so that the gem is mixed. Like, libtool or pkg-config. Try...

ios - HealthKit requestAuthorizationToShareTypes once per day? -

I was trying to use Apple's Helvetket Authority Model in my app's settings, Get permission to turn on / off Sharing It automatically pops up the authorization screen Although it seems like only once and never again, for at least 24 hours, where there is a need to indicate again. Can it be used as similar to pushmess requests, where a user is prompted once and then the same request is never indicated? I am confused to add this model signal to the initial weight of the app because it is quite interactive as a full screen model; Even a single call is ever made once. Actually the user believes to see it push the notification permissions, or access contacts .) I have found that for each datatype that you want to share with the health app (or reading), you got a shot with a model prompt. This prompt may be a bit tedious for the user because it asks for your app to fully permit (both read and write), and I think that's the reason Apple has called the best practice o...

android - How much GUI real-estate is available for a wearable app to customize notifications? -

When my mobile app posted a notification, if someone is wearable, then only small icons and notification titles are small Is displayed under the wearable band (and the user has to swipe to reveal more material, in my case I have an LG clock with which I am using). I have both notification title ANS displayed on some content wearable, when the notification is displayed without the user who swipe to see any text other than the title. I know that I can write an app to set the display to wearable to customize, but I could not find any information about any size restriction etc. If I write a wearable app then it can increase the size of the notification displayed on the wearable, larger than displayed by default? Here's a guide to creating custom alerts on the Android Dev website: It may be more work than work but I think what you need in this guide.

MYSQL - not equal joins not working properly -

I'm having trouble finding a query to work properly, I think it should be easy, but for some reason I can not find this right. I have two tables added to the ID field. I have all the records which are in t1 and are not visible in T2. It currently works: AID = b.template on joining a left at AT_ templates, select However, I want to put another condition in the query to limit the data in a subsection and it is not working: = b.template where b.at_id! = 1 The second query is empty, but I want the same results as before on the basis of the input of at_id. Any thoughts? Your work example shows that you can record from "first table" to a Want to see and "second table" which you want to use for excluded records b if you leave all the records present in b , then you can not set any value such as b.at_id result because is in your result set b There is no value associated with Additionally, if the condition is b.at_id is ...

Hide div when in top of page with jquery -

When I scroll the page to the top and when it does not come with jquery, I want to hide a div I am trying. / P> Any way to do this? EDIT: By concealing and showing I mean it gets erased and get out. Scroll event and use scrollTop () $ (window). on ("scroll", function {var scrollpace = $ (window) .scrollTop (); if (scrollpost & lt; = 0) {$ (".dvnidsehiding") .FadeOut ();} and {$ (" Edit. Edit: The scrollTop query has been updated, as if jQuery provides a compatibility layer if Element is window .

bash - How to pass output as arguments to another command? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं एक आदेश का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ, gsettings2 मॉनिटर org.gnome.desktop.background चित्र-यूरी | कट -f2 -d "'" यह सही ढंग से बदला हुआ वॉलपेपर के लिए यूरी देता है। मैं फ़्यूचर फ़ू जैसे प्रत्येक मान को पाइप करना चाहता हूं जैसे कि function foo {echo "value changed $ 1"} चलाता है। मैं इसे कैसे करूँ? gsettings2 ... | Stdbuf -oL कट -f2 -d "'" | जबकि पढ़-आर यूरी; लूप कॉल foo को पढ़ने के लिए जब प्रत्येक यूआरआई पढ़ता है तो stdbuf-oL कॉल लाइन को बफर करने के लिए cut बल को लागू करने के लिए है, इसलिए इसका आउटपुट तुरंत दिखता है।

sharepoint - Create a button on Infopath for users to export form to PDF -

Currently I have created a travel request form using SharePoint 2013 and Infopath 2013, when you submit the form, So it creates a line item Once the managers have approved the form, then the form itself has a field called "Epirver" and "Accepted On", which tells when and when the form Approved I want users to open the form and send an application for PDF There is a button to export the motive form. Is this possible? Thanks for all help! You want it to move to a sister site of stack overflow. I always suggest suggestions (as I work in the InfoPath / PDF business) using a workflow tool of your choice to attach a simple workflow to the related form library (SharePoint Designer, Nintex Workflow , VS workflow). Ensure that you export the corresponding InfoPath status field for SharePoint so that you can read the contents of the column in your workflow. Check in your workflow if the status field is 'Approved' and if it runs the PDF Conversion Ac...

javascript - Add eventlistener to canvas tag -

I get the canvas tag correctly from HTML, but when I make it an event Try, console returns me unchecked typed error: there is no undefined function . I do not understand the reason. var x = document.getElementsByTagName ('canvas'); Console.log (x); // Print correctly elements: [canvas, item: function, named: function] x.addEventListener ("click", provision); // UnkitType Error: Undefined No Function Function (Event) {console.log ("Prova"); //}; document.getElementsByTagName ("canvas") [0] getElementsByTagName returns an HTMLCollection (like an array), and works on the addEventListener elements, so that you You need to select the correct index. An optional document.query selector ("canvas") is which will return an element.

javascript - speed of setter functions not what expected -

I am comparing the performance of two different types of sets as shown below: Var q = {}; Var z = {}; (Function () {var x = 1; q.x = function () {return x;}; q.x.set = function (val) {x = val;};}) (); (Function () {var x = 1; z.x = function () {return x;}; z.x_set = function (val) {x = val;};}) (); The difference is where the setter is stored: q.x.set vs z.x_set . I hope that the z version to run faster because it needs to see a lower table contrast the q version is constantly fast, why any thoughts? Here's a few results: There are some results from the different browsers of your experiment. Let's take a look at the results. So we expect to be faster than z to q . But when we examine the results, we see two different categories of results. The result is a little faster, moving towards almost similar, q . OR z is quite fast. It tells me that it is on the mercy of the implementation of various JS engines. Various JS engines use a ton of low ...

syntax - How do I use text file inputs in a cmd prompt batch -

What are I trying to do to set up TightVNC on 130+ computers? I is currently installed in this form: Installing TetVNC and Configuring MSIXAC / I "\\ 10.XXX \ Data \ Hardware Asset \ TightVNC \ tightvnc-2.7.10-setup -32bit.msi "/ cool / norestart ADDLOCAL =" server, viewer "VIEWER_ASSOCIATE_VNC_EXTENSION = 1 SERVER_REGISTER_AS_SERVICE = 1 SERVER_ADD_FIREWALL_EXCEPTION = 1 VIEWER_ADD_FIREWALL_EXCEPTION = 1 SERVER_ALLOW_SAS = 1 SET_USEVNCAUTHENTICATION = 1 VALUE_OF_USEVNCAUTHENTICATION = 1 SET_PASSWORD = 1 VALUE_OF_PASSWORD = Test Using PSXAC I'm trying to run this X from a list of IP addresses from a text file so that time is short. psexec \\ @ test.txt However this has failed on the above step. I'm pretty sure I have the wrong syntax but after searching for more than 2 hours I can not find the right way to call for a text file. We can run it on a personal computer but in the 9-15 steps of this project, I would like to reduce the time of com...

git - Composer: Can not get my custom repository from my server -

I wanted to make my own stock for the composer. Let's call it myrepo.git. So my repo is made on the roots and composer. Jasson which is the least like this: {"name": "My / Myrepo", "description": "My I put it on my GIT server so that I can get it from git: Code> git clone git: // But I want to get it from the composer. So I have musicians on my workstation. Jason created: {"repositories": [{"type": "vcs", "url": "git: // git"}]} After this I called Composer Install. Everything ended without error but my repository is not fat. I do not know why. When I try to add some repositories from Gitub, it is brought without any problem, but not my repository. no error. Nothing. The output looks like this: Composer loading composer stores with package information Installing dependencies (including required-Dev) nothing to install or update au...

c# - Fluent API - One to many - multiple relationship -

Hello I have the following problem that I'm trying to solve using the Fluent API. I have 2 tables: Products: ID int | Code nurture (20) | CurrentDetailsID int Product Details IDAI | ProductID int | Name Navratra (50) .... Now my relationships are a bit weird because: the product can only include a current product description (current DITIDID), each record record cend is added to only one product, but the product There may be many details (for historical reasons) in itself. With any thought how can I store such difficult types of relationships in a fluent API? Seb Define your classes as: If you want to use the Fluent API The following codes can be used. Protected Override Zero OnModelCreating (DbModelbuilder modelBuilder) {modelBuilder.Entity gtc: media.php}; HasMany (t = & gt; t.ProductDetails) Compulsory with (t => T. product). Islingen (T => T. Product ID); ModelBuilder.Entity & lt; Products & gt; () .HasRequired (t = & gt; t.Cu...

javascript - Broaden the scope of functions -

I have written some jQuery functions to change the size of the pictures, keeping their aspect ratio on pageload and changing window sizes. These works work great, but I made them specially for a scenario. Now, another similar scenario has arisen in which I should do almost the same functionality, only with IFrame In the interest of becoming a better coder, and not adding additional code, I can use this code for the iFrames of the site, as well as $ ('com-background & gt; img') briefly and efficiently. Am I Scenario? Here's the jQuery: function imageCalc () {$ imgWidth = $ ('com-badge & gt; IMG') width (); $ ImgHeight = $ ('com-badge & gt; IMG'). Height (); $ ImgAspectRatio = $ imgHeight / $ imgWidth; $ ('Com-badge & gt; IMG'). CSS ('margin-left', '-10px'); } Function setImageDims () {$ ('Com-badge & gt; IMG') CSS ('height', function (calshhite) {return $ IMA spacreito * $ ('# main-con...

node.js - Populate array with object ID inside -

I have this in my model: User.js: ... User Group: [{User Group: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, Reference: 'UserGroup'}, Status: {Type: string, Default: 'Pending'}}], .. . When a user joins the user group, the group id user is stored in the user group area of ​​the model array, and the status field is pending pending, an administrator Is awaiting approval. I can not fill a problem with an array of IDs, but I'm not sure when the field is populated then it is connected with the other. Am I doing my model wrong or something is obvious? Please help! Thanks What are you looking for this? Schema.Fund ({}). Populate ('UserGroup User User'). Exec (...);

security - Web App that Compares User Credentials to /etc/shadow -

I secure a web application by checking the user entered with / etc / shadow to verify the user credentials I want to do it (unless there is some other solution). Is there any safe way to do this? It will not be very difficult to get it to run as root and then it will check the file and designated hash algorithm and salt string will be run, but it keeps the salt value in the hashes and reduces security. System Key So is anybody trying utility or better and web application can be safely verified to access my UNIX credentials or / etc / shadow? In general, the authentication will be controlled by the web server (Container Managed Authentication). For example, in Tomcat, it will be certified against an Active Directory: & lt; Realm className = "org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug = "99" connectionName = "CN = Our User, OU = Account, DC = Domain, DC = COM" Connection Password = "S0mePassWord" connectionURL = "ldap: //192.16...

dns - Setting up domainame to a shared hosting site -

Obviously this is the correct heap, but I need help setting up a DNS for a domain name that I share It is necessary to point out that hosting sites have some images here: Shared Image Hosting It has IP address and DNS IP for it. For the use of the remaining domain names, there are pictures from the registrar's cpanel. Should I provide the name of the shared server and the server named Server 1 and 2 shared hosting site? Yes you have to change the nameservers for the names you need for your hosting site. Other DNS settings may also be necessary, which your domain name hosting provider can not allow you or you to do. Host, if you do not need the flexibility provided by your domain name, I recommend checking

php - How to edit a drupal theme before making an archive? -

I have a problem with Drupal. The only problem I am trying to create a new topic is: 1, by drupal you enter the local host / folder / [file name] in your browser URL bar and just see the archived themes in DROP Do not think for It sounds like you receive a "page forbidden" message if you try to run any .php file before converting any .php file to a tar.gz file. 2, but once you find it hard to edit the Tar.gz folder it is. Do you just need to create your own Drupe theme in a separate folder, insert them in advance, and just add them to Drop / Site / Sub / theme? Whenever I try to run anything in the Druck folder, but receive a restricted message from the page via direct dial ... You can create your own theme by following a tutorial like this: Local examples of yourself without using a tar.gz file and then you want to run files on FTP, or you can defer this and set theme NGC interface can upload tar (via Drupal 7 +) does Hope that helps!

html - Multi forms datas into array via Javascript -

मेरे पास ऐसे कुछ रूप हैं: & lt; div class = "well" & gt ; & LT; प्रपत्र & gt; & lt; span class = "पुल-दायें निकालें" & gt; & lt; i वर्ग = "एफए-पीई-टाइम्स पॉइंटर" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "फॉर्म-समूह" शैली = "मार्जिन: 0" & gt; & lt; label = "image-link" & gt; छवि लिंक & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "छवि-लिंक" मान = "" वर्ग = "फॉर्म-नियंत्रण" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "फॉर्म-समूह" शैली = "मार्जिन: 0" & gt; & Lt; लेबल = "सामग्री" & gt; सामग्री & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; textarea class = "form-control" name = "content" पंक्तियाँ = "10" & gt; & lt; / textarea & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "फॉर्म-समूह...

python - How do you catch this exception? -

This code is in the Django / DB / Models / Areas / makes an exception / defines it? class reversaling related object descriptor (six.we_metallacles (named object object descriptor method)): # This class provides functionality that provides related objects # Managers with attributes on model class Is available in the form, for which there is a single "remote" value for the category which defines the related field #for example "choice.poll", the pole attribute is a #reversing signal Layered object descriptor is example. Def __init __ (self, field_with_rel): self.field = field_with_rel self.cache_name = self.field.get_cache_name () @ cached_property def related object dots notexist (self): # Exception can not be made at the initial time because the # related model To be solved yet; `` can still be the # string model reference, return type (str ('related object dot notexist'), (selffield, rlt.donotexist, attribute error), {}) This is in the Djang...

php - laravel parent relationship belongsTo -

I'm having trouble outputing the relational data, I'm trying to get the title from the productive sections non- Object property, I have tried many ways, but I can not find the desired result extends category product \ supernatural {public function producttype () {return $ this-> ; BelongTo ('product type', 'producttype_id'); }} Category Product Type Extended \ Supernatural {Public Function Products () {Return $ this- & gt; Hamind ("product", 'id'); }} $ Product- & gt; Product-type- & gt; The title of the title update are expanded \ Eloquent {protected $ fillable = ['keywords',' description ',' title ',' Slug ']; Protected $ table = "producttypes"; Public Function Products () {Return $ this- & gt; Has many ("product", 'product_id', 'id'); }} Expanding Class Productization \ Eloquent {protected $ table = "productvariations"; $ Fillable pr...

amazon web services - Error retrieving a list of your S3 buckets from AWS:Access Denied wordpress -

I get this error in WordPress: Error in retrieving your S3 Bucket list from ADS: Access Denied . Iam is a writing policy for the user. I do not know where I am wrong. Please help me My IAM policy is here: {"version": "2012-10-17", "statement": [{"Sid": "Stmtxxxxxxxxxxx", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["s3: GetBucketLocation", "s3: listback", "S3: listbucket multipartuploads"], "resource": ["arn: aws: s3 ::: Baltiman / * "]}] First of all, your bucket for listing , You need to create a statement that will allow your IAM to "s3: ListAllMyBucks" in the entire S3 account {"effect": "permission "Action": "S3: Listalled MyBackets", "Resource": "*", "Condition": {}} In addition to this, There is a problem with listing because of the tasks you are trying to allow: ...

android - set frame rate in JavaCameraView -

I want to set the frame rate to 1 fps via javaCamera view. When I turn on the camera, the frame rate is approximately 20 fps. My objective is to change this value to 1 fps after clicking on the button. Can anyone help me? I have searched a lot on the internet, but I could not find interesting (even in the document). I am using JavaCameraView because I am working with openCV mcamera "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You can manipulate camera preview FPS Creating a class JavaCameraView and mCamera object: public class optimizationCamairAvailable JavaCamera view {public customizable cameraview (context reference, attribatate etter) extends {super (reference, ethers) ; } Public Zero Set Display FPS (Double Min, Double Max) {Camera. Parameter parameters = mCamera.getParameters (); Params.setPreviewFpsRange ((int) (min * 1000), (integer) (max * 1000)); mCamera.setParameters (parameter); }} OpenCV Tutorial 3 - Similar to camera control. But you have to ...

javascript - Cannot read property push of null -

For the first time pushing for a child array, which is zero, I am getting this error "property Can not read the push of the tap "But the element is pushed, and for the second time I am completely cured. It is added to the array ({name: group.newCategoryName, sort order: list. Lamp, type: "category"}); The group contains the data and the department list is the original array that has been declared as: $ scope.parentDepartment = [[List of departments : [[}]}]; Does not push well into any non-existent array? You can test clearly whether it is not empty and can be made if necessary: ​​ = || []; ({name: group.newCategoryName, sortOrder: group.departmentsList.length, type: "category"});

ios - iPhone app run on iPad -

I have uploaded an app developed for the iPhone 5S, this week I uploaded an update where I changed some texts, no programming. And I reject it, the reason for this is to be compatible with the iPad, which means that if you can not cut low iPad screen (2X option) They know different proposals, they do not know about making them compatible. I have said that this is just an app for the iPhone and properly I am developing for iPad with many more features. I have come to answer yet, should look good on the iPad The resolution of the iPhone 5S is 640 x 1136, and the iPad 768 x 1024, whether Retina or iPhone 6, New 6 Plus models, i.e. more Square Can I customize it without creating a new storyboard unique ipad? The strange thing about all this is that I will accept a simple back and I will update it. Thanks state - 2.10 iPhone app should be played on the iPhone without any improvement in iPhone resolution and 2x iPhone resolution Therefore, you do not have to do your ... - Saving a Image from PictureBox to a database -

I was thinking how to save a picture from my computer by using a dialog file to browse in the visual computer. Can i I use the following code to select the form for my PC: private sub btnBuscar_Click (as the object, in the form of e EventArgs ) BtnBuscar.Click handles with OpenFileDialog1. CheckFileExists = true .ShowReadOnly = false .Filter = "All Files | * * | Bitmap Files (*) | * .bmp; ... * gif; * JPG" .philterIndex = 2 if .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK then PictureBox1. Image = Image.FromFile (.FileName) from end to end End Sub With my form I am speaking to make any other class object: gestor.gregarMission (txtNombre.Text, txtTrip.Text, dtInicio.Value, numDuracionDia.Text, program, txtDatos.Text, txtResul.Text, diagram, txtNave.Text, cuerpo) I need to construct an object with some parameters including an image, it is constructor: public sub agregarMission (pnombre as string, ptripulantes as string, pfechaLanz as date , double as pduracion, pprograma a...