
Showing posts from July, 2010

vba - Reordering of text and attachment in Outlook Email -

I am creating an email from a macro (excel file macro) and trying to sandwich the attachment through text. After the attachment has been added, I want my body, file, signature set olMailItem = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate (EmailFilePath) olMailItem 'with the search and instead of the subject "key metrics" tab for "KW # #". Click on Subject = Replace (Subject, "KW ##", KW). Attachments.Add ("H: \ QA \ QA Mgmt \ Presentations \" & Report (R). Filename). Body =. Body & amp; GetSignature (emailTemplatePath & "EmailSignature.txt"). EmailFilePath is the path of an msg file with an existing file and reciepients displayed. The attachment can be placed within the body itself, when the "bodyformat" Rich Text " You can do this by applying the following line of code to your function: . Bodyformat = oleformatrichtext '3 also works implementation set olMailItem = olApp.CreateItemFromTempla...

SQL lock row,table on insert and select -

I am trying to get some kind of lock on SQL. To make it clear what I am doing simple: a table with ID int automation as a PK, and a field data worker (max) non-cluster IX Now I have some C # The code that checks the symlip if the item is not in DB, one is inserted like the SQL code I am using: INSERT {0}. (TABLOCKX) with value (@ data ...) and select one: Select ID from {0}. With {1} WHO (data = @ data) but I can see that many objects are inserted with the same value, which creates tab lock deadlock , And I do not want to use the unique index because it is very slow. One way to achieve this with locking I'm not sure You want the same, I hope this answer is helpful. Private Zero Test (string aConnectionString, string adata) {use (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection (aConnectionString)) {sqlConnection.Open (); SqlCommand sqlCommand = sqlConnection.CreateCommand (); SqlTransaction sqlTransaction = sqlConnection.BeginTransaction (System.Data.Isol...

php - Why are my variables passed by reference? -

I have created a function that first creates two datasets based on data: // Initial Date Time (for testing) $ dt = new \ Datetime; $ Dt-> Set date (2012, 9, 5); // puts the split in 2 separate statistics $ dates = $ this-> Defined bitrate ($ dt); // $ Date [0] = 2011-07-01 // $ Dates [1] = 2012-09-01 For the moment, everything is right now I have no idea about these datasets Function in which I use the while loop which increases the earlier date until it reaches the second number: // Now I use 2 data in a function ... $ dateKeys = $ this- & gt; Generated data ($ date [0], $ date [1]); // and the function seems to modify them out of themselves! // $ Dates [0] = 2012-10-01 // $ Dates [1] = 2012-09-01 It seems that when there is a loop inside my work GenerateDateKeys does not modify the parameter locally This function changes the value of $ date outside. But I am never using context. Can anyone realize me about this? PHP passes all the objects by refer...

winapi - What' s the ways to run a process inside my process, without create another process? -

I have an application where I own, I have control of the code and I have no other application In windows I want to run, I have to run this process inside my application process. Why do I have to do this? Because I have some tests to perform subclasses in this process, and the SetWindowLong function only works if running on the same process. I know how to make a DLL injection in the process, but without injection, is there a way to do this? You can not execute a new process inside an existing process. If you take advantage of the functionality of other processes as your own library, then you will need to make another process. In that case, if you really need a sub-section of a window, you will need to enter the code in the process of the window that is the owner of the window.

dns - When I type "" it doesn't work but it works fine without "www" -

The first was hosted on my website, but then I had some problems with them, so I (payment) Switched. But after some time I realized that when I entered it, I came to know that the page is not found, but if I type in it then works properly which is probably a problem Can you? Please help Here are answers to many questions. Please click the search box In the corner of the page, most can be answered with the rewriting rule, here is the answer to your question

c# - Update existing value in an ObservableCollection -

I'm trying to update & amp; Add value for an overview I have defined the observablecollection like this; Public Supervision column & lt; Tupal & lt; String, int & gt; & Gt; Logsamura {get; Set; } In my class, I am subscribing to an event that has a string in the string: A, B, C, D, E or F. If the string I received is already present in the archive, I only want to update the second item (int) which is the string of the characters I received. If I write this code (new tupal; string; at & g; (_ stringFromEvent, intValue)); This will only add a new row to the collection, before I use LogSummary.Add (), I need to know how the string already exists And if it should do the current int, and update it instead of adding a new row to the collection. Hope you understand my problem! Thanks in advance, Jack var current = logsamuri First and default (t => item 1 == _stringFromEvent) if (Existing! = Faucet) {// Update logsmuri [...

gruntjs - Grunt JSHint - Not checking indentations -

I have indent set to 4. If I remove all indents in a source file, JSHint does not fail for it. It checks everything but indentation how can I check it for indentation? In addition, I have installed the plug-in, it also does not work! Here is a part of my grinfile: // Make sure code styles are equal and there are no obvious mistakes: {Option: {jshintrc: '.jshintrc' , Reporter: Required ('jshint-stylish')}, all: {Src: ['Grunt.files.js',' and my jshint: {"is true," eqeqeq ": true," immed ": true, True, "browser": true, "esnext": true, "bitwise": true, "camelcase" is true, "unused": true, "strict": 4, "latif": true False, "Globals": "True," "Noucup": True, "NORG": True, "Fault": "Singles", "Reggae": "real", "trailing" Angular ": wrong}} TL; Dr.: NPM inst...

c# - System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format for decimal -

Specifying a sharingpoint item value by changing it to decimal and using the telecorse to specify the radarating value. Rated value is decimal and when there is an error when changing the list item. Radarating 1 Value = Convert. ToDecimal (Ollist ["Average Rating"]); I have also tried (decimal) but it gives another error message, why do not accept this statement as any idea? List Population: Zero Load Suggestions () {SPList olstSuggestions = oWeb.Lists ["Suggestions"]; SPQQSuggestions = New SPQuery (); qSuggestions.RowLimit.Equals (10); QSuggestions.Query = string.Format (@ "& lt; ou FieldRef Name = 'Archived' / & gt; & lt; Value Type = 'Options' & gt; No & Lt; / value & gt; & lt; / eq & gt; & lt; / where & gt; "); SPListItemCollection oSuggestionCollection = olstSuggestions.GetItems (qSuggestions); Int count = 1; Foreach (SPListItem oList in oSuggestionCollection) {& lt; Above st...

html - Java program for calculating fractions -

The purpose of the program is to obtain two parts of a user, to obtain an operator from the user, and then to obtain For the second part, two more user input programs should check that 0- 99 different numbers have been used in both fractions and it has zero zero separator. The program also has to ensure that the user uses a valid operator (-, +, *, /). Now the only problem facing me is that none of my variables are being started and I do not know how the output looks like this: 1 1 3 --- --- --- --- 8 8 8/8 Even the code I have, any help would be greatly appreciated because Java I have little knowledge to use: import java.util.Scanner; Public class fracture calculator {public static wide main (string [] AGR) {scanner in = new scanner (system.); Int N1; Int N2; Int d1; Int D2; Int n; Int d; Four o; Int m1, m2; Integer tempN1, tempN2; Int LCM, X; System.out.println ("Enter a fraction for part 1:"); N1 = in.nextInt (); System.out.println ("Enter a lower for p...

ios - Accidentally overwrote iPhone device location via Xcode -

So I'm working on a location-based iPhone app. I'm mainly testing on the iOS simulator, and like using core location simulation is all good - I can be in New York or San Francisco or anywhere. Then I proceed to test my app on my iPhone, with that checkbox still enabled I go for walking (e.g., real real world), dragging Google Maps , And realized that is not my real simulator, the iPhone is using a fake location In this example my iPhone is thinking that it is in London (where I live), but Piccadilly Not the right middle in the circus I am not. I go home, open the exode, and to ensure that I (due to just a strange GPS bug etc.), the reason 'default location' has been changed to Johannesburg. Unplug your phone, open Google Maps (and to make sure, Foursquare), the same deal stranded in Johannesburg. So this is definitely the panel that bore my phone , but I did not know how to reset it. I have not tried that: Changing 'default location' to 'no...

php - neo4j/Everyman - how to pass in a string parameter? -

The parameter is trying to pass in a string value as the following: $ names = array ('test0', 'test1', 'test2'); $ Q0 = "match (n: label0 {id: '{param0}'}) return n"; $$ = $ Q1- & gt; getResultSet () ($ Name as $ name) {$ q1 = new Everyman \ Neo4j \ Cypher \ Query ($ connection, $ q0, Array ( 'param0' = & gt; $ name);) run this code Gives me the 3 var_dump output, which results in no result. If I get the actual ultimate value (instead of getting it from the array), I get the expected result set. Anyway, if I enter the query using NEO 4J-Shell, then I expect that value (th) I get . So what am I doing wrong? I'm sure I'm using it wrongly, but I do not know how. I can put the variable directly and the query also works (though this parameter anywhere in the query). It is doing this only through a parameter that seems problematic. Edit: neo4j v2.1.4 $ q0 =" match (n: label0 {id: {param0}}) retur...

osx - How can I get the *original* data behind an NSImage? -

I have an example of NSImage which I have been assigned by the API whose implementation is' T control I would like to get the original data ( NSData ), to make that data without NSImage Was converted into another representation / format (or otherwise "tampering") if the image was made from a file, then I would have to file a byte-by-byte with all the metadata and so on Amgri accurate, like. If the image was created with some arbitrarily NSData example I is exact, byte-by-byte-equivalent copy of that NSData To be pedantic (since this is a problem which I have come), if NSIZ was created from animated GIF, give me a NSDT needs to be brought back which is actually the original animated GIF, unmolested. Edit: I know that it is not strictly possible for all time for the NSImage s; How about the subset of images that were are definitely made from files and / or data? I have yet to find a way to do this; Does anyone have any ideas? I agree with...

Rails, Ruby classes / modules / namespaces confusion -

मेरे पास रेल मॉडल है: ऐप / मॉडल / एआरबी - & gt; वर्ग ए & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस उसके बाद मेरे पास: ऐप / सेवाएं / ए / बी / सीआरआर - & gt; वर्ग ए :: बी :: सी , जहां दोनों एक और b फ़ोल्डर हैं और, अंत में, मेरे पास एक मॉड्यूल है: मॉड्यूल बी एपीएआईके, ऐप / & लेफ्टिनेंट; फ़ोल्डनाव & gt; autoloaded है, (यह इस नाम के साथ एक बाहरी मणि है)। अगर मैं ऐसा करने का प्रयास करता हूं: ए :: बी :: सी न्यू यह एक त्रुटि संदेश फेंकता है: निपुण स्थिर ... ... द्वारा संदर्भित ... (बिल्कुल नहीं याद है) - दूसरे शब्दों में, यह नहीं काम करता है एक फ़ोल्डर के तहत परिभाषित अन्य वर्ग - काम सिर्फ ठीक है उदाहरण के लिए: एप / सेवा / ए / एक्स। आरबी ( वर्ग ए :: एक्स ) अगर मैं कोशिश करता हूँ A :: B , मैं बस एक चेतावनी संदेश के साथ B (मणि) मिलता है (लेकिन यह काम जारी है)। लेकिन, अगर मैं एक या बी फ़ोल्डर का नाम (और निश्चित रूप से वर्ग के हस्ताक्षर) - यह ठीक काम करता है! तो, 1) ऐसा क्यों है ? कैसे इन सभी वर्गों, मॉड्यूल, नाम स्थान, inclusions संभाल करता ...

css - Color of button(bootstrap button) not changing in netbeans? -

This is a notification button's CSS (from bootstrap) and its styling css file contains resources in Netbeans I am using Maven / Web application with Java Server. Works on frame: .btn-info {background-color: # d60d8c; Border color: # d60d8c; } This is a JSF page button code: & lt; Button type = "button" class = "btn-btn-info navbar-btn navbar-right" id = "logg" & gt; & Lt; a href = "logga.html" & gt; Sign in & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; The button code is in a bootstrap navbar. The border of the button is using border color: # d60d8c; , but the background color of the button does not change according to the background-color: # d60d8c; . Why is that so? Am I doing something wrong here? (assuming CSS is properly loaded) your CSS selector only Class-specific, perhaps there are more specialized CSS selectors in your project, but match the buttons. (You can see, Chrome Developer Too...

python - Processes in multiprocessing.Pool not reporting runtime errors -

I have a pool of processes in Python that has been used from multiprocessing import pool . I run various tasks to pass those people, calling the Pool.apply_async function. If I start one of those errors (i.e.: a line of code, such as 5/0 ), expected command line report ZeroVision Aire: Zero by integer division or modules Never shows, and the program never ends, even if I present a callback function in the call to "Code.Apple_async , I never called the callback function. Goes, if the function is done To Anvit is an error on that. How can I get those errors in the errors of the pool report and if something goes wrong, then what can be terminated? In order for you to be raised in the parent, the actual apply_async (Or map_async ), try the returned results. def func (): Exception ("we failed") ... results = pool.app_a_sync (funk, args = (arg)) time.sleep (2) result.get ( ) # Exception is only picked here. You can execute any callback only function...

ruby on rails - How do i open text editor using a command line on Cloud9? -

I'm new to ROR. I am using the Cloud9 IDE to build my application, I want to know the command line Open Text Editor. I have tried GEDT, but it does not work. Thank you. You first need to point to your editor. You can then type the shortcut to open the editor. For example, when you are using ROR, I assume that you are on the Mac. If you want to change it to say vim, now I do not know that you have set up cloud 9 because you left it. You will need to change the part of the syntax below after the "Editor" and point to Cloud9 instead of VIM. I hope this will be helpful, if you have any questions or want to give more information, then I can help you further. echo "Export Editor = / usr / bin / vim" & gt; & Gt; ~ / .zshrc

c# - Windows service does nothing on production PC -

I have an application that schedules jobs using This works entirely on my development laptop as a Winforms application (with beginner and stop buttons) and as Windows services, Outart () and OnStop () Event code matches the Start and Stop button codes of the Winforms application, they are in the same solution using the same "Model" code (in their own project). If I run the Winforms application on the production computer then it works perfectly, jobs are executed according to them, although according to the required schedule, if I installed it as a Windows service on the production PC And does nothing to run! Jobs do not come out. I do not know how to debug it. Please tell me if you have any suggestions that may be wrong. Also please let me know what other information should I provide. Oh - Dev is running PC Windows 7, the production PC is running Windows 8.1! Can this be the problem? I have created the service by following this tutorial: Does not i...

(Tcl?) Script for running modelsim with testbench as parameter from shell -

I want to create a script which can be executed from the shell such as: ./ myscript -test1 or tclsh myscript. Tcl - test1 I want to open ModelSim, compile units, load desired testbench, run simulation The name of the test will be a parameter. I have already created macro files (.doc) in which the model commands are compiled and amp; Simulating the desired units (+ Adding wave signals) I'm asking that scripting is not a field of my expertise. Here's my question: How to order, "Modelsim" (at startup) in the specified file? Is TCL's language looking at / is it possible in TCL? If so, what commands should I be familiar with? Or may the shell script be enough and should I look for specific model commands in the reference manual? Thank you for your time! Edit: I have posted some examples to use for everyone. Usage: ./foo.tcl testname #! / Usr / bin / tclsh # params set testname [lindex $ argv 0] Set test list {test1 test2 test3} # run vs tes...

ios - Only subject set in MFMailComposeViewController -

I am trying to use MFMailComposeViewController, I have set up all the fields that I want to set up: MFMailComposeViewController * Message = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init]; [Message setMessageBody: @ "My message is here" HTML: no]; [Message Setpiece: [NSARRAAIIIJject: @ ""]]; [Message Set Topic: @ "Request Information"]; Message.mailComposeDelegate = self; // User InViewing Controller on Screen * Current Controller Controller * (UINavigationController *) [[UIApplication shared applicant] Rep] window] RootviewController]; [NavController presentViewController: Animated message: Yes complete: zero]; However, when compose mail mail window is the only field that is set then the subject happens and nothing else, the body, the fields are all empty What am I missing? Test it on a real device with the mail account set.

Node.js express, timeout "Can\'t set headers after they are sent." -

I have some strange problems with nodes and express. One of my tasks that handles the request, Receive the request Call DB Li> Process the data and pack it on JSON response.json (JSON) Normally it will be all right but if 2 and 3 Because it is the asynchronous that it will respond automatically and there may be an error after the "Sendable" header is sent. When I call 4 Is anyone else having this problem? Is there any normal way to handle it or I just need to see what the response is ._The header is completely set? export.appstimebygroup = function (req, res) {var resp = {}; Var ClientID = Webapi.extractClientId (req); AppTime.getByGroupId (clientId, req.body.groupId, function (error, epistem) {if (error) {handleError (error); resp.returnCode = 0; resp.message = "Something has happened, please contact support ; Res.setHeader ("content type", "app / js"); res.json (resp); return;} resp.returnCode = 1; resp.appstime = appstim...

Addition going wrong in Python -

I am starting in Python and writing the original calculator while correct: Print Init == "1": input1 = input ("Basic arithmetic ... only +, -, *, / has been accepted") ("PyCalc") print () init = input ("1 for basic arithmetic Press ") ...") input2 = re.findall (r '\ d + | \ + | \ | | * * | \ /', input1) ans = basiccalc (input2) print (ans) DEF Basic CLC (given list): ans = int (given list [0]) in the given list PT A: If str (pt) .isdigit (): elif pt = = '+': Pos = given list.index (pt) ans = ans + int (given list [pos + 1]) return ans Adding 2 numbers when I run the program ... works correctly. PyCalc Press 1 original arithmetic for basic arithmetic ... only + , -, *, / Approved ... 2 + 3 5 But when I enter more than 2 numbers ... it gives me a wrong answer Basic arithmetic: PyCalc Press 1 for basic arithmetic 1 ... Only +, -, *, / Approved .. .2 + 4 + 5 + 6 14 Why do I get such a reply? Firs...

Node.JS Multiple User inteaction -

I have just started appearing in the node. JS is very interested in knowing and how and if it is possible for many users to interact. Right now I am trying to get a static HTML page so that a variable = a = 0; Every time A is clicked with a very simple onclick listener. What do I think and some other knowledgeable person can tell me whether it is possible to open that page on two devices, tell my laptop and my phone and update the variables on both screens Click to increase and increase the number. Is this something easy? (How is it "simple"? What will it be, without the database and just with javascript? Can someone tell me in the direction of research because I am currently feeling my way around without direction I generally know that this will be a database based feature, but I do not need to be firmly literate, only when the page is open, the value should be "missed". You should try with it. With the function socket.emit and socket. Yo...

android - Is Google Cloud Messaging Service required for push notifications -

I am looking to create an Android app that uses a MySQL database located on a server when in this database If some changes are made, then I need a push notification to be sent to some app users. My question is, is this the necessary Google Cloud Messaging service to implement? This page suggests that Google is also required to use the Developer Console If so, is it possible to export this project in Eclipse? thank you in advanced. My question is, is it necessary to implement Google Cloud Messaging? Yes and no, if you want to do real push messages, yes, it is necessary although you do not want to use GCM, you can use XMPP to send the message to the device. Can use

c++ - code runs well for small input but acts like an infinite loop when input is big -

I am trying to solve a problem that wants to connect the two million people to the Prime Minister and his yoga and my Showing totals as output (see for more information). I have written this code #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; int main () {int last_range; Int not_prime_counter = 0; Int sum = 0; Int prime_number_counter = 0; Cout & lt; & Lt; "From 2 to the limit"; CIN & gt; & Gt; Last_range; Int input = 2; / * If (input == 1) {cout & lt; & Lt; Input & lt; & Lt; "Prime \ n"; Yoga = yoga + input; Input ++; } * / If (input == 2) {cout & lt; & Lt; Input & lt; & Lt; "Prime \ n"; Yoga = yoga + input; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Yoga:" & lt; & Lt; Sum & lt; & Lt; Endl; Input ++; Prime_number_counter ++; } If (input == 3) {cout & lt; & Lt; Input & lt; & Lt; "Prime \ n"; Yoga = yoga + input; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Yoga:" ... click generates two events Mouseevent and CustomEvent - overlayed surfaces -

I have encountered surfaces for which onlick randomly generates CustomEvent or Mouseevent or in some cases Both in how does it work? Surface B its radius Is equal and a transformation (10, 280, 2) has a width of surface A of 320 and a result (0,0,1) when I click on the surface A very very left, Mouse Event is available on a custom event and surface B on B The above seems to be caused by Z Transform. When I change the zoom, then the surface B disappears clearly. Surface B is equal to its radius and a result (10, 280, 1) has a width of surface A and is 320 Change (0, 0,2) this.surfaceA.on (click on 'function', (e) {if (e instisionof CustomEvent) {this._eventOutput.emit ('select -row ', this. Obj);}} .bind (this)); This. SurfaceB.on ('click', function (e) {if (e instituteof customEvent) {this._eventOutput.emit ('new-event', this.obj);}} .bind (this)); 0.3.0 seemed to have fixed the problem fixed

node.js - MEAN.js not showing in iframe -

I have to display the MEAN.JS app within an IARAM, so I started with a simple HTML file: & lt; Iframe style = "height: 100%; width: 100%;" Src = "http: // localhost: 3000 / # / workout!" & Gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; But then the iframe content is empty, can someone please help me? Understand: My app is using a helmet () that sets the Danny Set in the X-frames-option. was doing. Therefore, in my express configuration I was set up: App. Use (helmet.xframe ('allow', '')); And it worked

compilation - Compiling Error error must be caught or declared -

This is a new error I have not seen before, I would be very grateful for some help Import java.util.Scanner; Public class InClass_Module_5 {public static zero main (string [] args) {/ four options; String vehicle 1, vehicle 2, vehicle 3, vehicle 4, ANST; Vehicle 1 = "Mercedes-Benz C 350 Sports Sadon"; Vehicle 2 = "Volkswagen Touregg"; Vehicle 3 = "Nissan Murano"; Vehicle 4 = "Ford F-150"; AnStr = "You have a right vehicle for you!"; System.out.println ("Write the letter corresponding to the vehicle that you want to do:"); Scanner = new scanner (; Four options; System.out.print ("\ nEnter the letter related to the vehicle that you want to do:"); Choice = (four) (); If (option> = 'A' and & amp; option & lt; = 'D') // option + = 32; If (likes> = 'A' and & amp; option & lt; = 'd') // options - = 32; System.out.println ("A" + v...

PHP wordpress using checkbox post meta -

This is probably a bit of a basic question, but I'm losing a bit, in fact, I have a custom post type I am trying to create a checkbox meta status. So what do I have: My custom-post-class: P> function slide_box ( ) {$ Slide_stored_meta = get_post_meta ((int) $ _ request ['post']); ? & Gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Label = "slide-checkbox" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "slide-checkbox" id = "slide-checkbox" value = "yes" & lt ?? Php if checked (isset ($ slide_stored_meta ['slide-checkbox']) ($ slide_stored_meta ['slide-checkbox'] [0], 'yes');? & Gt; / & gt; & lt ;? php _e ('Display title and quote?', 'Prfx-textdomain')? & Gt; & lt; / labels & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt ;? php} add_action ('save_post', 'slide_save_meta ';); Function slide_save_meta ($ postID) {if (is_admin ()) {// chec...

Drupal 8 Twig Template: get relative or absolute path from URI -

मेरे पास एक ट्विग टेम्पलेट में एक छवि यूआरएल है, जैसे "सार्वजनिक: //path/to/image.png"। मैंने सोचा था कि इसे इस तरह से कुछ के साथ काम करना चाहिए: {{url ('public: //path/to/image.png')}} या {{file_uri_scheme (' सार्वजनिक: //path/to/image.png ')}} लेकिन मेरे पास सभी त्रुटियां हैं I मुझे पता है कि दूसरा एक PHP फ़ंक्शन है, लेकिन क्या यह TWIG के साथ करने का कोई मौका है? एक "पथ" से किसी पृष्ठ पर एक URL पुनर्प्राप्त करना D8 में पदावनत है। संपादित करें: नह im ग़लत और सिर्फ वर्तनी को गलत तरीके से समझाया गया है; / सही उत्तर है: वे एक टहनी एक्सटेंशन पर काम कर रहे हैं मैं अपनी छवि uri / urls प्राप्त करने और {{node.field_image [delta] .entity.url}} के साथ प्राप्त करने का एक तरीका खोज रहा था

ios8 - Cannot see build phases, general settings in Xcode 6.1 -

I just downloaded XCode 6.1 seeds. I have this problem with a specific project. The project information scene is completely different General, the construction phase section is missing all. I can see all the information and the establishment of the building. It seems that () Anyone else had to face this issue? None of my other old projects is the issue. I got the problem This was a Nob fault. In the goal of the project settings, my goal was the project and the app was not targeted. The classes were brought back by selecting the appropriate goal.

javascript - Code works on jquery 1.8.3 but not work on 1.9.1 and up -

I have a code that works on 1.8.3 (After successfully blurring or focusing, SOFFIX has some Typed), but won does not work on 1.9.1 or higher & Lt; Input type = text class = "normal" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = text class = "gen" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; $ ("#Mmm") ('Focus change change blur', '.general', function () {var myvar = $ (this); chorid = it.value; $ .ajax ({url: '/ echo / html /', success: function (data) , Status) {myvar.empty (.) ("Value", chorid + "maxffix");}})}) on check-wide 1.8.3 / if you have version 1 9.1 or higher, the code stop works (if something is typed, the suffix is ​​not added) you want to see who changed it. Important to you: jQuery 1.6 has started the .prop () method to install and obtain properties on nodes and set properties to .attr () Usage is deprecated. However, the version up to 19 continues to use .attr () for specific ...

c# - How can I use unsafe code in VB.Net? -

मैं निम्नलिखित सी # कोड के VB.NET बराबर जानना चाहूंगा: असुरक्षित {बाइट * pStart = (बाइट *) (शून्य *) लिखने योग्य बिटमैप। बैकबफर; Int nL = लिखने योग्यबिटकैप। बैकबफ़रस्ट्रैड; {इंट्रेट = 0; आरएंडटी = 16; आर ++} {के लिए (इंटीग जी = 0; जी & lt; 16; जी ++) {के लिए (इंट बी = 0; बीएंडटीटी; 16; बी ++) {इंट एनएक्स = (जी % 4) * 16 + बी; इंट एनवाई = आर * 4 + (इंट) (जी / 4); * (पीस्टार + एनवाई * एनएल + एनएक्स * 3 + 0) = (बाइट) (बी * 17); * (पीस्टार + एनवाई * एनएल + एनएक्स * 3 + 1) = (बाइट) (जी * 17); * (PStart + nY * nL + nx * 3 + 2) = (बाइट) (r * 17); }}}}} ऐसा लगता है कि यह संभव नहीं है। से VB.NET इस संबंध में सी # से अधिक प्रतिबंधात्मक है। यह किसी भी परिस्थिति में असुरक्षित कोड के उपयोग की अनुमति नहीं देता है।

php - How to set up remote debugging with phpstorm and Xdebug -

I have seen other questions / answers about this subject, but none of these have the same issue with me, so Here we are going: What I'm trying to do I am using phpStorm 8 to develop PHP websites (this Specific case KPPHP 2.5.1). I have a copy of the website on my computer, make any changes in it and upload the new version of the production server through an integrated FTP tool. So far, all is very easy, no problem. Now I would like to start using Xdebug to debug websites using the production server (PHP 5.3.28), so I'm trying to set up a remote with PhpStorm and Xdebug Debugging What have I done now I installed Xdebug 2.1.3 on the production server, and it to work seems to check what I have done, and all these things work. looks like this configured in php.ini : zend_extension = "/ usr / local / src / xdebug-2.1 .0 / module / "xdebug.profiler_enable = '0' xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = '1' xdebug.profiler_output_di...

python - Decoding a String that Contains Encoded Characters -

I have some strings that I am sticking to as test data in my script. String comes from email that contains encoded characters and is throwing a SyntaxError So far, I am not able to locate the solution to this issue. When I get the print repr (string) , I get this string: total value for 1 load \ xe2 \ x80 \ x93 approximately $ 75,200 \ N '' The total value for the second load is \ xe2 \ x80 \ x93 approximately $ 74,300 \ n ' And when I run my script, this error pins: SyntaxError: non-ASCII characters in the file '\ xe2' & lt; File name & gt; On line & lt; Line number & gt; but no encoding is declared; When I print lines with only encoded characters, I get: 'Total value for second load' ??? About. $ 74,300 ' When I copy it by email, the data looks like this: ' Total value for first load 'is approx. $ 75,200 '' total value for second load '' approx. $ 74,300 ' From my searches, I bel...

ASP.NET MVC 5 EF6 Structure -

After thinking a lot about it, we go to try ASP.NET MVC to upgrade a complex web form project. Are there. Is of Since we are new to MVC, we have a lot of suspicion. Our project has an administrative panel or backend with more than 70 pages and then a public site where we show all the information. 1) We are going to use MVC 5 and EF6 with the first database. The way we can make all the units together without writing a single line and how we can update the model when changing the database. We have seen how you can make CRUD operation with loft facility. In this way we save a lot of time, but is it the best way to do this? 2) We had different layers on web forms and then, at the presentation level we had an "Administrator" folder where the backend pages are in the public page root folder. How can you manage it in MVC? Since MVC uses VIEWS how can we separate the two parts? Apart from this, similar models are used in different parts, but what about controllers? 3)...

javascript - Delete data with Angular and PHP -

I want to delete the data with PHP and Anlor form MySQL. This is my code: Angular $ scope.delete = function () {that = this; $ Http.get ("delete.php"). Success (data) {$ scope.users.splice (that. $ Index, 1)})}} PHP $ data = json_decode (file_get_contents ("php: // input")); $ Theme = mysql_real_escape_string ($ data-> topics); Mysql_select_db ("angular") or die (mysql_error ()); $ Tbl = "customers"; $ Theme = $ _GET ['index']; $ Sql ​​= "$ tbl, where topic = '$ subject'"; $ Result = mysql_query ($ sql, $ con); If ($ result) {echo "successfully deleted"; } And {echo "error"; DB I have a table "customer" with subject and body cell The javascript code works correctly but still the fresh data is still alive !! Where is I wrong? As noted in the comments, your code is unsafe sql injection attacks You must add topic to your request angular $ Sco...

php - Active class not applied to certain menu items -

I feel stupid because I had asked a similar question before, but now when I went to apply it again I am running in a similar problem. I am working with a blog template using PHP to load page elements from the database. My PHP is a built-in menu and a .active style: & quot; Div role = "navigation" id = "menu" & gt; & Lt; div class = "page-menu" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li class = "list-object" & gt; & Lt; A href = "/ anchor / posts" title = "postal" & gt; Mail & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li class = "list-object" & gt; & Lt; A href = "/ anchor / demo page -3" title = "demo page 3" & gt; Demo page 3 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li class = "list-object" & gt; & Lt; A href = "/ anchor / demo page-4" title = "demo page 4" & gt; Demo page ...

python - TypeError manipulating array in NumPy -

मेरे पास एक अलग .txt फ़ाइल में निम्नलिखित स्ट्रिंग है: L # $ KJ # ($) जेएसईएफएस (डीएफ) (एसडी * एफ # केजे $ एच # केजे $ जेएच @ # के.ए.ए. $ जेएचडी) एसएफ एसडीएफएलकेजे # {पी @ $ हेज (एसडीपीएफओडीएस) (पीएफओ {# के $ एचकेएचएचएचएसएफएचडी (एसएचएफ) एस एफ { हिमाचल प्रदेश # एल $ एच @ एक # ??? # $ एच। ??? @ # एल $ केएच # एआँ? @ एल $ के # ~ एल $ केजे # एसडी) एफजे) एस (डीजेएफ) ( एस # $ केजेएच # $ SDLKFJD (FJ) SDJFSDLFKS ~ एल # $ केजेः @ एलके $ # जे $ एलएसजेडीएफ (एस * जेडीएफ (* एसजेडीएफ (* जे (डीएसएफ * जे) I उदाहरण के लिए, स्थिति: 0 या कॉलम 1 (एस: 20.0% #: 50.0% एल: 20.0% ~: 10.0%) मैंने पायथन में यह स्क्रिप्ट लिखी है, लेकिन मैं "typeError: सूची सूचकांक पूर्णांक होना चाहिए, tuple नहीं" पहले स्तंभ मुद्रित करने के लिए: आयात के रूप में numpy के रूप में ns से आयात आयात argv स्क्रिप्ट, फ़ाइल नाम = argv target = open (filename, 'r') y = [] श्रेणी में x (0, 10): y.append (np.array (सूची (target.readline ())) प्रिंट y [:, 1] मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ y [:, 1] के लिए सिंटेक्...

lisp - Basics for writing artificial intelligence? -

Now I am learning generalism and by this time I have heard many artificial intelligence. It seems that Lisp is a suitable language for writing such employees. So I wanted to try it and there was a problem with just one thing: how to do it, can you please give some sources and links, which generally explain the principles of wtiting one. I Thank you .. Try reading for Peter Norwich - with the general Lisp example for the use of some popular techniques Good book in AI field, like solving problems, finding paths, symbolic calculations and a bit of NLP. Note that the book is outdated, and there are examples of code in pre-ness Lisp, so you will need to make changes in order to run on modern systems sometimes. Another good book is aka "AIMA" Examples of programming in AIMA are done in pseudocode, for cases of study of this book.

c# - Facebook API call crashing on iOS - Unity3D -

I am following this tutorial and can not understand why it is an accident on iOS. No errors when played in the editor and unchecked on Android. It has crashed on this line FB.API (url, Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, result => ), which is exactly copied as a tutorial. Zero FBOnLoggedIn () {ParseFacebookUtils.LogInAsync (FB.UserId, FB.AccessToken, FB.AccessTokenExpiresAt); currentUser = ParseUser.CurrentUser; // Reqest player information and profile picture FB.API ("/ me? Fields = id , first_name, friends.limit (500). fields (id) ", facebook.htmpathip.git, apicolback); load picture api (utilgatepicture url (" m ", 128, 128), mainpicture clack); User ["Facebook Id"] = FB. UserID;} Zero Load PictureApi (String URL, LoadPrintCollbackbackback) {Print ("Load Picture"); FB.API (URL, Facebook. HTMMGET, Result => gt; {if (Result. Err! = Empty) {Util.logger error (result error); return;} string imageUrl = Util.DeserializePictureURLString (result. Te...

What is "use 5.014002" for in perl? -

I'm really starting a lot I saw "use 5.014002;" What does it mean in the Perl script? Thanks! This means that the Perl version at least 5.14.2 is needed to run the script. See. This enables all attributes (such as called , state etc.) that come with the version, see or even . There are several ways to write the version number, but it is the most portable, which is working in earlier versions of Perl.

javascript - Cannot get started with Angular.js -

I'm trying to follow some recipes that I have seen, but I'm missing something fundamental and this Can not also exit the box :(. Uncheck error: [$ Injector: Mondler]$injector / Modulerr? P0 = mt_sim & p1 = Erro ?? | 2Fmt_sim% 2Fscripts% 2Fvendor% 2Fangular.min.js% 3A18% 3A3) I am using Linux and Apache here The layout of my directories is: $ tree mt_sim mt_sim ???? Line Line Line Img a ???? One ???? One ???? Index.html ?????? Line Scripts A "A" ???? Line Controller A "A" A "A" ???? mt_sim.js? a ???? One ???? Line Seller a ???? One ???? Line Line Angular.min.js A ???? One ???? One ???? Line one ???? One ???? One ???? Line a "one" ???? One ???? A ???? One ???? Line Styles A ?? One ???? One ???? Line mt_sim.css A "????" ??? See here mt_sim / index.html & lt; html ng-app = "mt_sim" & gt; ...

knockout.js - Toggling between two chunks of markup with Knockout's fadeVisible? -

I have two parts of markup that I can toggle between using the fadevisible binding Trying handler In this scenario, I can make smooth changes - there is no such thing - is it possible? Unfortunately, I can not use the status: absolute or fixed because my container element needs to scale with content. JSFIDDLE: Code: & lt ;! - to be feasible: show - & gt; & Lt; div data-bind = "text: name" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - / ko - & gt; & Lt ;! Fadeable to: Show () - & gt; & Lt; Div data-bound = "text: 'jones'" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - / ko - & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" data-bind = "checked: show" /> This should work .. Wrap the box in the container and fill the container with the children. Edit: Hi, looking through my old answers And thought that I have to do one more time. Well I found a solution that...

data structures - Zipping unequal lists in python in to a list which does not drop any element from longer list being zipped -

I have two lists a = [1,2,3] b = [9,10] I want to combine these two lists in a list c c = What do you want & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A = [1,2,3]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; B = [9, 10]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; I for itertools.izip_longest (a, b): print i ... (1, 9) (2, 10) (3, none) Edit 1 : If you do not really want to get rid of any s, then you can try: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; For pair in (in itertools.izip_longest (a, b)) (filter (none, pair)): print i (1, 9) (2, 10) (3,) In reply to Stevaha's comment: Filter (Lambda P: P None, Not Pair) for pair in itertools.izip_longest (A, B)

angularjs - Not getting returned array of data from factory -

I am calling two different firebase locations to get data, once the data is loaded, I I am creating an object. Then press this object in an array and returning array. But I am not able to find an operator who is returned from the factory > myApp.factory ('MybetFactory', ['$ firebase', function ($ firebase) ) {var factory = {}; factory .getUsersBetsProfile = function (userId, callback) {// 1. First Phonebag data var firebaseUsersBetsProfileRef = new Firebase ("https: //x.firebaseio .com / profile"). child (userId) ); var UserBeitEvent = []; var Usbet Profile = $ Firebase (Firebase userbutfufferf). $ asObject (); // 2. Once the object calls the second location loads and the Data Usbet profile gets loaded. D $ (load) () (function () {angular.forEach (userBetProfile, function (eachUserBetProfile) {if (eachUserBetProfile == Null & amp;!! & Amp; everyUserBetProfile.hasOwnProperty ('ID')) {var firebaseEventsResultsRef = new Firebase ("h...

c# - How to parse JSON objects with numeric keys using JavaScriptSerializer -

I have an object that has been deserialized in C #. I'm thinking how I can parse it. I tried the following, but how can I get my class to recognize the key of each object ( 2 and 3 below) The JSON string below basically represents 2 transactions. I would like to convert each transaction presentation into a transaction object and change it into an array of transaction object. {"Id": "2", "user_id": "59", "offer_id": "1234"}, "3": {"id": "3", "user_id": "59", "offer_id": "1234"}} Here are my classes: Transactions {// is always different from the "key" field here? } Public Sector Transactions {Public Entry ID {Receipt; Set; } Public int user_id {get; Set; } Public int offer_id {get; Set; }} This can be done with jobs in the library. var transaction = job Purse (jason) Property value (). Selection (o = & gt; oo...

c# - Scale out PhantomJs instances on Azure in .Net -

I am using HTTP server like PhantomJs. I have only one example and every request is done sequentially. P> You can host your own ASP.NET application which uses the pretext. This will be the birthplace of the astrologer for each request, and will be managed by IIS. System.Diagnostics; Var processStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo {CreateNoWindow = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardInput = true, UseShellExecute = false, argument = "your.js plus any arguments here", FileName = "path / to / phantomjs.exe"}; Var process = new process {StartInfo = processStartInfo, EnableRaisingEvents = true}; // Pipe Output Process OutputDataReqved + = (Sender, Args) = & gt; {//args.Data is produced from phakkamaj}; Process.start (); Process.BeginOutputReadLine (); Process.WaitForExit (20000); Process.CancelOutputRead (); As you know this solution will not work on ezour websites, because GDI + is currently disabled on Azur Websites.

vba - MS Word exportasfixedformat PDF clear form field's result and save PDF with empty values -

I create a document in MS Word 2007, then enter a text form field in it. I keep this control by putting programs in different places of the document. Then I put some fields in the form field In the code: name = document. Farmfield (J) .name; if (name == "ground") document.Formfield (j) Result = "some text" ... then go to menu Save as PDF. Form field is empty after saving the text, and PDF is empty, what is the WTF (feature)? How to save the PDF with the text in the text field? I resolved the problem by code instead of the form field via its result: Pre> i = ND FormFields.Count; Whereas (i> gt; nd.formfield (i) .range = nd.formfield (i). result; I = ND Farmfield Calculation; End;

Regex for pattern match and replace -

I have several paths in that file that have this pattern / directory / dir I change them to a regex Want pattern; / / Directory / dir / b / / directory / dir / c / / directory / dir / d / / directory / dir / new-path-a / / directory / dir / new-path-b / / directory / dir / new-path-c / / directory / dir / new-path-d / thanks Search Pattern: (/ Dir /) [^ /] * Replacement: code

Redirect users using nginx as a load balancer to save on bandwidth -

I recently purchased 4 servers to load my videos. I am currently using NGNX as a load balancer, but I'm exiting bandwidth. Is there any way that I can redirect one of the users to reduce my bandwidth usage and still find out if the server is up? This is what I am currently using: upstream video {server 8080; Server 8080; Server 8080; Server 8080; } Proxy_next_upstream error; Server {80; Server_name; Location / {proxy_pass http: // video; Proxy_redirect closed; Proxy_set_header host $ http_host; You can play with weight parameters for the bandwidth balance: upstream video {server xx. 8080 weight = 5; # High bandwidth server server 8080 weights = 5; # High bandwidth server server 8080 Weight = 3; # Medium bandwidth server server 8080 weight = 1; # Less bandwidth server} Therefore, every 14 requests will go: 5 and 131 ser...

javascript - Ajax not returning success result in Wordpress -

I am trying to get the updated value from the database. I used one of the WordPress plugins folder to send AJAX data to the function inside a function. I tried to be cautious on both success and unsuccessful functions, and it has always implemented the failed function. How do I know if the AJAX response is successful so that I can make some extra code when I succeed? SCRIPT Remove function subfolders (department, user) {var value = {user_id: user, dep_name:}; $ ('#' + + user + "_ div"). hide (); $ Ajax ({type: "post", data: value}); } function.php Remove function user () {if (isset ($ _ POST ['user_id'])) {// resonant $ _POST [ 'User ID']; // resonant $ _POST ['dep_name']; $ User_meta = get_user_meta ($ _ POST ['user_id'], 'wpwf_quotation_position'); $ User_department = json_decode ($ user_meta [0]); // print_r ($ user_department); // resonance (json_encode ($ user_department)...

ios8 - Simple Swipe in Swift - xCode 6 -

I'm trying to make a simple swipe-up gesture, I pulled the swipe gesture detector on a UIImage, then I Drag the Ctrl button into my Swift file and create the following action: - @IBAction func swipeDice (Sender: UISwipeGestureRecognizer) {// test display testLabel.text = "Zing"} The app runs and runs successfully, but when I do test the gesture, it does anything Does not seem to be in Do all code need to run this gesture? How do I recognize it with a 2 finger swipe? give you user interaction on UIImage to UIGestureRecognier Has been added: open Multiplier Inspector for UIImage and tick User Interaction Enabled :

linux - vim: copy and paste text without looking into the line number -

For example, I want to copy line 5 ~ 15 and paste it to another location. I find several ways: Move your cursor to row 5, then 11yy , and p Command: Select the block within 5,15 y and p Ctrl + V, row 5 ~ 15, then go to that location Where you want to paste, leave enough blank rows to paste (or it will overlap with the current text), and p I'm not satisfied with any method Method 1 and 2, do not line me up The number will be counting or counting how many lines I want to copy, when the text is included in many lines, it becomes very difficult for method 3, I have to be able to have enough space ahead of me, which lines me It is also possible to count those that I want to paste. So is there any way that is like method 3, just before I do not have to leave enough space? Edit: Method 2, the original 5,15 yy is incorrect There will be a way to do the same as your 3. Go to line-5, then V15Gy or V10jy or Vjjj ... jy ( V is towards visual mode l...

sql - Optimize delete operation on table with millions of records -

I have a table with several columns "Reason" is one of the non-indexed columns, which is the repeated value It is possible. There are two million records in my table. I want to delete rows based on a particular reason, for example "MY REASON", while "MY REASON" has around 15 records. When I use a standard deleted query as shown below, too much time (approximately 3 or 4 hours). Remove from my_table where reason = 'my reason'; Committed; How can I raise it? This is the execution plan for that: plan hash value: 2164670663 | ID | Operation | Name | Rows | Byte | Cost (% CPU) | Time | -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- | 0 | Delete Statement | | 6190 175K | 101 9 (0) | 10:30:49 | | 1 | Delete | MY_TABLE | | | | | | * 2 | Table access complete. MY_TABLE | 6190 175K | 101 9 (0) | 10:30:49 | -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Predef...

javascript - Alternate for Web Audio API -

I have a web program that uses the Web Audio API Here the issue is that I make it compatible for IE Want to Is there an alternative option for web audio API, so that I specifically run the same code on IE? What do you need? If you need to do dynamic synthesis, audio routing, etc. you will only be able to get it with that web audio API, so your IE user is out of luck. However, if all you need is to run audio files, then I recommend that you use howler.js in Howler's various browsers and the operating system has a lot of compatibility, in which IE Different versions of

jquery - How to check scroll top or bottom without using scrollTop? -

Hello there is a way to check whether it is to check where this last scroll is, without the Masuhel incident There is a way to look up or down. As I have disabled my scrolling and have used animate instead of scrolling. var currentTop = 0; Var scrolling = falls; Var allowNextAnimation = true; $ ('Contact dive'). ('Scroll Touchmov Muswell', Function (E) (if (scrolling & allow .x animation) {if (scrollable current) current top = current hat + 70; otherwise (scroll down) current hat = current hat - (70) scrolling = {'Contact.DV'}. ({ScrollTop: currentTop}, 500, function () {scrolling = false; allowNextAnimation = false;}); returnback;} allowNextAnimation = true;}); I should know where the scrollt is, to know whether the mouse scroll is up or down or is there any advice? For Mussevel event: $ ('html,') Body ') (' MouseWeil Mosaicus Pixelscroll ', Function (Event) {var Delta = Event.Original Event.Vihil Delta * -1} Event.Cont...

java - Which one is the application server in the given scenario -

I have a web application in Java 8. It has been developed using Spring 4, Hibernate 4 and Maven 3 framework. I am deploying application in Tomcat 8. Now I have a stupid suspicion. My web server is Tomato 8. But what could be the application server .. ???? Mainly an application is the server, not the web From the server home page, "Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation of Java Oblat and Java Server Pages Technologies". The framework you mentioned is also a web server. The web server you are using is not yet clear. It comes with the Coyote Connector component, which can provide according to the web server side of the equation, but it is possible that it is running under a different version.

querydsl-collections and groupBy -

I'm trying to play with querydsl-archive, but failing to write simple group expression is my attempt here: Imported Fixed Com. Messe.Quere.Leas.Alias $; Import static com.mysema.query.alias.Alias.alias; Static com.mysema.query.collections.CollQueryFactory.from import; Import static java.util.Arrays.asList; Import java.util.list; Import com.mysema.query.Tuple; Public Square QuerydslCollectionsGroupByTest {Public Stable Zero Main (string [] Args) {List & lt; Foo & gt; New Fu ("A1", 1), New Foo ("A1", 2), New Foo ("A1", 3), New Foo ("A2", 4), New Foo ("A2 ", 5), New Foo (" A2 ", 6)); Foo F = Surname (Foo Class, "Foo"); & Lt; Tuple & gt; Results = from ($ (f), foos). Group ($ (f.getA ()) .list ($ (f.getA ()), $ (f.getSum ()). Sum ()); Println (result);} Public static class Foo {Private string A Public FU (public) Fu (public) FU (string A, integer amount) {this.a = a; this.sum = sum;} public str...