vba - Reordering of text and attachment in Outlook Email -
I am creating an email from a macro (excel file macro) and trying to sandwich the attachment through text. After the attachment has been added, I want my body, file, signature set olMailItem = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate (EmailFilePath) olMailItem 'with the search and instead of the subject "key metrics" tab for "KW # #". Click on Subject = Replace (Subject, "KW ##", KW). Attachments.Add ("H: \ QA \ QA Mgmt \ Presentations \" & Report (R). Filename). Body =. Body & amp; GetSignature (emailTemplatePath & "EmailSignature.txt"). EmailFilePath is the path of an msg file with an existing file and reciepients displayed. The attachment can be placed within the body itself, when the "bodyformat" Rich Text " You can do this by applying the following line of code to your function: . Bodyformat = oleformatrichtext '3 also works implementation set olMailItem = olApp.CreateItemFromTempla...